#known 2023-10-20

2023-10-20 UTC
sebbu and [tantek] joined the channel
Attempt to export all my data to RSS results in this in the access log: ` - - [20/Oct/2023:03:44:37 -0700] "POST /account/export/rss HTTP/2.0" 500 888 "https://stream.jeremycherfas.net/account/export/" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/118.0"` I have no idea why it gives a 500 and would be very happy to do anything necessary to enable proper export.
I should add that the error log is full of deprecation warnings, one of the reasons I would really feel more comfortable with an export of my data.
it is probable
Raising this here, again, because there is so little happening on github.
[manton], [benatwork], [schmarty] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel