#known 2020-12-19

2020-12-19 UTC
[Raphael_Luckom], btrem, [KevinMarks], Loqi, JordanKrageDisco, felixschlDiscor4, hazDiscord[m], CombatVet, lava2, [tantek], [fluffy], [jeremycherfas], dagelf and Deknos joined the channel
↩️ What, on git? Ok, but lets not use “main”. If we’re going to break stuff, lets make the change useful for people: I’d prefer changing “master” to “dev” for PRs, then create a new branch called “stable” off of the last release tag. If possible set that to be the default people see
[jgmac1106], [Alan_Smith], Deknos, TeeKay, dagelf, [chrisaldrich] and [Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
↩️ I’m not against this - not sure if GitHub has special features for “main” branches but if not, seems like an ok way to go.
^ seems a good idea
↩️ As far as I’m aware it’s just a regular branch..
jeremycherfas and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Making an announcement about @withknown later this weekend. I’m excited about it. #movingforward #backinthegame #indieweb
jeremycherfas, lava2 and murder joined the channel
↩️ Are you still affiliated with Known? I thought you bailed and got a job?
↩️ “Bailed” isn’t how I would describe it. But yes, I got a job.
murder joined the channel