#known 2021-05-16

2021-05-16 UTC
jeremycherfas and ADogNamedTipsy joined the channel
Hi All
IWSlackGateway, User__, [Tim_Culverhous], [dianoetic_net], ADogNamedTipsy, boooooooo, jamietanna, [KevinMarks], supercoven, tomlarkworthy, [dmitshur], [chee], [tantek], [fluffy] and sparseMatrix joined the channel; ghosthell left the channel
↩️ I'm going to do @Withknown with Git updates and what not,though I will be using wordpress for my other stuff; @DefendCambridge and @Faebornnetworks... if you're interested in that sort of thing. Follow if you dare.
sparseMatrix, [dianoetic_net] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel