#known 2020-07-23

2020-07-23 UTC
[chrisaldrich], kupad, dagelf, [tantek], [tw2113], rMdes, [pfefferle], [KevinMarks], souramoo, [grantcodes], [Erik], [Rose] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
yeah the deprecated errors....then something broke on me trying to update from the packages and my db....hoping I can reconnect the DB or I might have to walk away from that version and start fresh
[mapkyca] in the next month or two maybe we can do an Open Collective meeting and you run (and get paid) for a session on how to update the plugins
may just try to start totally fresh with a new install on a new subdomain....I think my instance gone through so many changes across shared hosts, plugins, etc..maybe easier....maybe someday we will Known to Known export/import
well got Known restored and reinstalled from backup....just stuck with the 3-8 minute publishing time for now...will have a go at updating again another time...too risky during a class
last one two minutes not too bad
[arush], [Zegnat], [schmarty], [manton], Jibbles, [chrisaldrich], [KevinMarks], [jgmac1106], [michael_lewis], [fluffy], [benatwork], TakeV, TakeV1, seekr, jamietanna, [tantek], [grantcodes] and [Will_Monroe] joined the channel