cambridgeport90Known experienced a problem with this page and couldn't continue. Uncaught Error: Class 'Kylewm\Brevity\Brevity' not found in /home/ The technical details are as follows: Fatal Error: /home/ - "Uncaught Error: Class 'Kylewm\Brevity\Brevity' not found in /home/
@Cambridgeport90Well, first @Withknown install, and I think I broke something already. Will have to uninstall the Twitter plugin for now. Not sure why Plesk isn't seeing all of the composer.json files in here, but ... Think I missed a dependency somewhere. (
[tw2113], oskargold, seekr, [chrisaldrich], dagelf, [jeremycherfas], jeremy, jeremy-, [James_Gallaghe], fuzzbomb, [grantcodes], [Murray], [tb], [tantek], [jgmac1106], Zegnat, [fluffy], [manton] and cambridgeport90 joined the channel
cambridgeport90I took some time today to check out some of the forks for the Twitter plugin, but funnily enough, the read me file inside of it says nothing about using Composer. Not sure why not, because there is a composer.json file present.
[James_Gallaghe], [schmarty], [chrisaldrich], [snarfed], [Ana_Rodrigues], glenview2747_, [tw2113], [tb], seekr, [jgarber] and oskargold joined the channel