#known 2020-11-13

2020-11-13 UTC
[snarfed], simonw, sebbu, [chrisaldrich], [KevinMarks], [eddie], astralbijection, [tantek], [tw2113_Slack_] and [mapkyca] joined the channel
Advanced warning, I’m going to spin Postgres support out of Known core and into its own repo. This is because I want to make some substantial data model changes going forward and I honestly don’t have the familiarity with Postgres (or time) to maintain everything up to standard - supporting mysql and mongo is already hard enough!
Anyone who’s interested in picking up maintenance of the postgres branch please reach out
A quick heads up to @withknown folks - I'm going to be dropping Postgres support from core and moving it into its own community supported plugin (https://github.com/idno/postgres). Anyone interested in picking it up please reach out!
[grantcodes], CombatVet, [jgmac1106], [KevinMarks] and [manton] joined the channel
↩️ One of my technical goals, though, is to create at least a framework with the beginnings of the Indieweb builtin; for that, right now can use @WithKnown
[Jan_Lukas_Else], [eddie], jamietanna, [KevinMarks], CombatVet, [CrowderSoup], [schmarty], [tantek], [chrisaldrich], [tw2113_Slack_], [Raphael_Luckom], [asuh], dagelf, maxwelljoslyn, sebbu and combatvet_ joined the channel