#known 2020-04-28
2020-04-28 UTC
[manton] and raucao joined the channel
# [Aaron_Klemm] All that got me thinking. So, is WordPress+Known a common combo?
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# [chrisaldrich] Common combination in which regard?
# [Aaron_Klemm] That someone would use Wordpress as their website and blog and then use Known for a more narrow use-case, i.e. managing a “stream” of posts.
# [Aaron_Klemm] Or just that an individual trying to own their identity as best as possible would find themselves wanting to run both.
# [chrisaldrich] What is multi-site IndieWeb?
# [chrisaldrich] I used to do more of that use pattern and I know [jgmac1106] generally does as well.
# [chrisaldrich] Loqi has apparently fallen asleep? Here's the link: https://indieweb.org/multi-site_indieweb
# [chrisaldrich] I'm pretty sure [jeremycherfas] does that as well, but his primary site is built on Grav. (Though his podcast is on WordPress.)
# [Aaron_Klemm] chrisaldrich++
[prtksxna], [LewisCowles], [chrisaldrich], jamietanna and seekr joined the channel
# jeremycherfas !tell aaron_klemm Yes, I use Known mostly as a stream of micro-posts. They have their own presence and also appear in the sidebar of my main site. And a selection are POSSEd to micro.blog.
# jeremycherfas Thanks; working on it
[mapkyca] joined the channel
# jeremycherfas Thanks [mapkyca] ... And for all the work you do.
[jansauer] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] and [prtksxna] joined the channel
# jeremycherfas !tell mapkyca can you share to the link to the roadmap that benatwork mentioned?
[LewisCowles] and [mapkyca] joined the channel
# jeremycherfas Cool. Thanks.
[grantcodes] joined the channel
jgmac1106 joined the channel
# jeremycherfas Oops. Links to footnotes do not work in that post ^^^ Seems like Known removes `id=" "` on saving the post. Is there any way to defeat this behaviour?
# jeremycherfas How would anyone else be able to make sense of that?
# jeremycherfas And why bury it in the wiki, which does not accept webmentions?
# jeremycherfas Well, thank you.
# jeremycherfas Any ideas about how to get my footnote markup back?
# jeremycherfas Please go to https://framadate.org/T5832rnOcRIBwoeY and express your preferences for a meeting date and time. Note, I set up timezones for CEST; it will be interesting to discover the time you are presented with.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] I got EDT
# jeremycherfas Cool!
# jeremycherfas I know we've talked about over-zealous sanitisation before, but is this a drop in replacement of one library for another?
# jeremycherfas !tell [jgmac1106] You can really attend at 08:00 CEST? Isn't that 2am for you?
# jeremycherfas I've just changed the note Description.
# [jgmac1106] !calc 6:00pm cest to edt
# jeremycherfas Now it seems to have gone a bit weird, but I see your changed votes.
# jeremycherfas All good.
[manton], [chrisaldrich], [tw2113], [grantcodes], [snarfed], [arush], [jeremycherfas], [fluffy] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
# [LewisCowles] Postgres script PR launched. I'd like buy-in to me making a further modification to ensure no duplicate (_id, name) tuple-like entries can be present. Otherwise it's good to go. I believe having read the updater the errors in applying the patch prior means it's fine to edit the patch that would not previously complete.
# [KevinMarks] On the templating front, I like jinja2 for python and nunjucks for node or client js, and apparently twig is similar for php (php being its own templating language is a mixed blessing)
# [KevinMarks] Is there a way to unify templates more across backend languages, or is that going to be more annoying long term?
[mapkyca] joined the channel
[pfefferle] joined the channel
# [LewisCowles] twig & jinja also have ports to other languages including Java
# [LewisCowles] I like that mix KevinMarks
# [LewisCowles] nunjucks I got to use last year for some Twilio PR's... If I'm remembering it correctly it was different to the other two, or at least it seemed that way.
# [KevinMarks] I have used jinja2 and nunjucks fairly interchangeably, though the local lang stuff leaks in through expressions
# [KevinMarks] I've been using shoelace as a bootstrap looking thing without the annoying columns
[tantek] joined the channel
# [LewisCowles] 👀 shoelace
[grantcodes] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
# [jeremycherfas] Is there guidance on how to use Twig with Known?
# [LewisCowles] jeremycherfas in case they are busy https://github.com/idno/known/search?q=.twig&unscoped_q=.twig seems to include a template helper which unless I'm reading poorly is on by default https://github.com/idno/known/blob/master/Idno/Core/Idno.php#L119
# [LewisCowles] I think rename templates to have `.html.twig` extension and have twig syntax. You might need PHP for some bits.
[KevinMarks] and [snarfed] joined the channel