Guest37580, IR8911, jeremycherfas, [snarfed], [tantek], [Michael_Beckwit, mapkyca, [Marlin_Forbes], [calumryan], [Rose], [LewisCowles], [jgmac1106] and [schmarty] joined the channel; Guest37580 left the channel
jeremycherfasbumps When I upgraded to Known version = '1.1.0' build = 2020010301 I failed to notice that the Comments plugin was no longer included. I copied the folder to my install, and now I get a 404 type error `Oops! We couldn't find it.` Should I have done anything to update Composer or anything like that? Or is this a bigger issue?
[KevinMarks], [schmarty], [LewisCowles], [snarfed], [jgmac1106], MrSenyaEU and [AlisonW] joined the channel
[AlisonW]Does anyone have a simple way of backloading content (posts, etc) into a known site, ie. archived posts from before it was based upon Idno/known (as opposed to manaally adding each one via a mysql insert with the correct date / permalink) please?
Loqi[jgmac1106]: jeremycherfas left you a message 1 day, 6 hours ago: I have no idea what I would do with that. Is it something individuals would use? How?
[AlisonW]Thanks, I'll take a look at what it needs then (I'm already looking at how to set a few other things on 'new' posts too so they'll probably merge anyway)
[manton], MrSenyaEU, [LewisCowles], chrisaldrich and [KevinMarks] joined the channel