#known 2020-01-04

2020-01-04 UTC
stumbled joined the channel
i met this girl at a restaurant. i spoke to her and she seemed to be into me. i told her about myself. i am a fairly successful lawyer in town. she then began ignoring me some days and talking to me on others. i felt like the other women in the restaurant became more attentive to me and nicer to me and began signaling to her when i came in.
yesterday it was her last day. she seemed very excited to talk to me unlike previous days. she said she needed my number to call me about her speeding ticket and to give it out to her friends. she said the case for the speeding ticket is scheduled on valentines day and that she is going to handle it herself but needs tips. she also paid for the
meal. she hasnt called or texted me yet. do u think she is still interested and will text?
[tantek], [schmarty], [pawel_madej], [Nicolas_Hoizey], [jgmac1106] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel; MrSenyaEU left the channel
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