#known 2020-02-07

2020-02-07 UTC
[snarfed], maxwelljoslyn, f34rl00, [AlisonW], [Michael_Beckwit, [jeremycherfas], [LewisCowles], [tantek], [KevinMarks], [jgmac1106], h2Discord[m], [Rose], pbvieDiscord[m], ddahlDiscord[m], zegordoDiscord[m, M3baidDiscord[m], DavidFalconDisco, ambackDiscord[m], SweatDiscord[m], zgrDiscord[m], Tianyi[m]1, SnoochToTheNooch, sblinnDiscord[m], nlkoDiscord[m], adinbDiscord[m], BossMANDiscord[m, braditzDiscord[m, scandichainDisco, NetherwolfDiscor, Exca1iburTheWise, NatoBoram[m], discord[m], FeNiXDiscord[m], MairkurDiscord[m, jklepatchDiscord, chris[m], pcowgillDiscord[, astraiaDiscord[m, M|NecoDiscord[m], placer141276[m], snoopdoggydogDis, Oxy[m], paulmahoneDiscor, jazzy-jeff^_^Dis, amimDiscord[m], AuHau[m], nilocDiscord[m], doopDiscord[m], eddocsillDiscord, hyde__Discord[m], romaric[m], ShadowLingDiscor, drshamoon[m], sukarDiscord[m], chinsuDiscord[m], MisterGoreDiscor, jenncloudDiscord, Mairkur[m], MasonDiscord[m], UsDiscord[m], HooftlyDiscord[m, foxcoolDiscord[m, JustMaier[m], drshamoonDiscord, IgutinDiscord[m], godparticleDisco, robinzzzDiscord[, SpaceOutlawDisco, tttDiscord[m], a2b2x2Discord[m], fozzie[m], RDeckardDiscord4, achingbrainDisco, plexusDiscord[m], zwelsternDiscord, anthony-albertor, PamileissonDisco, mikeal[m], AnthonyCBuddDisc, cristobalDiscor4, gmelodieDiscord[, MachiavelaDiscor, SomeguyDiscord[m, marcocastignoliD, M5310Discord[m], AblibuDiscord[m], ritewhose[m], HexDiscord[m], megadogberthehim, koalalorenzoDisc, KinnardDiscord[4, KevlarmonkeyDisc, mhzDiscord[m], thestevewayDisco, lyon[m], johanhermanDisc4, CatManDoooDiscor, felixschlDiscor4, sekiDiscord[m]1, neilDiscord[m], HyunwooLeeDiscor, hvergaraDiscord[, solanavDiscord[m, matschafferDisco, sbpDiscord[m], EdmundMDiscord[m, OxyDiscord[m], oed3[m], Ja3ood[m], babaitDiscord[m], AltFreqDiscord[m, chrisDiscord[m], DerekDiscord[m], Googol30Discord[, pvienhageDiscord, thesage1014Disco, gtsDiscord[m], MissLavenderDisc, mZDiscord[m]1, aeddi1523[m], M[AXEL]Darr[m], ShadowJonathanDi, M8431[m], kevinbird15Disco, 32NAAALNO, test123Discord[m, DreamingInCodeDi, swedneck[m], RockSteadyTRTLDi, vasa[m], catmanDiscord[m], loodDiscord[m], vbDiscord[m], bonedaddyDiscord, LordFenixNCDisco, SuikaDiscord[m], enricomarino[m], alphapapaactualD, 14WAADFV2, GuillaumeDiscord, sander[m], carsonfarmerDisc, swedneck, obernardovieiraD, emakDiscord[m], M3baidDiscord[m4, bltavaresDiscord, denzuko-at-workD, tom85[m], PhillmacDiscord[, l^discordDiscord, richtercamdenDis, thomasbDiscord[m, RealSnazzy[m], cesarosum[m], zcopleyDiscord[m, ShokuninDiscord[, ArunDiscord[m], ptonerDiscord[m], Tianyi[m], FrenchBackBoneDi, panDiscord[m], TryptophanDiscor, psyonityDiscord[, modigDiscord[m], AutoAIDiscord[m], JordanKrageDisco, haywirezDiscord[, ksDiscord[m], MichaelTenDiscor, andrewxhill[m], PerinDiscord[m], ChubbyBoyDiscord, mattsseDiscord[m, NebulousDiscord[, kanej[m], drbhDiscord[m], gozala[m], JayWelsh0845[m], new0neDiscord[m], f-r-e-dDiscord[m, richarddavisDisc, nek1113Discord[4, TionisDiscord[m], efnDiscord[m], RyonezCoruscare0, PhiDiscord[m], brewskiDiscord[m, CryptoEmpressDis, johanherman[m]1, emersen234Discor, te0dDiscord[m], sekiDiscord[m], shivankDiscord[m, gauthamDiscord[m, doorknob88Discor, Gorka[m], Nebulous[m], MikeShultzDiscor, raisDiscord[m], nyarlathotepDisc, KubeDiscord[m], kerlanTDiscord[m, carstenmunkDisco, RockSteadyTRTL75, bostaDiscord[m], cardDiscord[m], mattcDiscord[m], SpidermanDiscord, XierumengDiscord, mikealDiscord[m], FranklinDiscord[, weedDiscord[m], AnthonyADiscord[, M0zAND1zDiscord[, berDiscord[m], kanejDiscord[m], zoink92Discord[m, RobotLordimperia, johanhermanDisco, Lolicon[m], AXEL-Lee[m], DigitalOilDiscor, RodolfoEDiscord[, HielleMatrixBrid, Dazuck-3BoxDisco, FusonDiscord[m], kppDiscord[m], rittmeDiscord[m], Rick[m], freekurt, baluptonDiscord[, JorropoDiscord[m, TroyDiscord[m], tom85Discord[m], ivanDiscord[m], leoalvarezhDisc4, ScottSmileyDisco, Imnotsoimpressed, NooooooWayyyyyDi, npfoss[m], gabrielbaron16Di, SenshiDiscord[m], Lilz|BetaMeDisco, Clment[m], cam4507[m], rklaehnDiscord[m, aaronpkDiscord[m, ithithDiscord[m], johanherman[m], icaruszDiscord[m, TianyiDiscord[m4, tobowersDiscord[, LSJI07Discord[m], Mai-HsuanKevinCh, Discord[m]1, maparentDiscord[, braditzDiscord[4, hacdiasDiscord[m, pankajmendkiDisc, cyluDiscord[m], ShruthiDiscord[m, UserDiscord[m], captain-nemoDisc, aeddiDiscord[m], yabirgbDiscord[m, william_shakesDi, M4eekDiscord[m], foxcoolDiscord[4, OlegStotskyDisco, jimpick[m], sacha[m], prtfwDiscord[m], MesaDiscord[m], nrtxrmndDiscord[, DoggersUniteDisc, pps96Discord[m], WidgetBotiocli1[, AtiqDiscord[m], Valium8862[m], abhi_Discord[m], grvhiDiscord[m], CarboClanCDiscor, MatthDiscord[m], LuutheCoolDiscor, manfred[m], Elijah3321[m], gorhgorhDiscord[, thomasDiscord[m], RenegadeDiscord[, lauren|Microspon, AlekseyDiscord[m, KarlDiscord[m], balupton[m], xylanDiscord[m], fexra|TRTLDiscor, cwDiscord[m], janttoDiscord[m], malaclypsDiscord, corylDiscord[m], maparent[m], M4star3starDisco, KirushikDiscord[, AmineDiscord[m], crestDiscord[m], EdEdorEddyDiscor, Akshay[m], cesarosumDiscord, Senshi[m], gregzuroDiscord[, matyas_mustohaDi, IPFSFanDiscord[m, distributedjoseD, koivunejDiscord[, vasa|DappkitDisc, jmank88Discord[m, kbo8999Discord[m, Romaric[m]1, Expherience[m], Ja3oodDiscord[m], bitspillDiscord[, EatsDiscord[m], sethforkDiscord[, iiogama[m], chmanieDiscord[4, WellinkDiscord[m, planetary_devDis, NatoBoramDiscord, watDiscord[m], RichardLittDisco, mZ[m], erlend_shDiscord, arjanvaneerselDi, Canti0001[m], cristobalDiscord, M123897974564Dis, JustMaierDiscord, jwheelerDiscord[, yjhmelodyDiscord, TeamIanDiscord[m, jessicaschilling, tadpole256Discor, reddDiscord[m], Dr_JayWDiscord[m, dqxDiscord[m], macerbi[m], bekoDiscord[m], sfromentDiscord[, ShmultzDiscord[m, HaybalesDiscord[, kppDiscord[m]1, lyonDiscord[m], vinDiscord[m], card[m], eshohetDiscord[m, betamosDiscord[m, andrewxhillDisco, bmiller59Discord, denzukoDiscord[m, borismusDiscord[, macerbiDiscord[m, sachaDiscord[m], EugeneDiscord[m], CharlieRaptoreum, M}Discord[m], virtual_vagrantD, celsoDiscord[m], vexlDiscord[m], realChainDiscord, WarrenDiscord[m], OrkunDiscord[m], allgoDiscord[m], gkimbwalaDiscord, CocoonCrashDisco, Giyomu[m], SnowballDiscord[, Keegen[m], gunttedDiscord[m, freethinkingawa4, JD9Discord[m], Lilz|BetaMe[m], radio_aliceDisco, TH0RynDiscord[m], boomshroomDiscor, wossDiscord[m], aphelionzDiscord, freethinkingaway, CyOp0x00Discord[, peterkDiscord[m], HenniDiscord[m], blzDiscord[m], SteffDiscord[m], placer14Discord[, rklaehn[m], fozzieDiscord[m], JohnnyMilkshakes, hazDiscord[m], EKLynxDiscord[m], codynhatDiscord[, SpicoliWhiteDisc, talbDiscord[m], thatguyDiscord[m, JonwelDiscord[m], M9uapawDiscord[m, manfredDiscord[m, rappelDiscord[m], DiscordBridge[m4, dunks411Discord[, Sm03leBr00tDisco, raulDiscord[m], icaruszDiscord[4, LokeLDiscord[m], TrevorDiscord[m], olizillaDiscord[, KinnardDiscord[m, doodlemaniaDisco, Luna14Discord[m], pranayDiscord[m], Hsiu-PingNichola, KeegenDiscord[m], AraratDiscord[m], skillman623Disco, jimpickDiscord[m, gnunicorn[m], WesDiscord[m], sprayDiscord[m], wourslerDiscord[, carsonfarmer[m], tangoDiscord[m], katakotoDiscord[, itsmekntDiscord[, DioBrandonDiscor, farhad312Discord, M011000100111010, suleDiscord[m], KYZITEMELOS93Dis, touzaikokonDisco, SchwartzDiscord[, HuurooDiscord[m], jonbvDiscord[m], llllllDiscord[m], funwhilelostDisc, buztedDiscord[m], jenncloud[m], UsamaIrfanDiscor, peatDiscord[m], nofwayyDiscord[m, SteelixDiscord[m, JoejoeDiscord[m], pr1meDiscord[m], neohexDiscord[m], tplookerDiscord[, SmileRobotDiscor, gorhgorh[m]1, PermawebMatrixBr, JungleHeartDisco, amatuniDiscord[m, gorhgorh[m], xlcDiscord[m], TianyiDiscord[m], mZDiscord[m], ZipperSKDiscord[, JeffMaherVegas[m, ZipperSKDiscord4, nebulerDiscord[m, cwchristerwDisco, DoppelgngerDisco, enricomarinoDisc, pierreboc[m], kevinkDiscord[m], gregjeanmartDisc, sfroment[m], chmanieDiscord[m, DamirDiscord[m], TimeOnDiscord[m], coryschwartzDisc, RomainDiscord[m], eddy[m], armaniferranteDi, simibacDiscord[m, the_nikinDiscord, ExpherienceDisco, JerbsDiscord[m], angrygnuDiscord[, gnunicornDiscord, aidxnDiscord[m], ZapierDiscord[m], dy5es41Discord[m, GiyomuDiscord[m], CryptoEmpress[m], wngrDiscord[m], silent_Activist[, pierrebocDiscord, dostDiscord[m], ianlopshireDisco, celsoDiscord[m]1, CantiTurtleCoinD, dhenz3SpeakDisco, MMMMaggieDiscord, poofDiscord[m], TyphooNDiscord[m, vasaDiscord[m], khalnayakDiscord, matsugenDiscord[, wossDiscord[m]1, appDiscord[m], new0ne[m], aaronpk[m], xtream1101Discor, aswiththewildDis, gumshedDiscord[m, nek1113Discord[m, ianfixesDiscord[, combrayDiscord[m, Sean|FortmaticDi, stuartDiscord[m], Dby0Discord[m], CathyLDiscord[m], bengoDiscord[m], AceFaceDiscord[m, swedneck[GMT1]Di, nocentDiscord[m], ngamboaDiscord[m, cannabysDiscord[, jgmac1106Discord, DaekiDiscord[m], n9tDiscord[m], SirMemesALotDisc, r5723013Discord[, JaoheahDiscord[m, felixschlDiscord, drbh[m], dowlandaielloDis, nek11Discord[m], hubaDiscord[m], circlesDiscord[m, eddyDiscord[m], daveatQCDiscord[, terryHDiscord[m], KisulkenDiscord[, HarryTmeticDisco, ReallySnazzyDisc, prtfw[m], KinnardDiscord[7, M9672Discord[m], plindner[m], TristanDiscord[m, flower88Discord[, msena3[m], hvergara[m], NastyEbilPiwateD, OboDiscord[m], RomaricDiscord[m, bushido711Discor, lamborghiniDisco, mapachurroDiscor, phynite8462[m], HeysteinDiscord[, AXEL-Brian[m], rittme[m], RDeckardDiscord[, leoalvarezhDisco, QwertyWhoreDisco, ttocslliwDiscord, [manton], tsrt^, seekr, [Sadik_Shahadu], [schmarty], [chrisaldrich] and ii joined the channel
Does anyone have a 'known' logo in .svg format I could pinch?
[mapkyca] joined the channel
You'll have to ask [benatwork], but I think there are licensing implications since I think it's a trademark of Known Inc
um, ok, though as it's just a circle with a K in it isn't a copyrightable logo
tell that to Circle K ;-)
lol. 😛
not only is their logo a circle with a K in it, their name is a literal description of their logo
ah, but the K has an extended line to bottom right, which might make a difference.
yea but the known K is in particular shape too
besides, logos don't get copyrighted, they get trademarked
and that's a whole different list of qualifications
[KevinMarks] and [schmarty] joined the channel
From the ToS "the Known logo, and all other trademarks, service marks, graphics and logos used in connection with WithKnown.com, or the Website are trademarks or registered trademarks of Known or Known’s licensors."
[benatwork] joined the channel
1. That’s true
So, a few things:
2. The Known Inc corporation is being shut down and I’m buying all it’s Known-related assets. So very shortly it’ll be (bwahahaha) all mine.
Its assets, rather. I apologize; I’m typing on a phone.
3. That hasn’t happened yet, but I expect it to complete in Feb or early March.
4. I do have a SVG of the logo, and I’m happy to provide it, as long as the logo itself won’t be in turn open sourced (for now).
Basically, I was adding a 'credits' page to sites, services, etc which I like or have provided inspiration, of which known has been one, and alongside the link putting the logo (pretty standard stuff, really). I also note there doesn't seem to be an 'indieweb' icon/logo/colophon except for the indieWebCamp one (which is logically a different thing imho)
In this instance, not a formal recognition of code re-use / licences
(ps. congrats on taking over the world-according-to-Known
Cool! What’s the best way to get you the logo?
a url, or otherwise email alison@alisonw.uk
(which reminds me I haven't checked my email today at all ..
....or put a copy on the wiki, with a disclaimer that it not CC0 or public domain
[tantek] joined the channel
[mapkyca] [benatwork] can either of you check this out and let me know if I missed anything or if I am adding in extra steps by installing from Git and Composer....https://jgregorymcverry.com/installingknownonreclaimhosting seems to work
[manton], [Rose] and [snarfed] joined the channel
my question based on the directiosn is why I am I changing directories to Known for this line: cd known; composer install, will that endup installing in incorrect directory if I was already in a different director or is their a subfolder Known?
If this is after git clone githuburl that makes a folder called known
ahh okay, thx, seems to be working, been cranking through these
[chrisaldrich] and [fluffy] joined the channel
cross posted from dev (bc this 🚗 me 😜) okay, I updated to latest Known version, deleted the IndiePub plugin, reinstalled, and still can't log into any microsub client...strangely the micropub side works, can anyone point me to anywhere I should begin to read up to try and sort this out?
[mapkyca] joined the channel
You installed in a subdir or the root domain? Not looked at the indiepub plugin in a while but I bet it doesn't handle subdirs very well
ahh okay, must have been a change somewhere along the way, worked for long time, thanks. Maybe I will just have to get another domain and point to that
[KevinMarks] joined the channel