thesage1014Disco, [Michael_Beckwit, [Marlin_Forbes], nekr0z, clownske, [KevinMarks], [jgmac1106], [tantek], [David_Bryant], swedneck[m]2 and jgmac1106 joined the channel
jgmac1106hey jbove you think you could figure our how to add a rel and next button to every post? I don’t know how to figure the routing for next, a post that doesn’t exist yet
jgmac1106and would really like to bump alt text in the roadmap, I hate having to write post titles in ways that are always compliant with best a11y prractices
[jgmac1106]Yeah... I don't know how to do that... I also thought about a start and stop button for threads... But better just put prev on latest and next on latest-1
[jeremycherfas]In Grav there is logic to test if a post is latest. I would expect Known to have something similar as it knows the order in which to display things. But I have found the template go too difficult, so far, to get into.
andy_x86, [LewisCowles], jgmac1106, [Michael_Beckwit, [tantek], babouk, [schmarty], [KevinMarks] and [AlisonW] joined the channel; andy_x86 left the channel
[AlisonW]I've been trying to understand the db structure and successfully (I thought) created an entry by adding it to 'entities' and multiples to 'metadata' but it doesn't get picked up by the main install. If I pluck out the uuid I get "Sorry, this content isn't here anymore." - does anyone recall off the top of their head where that is actioned from please?