#known 2020-05-06
2020-05-06 UTC
Light1, loicm, [KevinMarks], benb__, [fluffy], jeremych_, seekr and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] jeremycherfas if you can't get ZOOM set up I am donating a Google Meet account to the community for the duration of COVID-19. gwg has zoom keys

[LewisCowles] joined the channel
jeremycherfas Many thanks. I don't foresee any difficulties, but it is good to know we have a fallback.

The_Last_Ship, [tantek], loicm, [LewisCowles] and [mapkyca] joined the channel
jeremycherfas Coming soon. I will announce here as soon as I am up and running. Will be Zoom.

jeremycherfas Just finishing off something else.

jeremycherfas Yellow IndieWeb is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

jeremycherfas Topic: Yellow IndieWeb's Zoom Meeting

jeremycherfas Join Zoom Meeting

jeremycherfas Time: May 6, 2020 06:00 PM Rome

jeremycherfas Meeting ID: 701 277 7223

[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] jeremycherfas++ wow Marcus hard to belive you can join us...your job been around the clock

jeremycherfas Greg, can you cohost?

jeremycherfas I will be two minutes late; I have a loaf of bread in the oven that is almost ready.

[jgmac1106] yes

[jgmac1106] I am not a cohost, waiting in room, will just start a minute or so late

[jgmac1106] in general I love two roles for online meetings of host and facilitator,

[LewisCowles] How would Marcus changes to API first impact shared-hosting users?
[manton] joined the channel
jeremycherfas Thanks for making the time. It was good, and I will keep it going.

jeremycherfas Don't expect notes for a couple of days though.

[Aaron_Klemm] joined the channel
[Aaron_Klemm] It was my first, but that seemed quite useful for everyone involved.
jeremycherfas I'm glad to hear that.

[Rose], [calumryan] and loicm joined the channel
[mapkyca] Thinking aloud here…. so for the file upload thing, what you really need is for you to ask Known “I’ve got this thing, where do you want it?“, which in the first instance would be a bucket provided by Known core. So, if you’re say, dealing with a photo upload, the file control would ask Known for this bucket and then start uploading while you’re writing your description. Once done, you’d get a ID/url back and this will be uploaded i

[mapkyca] don’t think we’d be able to necessarily backport all plugins magically, so plugins that did file uploads “traditionally” would need to be migrated to take advantage. We’d also handle a chicken and egg issue of posting a post without the upload being complete, although maybe we stop that entirely). In an S3 world, this endpoint would spit back a different location, but the fundamentals would be the same.

[LewisCowles] I think thats much more expensive than my idealised case of URL's
[LewisCowles] I'm writing a Gist now
[LewisCowles] gist of text (markdown)
[LewisCowles] So S3 shouldn't be a core requirement
[LewisCowles] but file-system really shouldn't be either
[LewisCowles] It's common, but the metaphors and language it introduces to API's directs further thought
[LewisCowles] and makes things seem like they must be, when they are more specific-setup detail
nekr0z left the channel
[LewisCowles] I think the idea of using workflows for media is helpful, but I'd view it more like ingredients than an ordered list
[LewisCowles] you may write a description for (I think all posts)
[LewisCowles] so what makes a photo post a photo post is that it has a photo type URL as well as the description
[LewisCowles] I tried making a photo post without a photo. Works fine
[LewisCowles] Same for music post
[LewisCowles] location post
[LewisCowles] the "kind" that is "known" (to use my rosetta stone) seems to be optional, like a URL
[LewisCowles] behaviour can then be isolated to a "kind"
[LewisCowles] relevant video mapkyca https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuEztAfb4Bk
[tantek] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
jeremycherfas Interesting notes [LewisCowles] I decided to skim through `endpoint.php` from the IndiePub plugin and see if I could at least follow the logic, and I think I could. In fact, I'm now not sure why, for example, it doesn't treat replies from Omnibear as replies, and I think it must be something in the request that omnibear sends. Not yet sure how to approach that. But I am thinking about it.

[chrisaldrich] I'm just seeing the event in events.indieweb.org now... ugh. Sorry to have missed it. Hope things went well.

[Ana_Rodrigues], [KevinMarks], [Rose], [manton], loicm, [snarfed], jbove, cal and [tantek] joined the channel