#known 2024-01-23

2024-01-23 UTC
[KevinMarks] and [Al_Abut] joined the channel
!tell @twistedtranssister There is a plug-in for Known that enables you to make static pages, and I would guess that is what [benwerd] used.
[jeremycherfas], Guest6, [tantek] and [benatwork] joined the channel
I use http://Micro.blog to cross-post to Mastodon. http://Micro.blog reads my RSS feed (for status updates only) and then re-posts on my behalf.
[Joe_Crawford]1 and [campegg] joined the channel
So the issue with RSS (Which I am familiar with broadly) I read the known documentation about RSS and not sure how to actually get that set up with known. So I have the static page plugin active and used it to make the about me page. But to put an RSS page together is boggling my mind. ((Also thank you all for putting up with my incessant questions!))
[snarfed], [aciccarello] and lazcorp joined the channel
They're not incessant at all!
Every feed in Known has an accompanying RSS feed automatically. Just add ?_t=rss to the end of the URL.
Feed readers should discover them automatically.
huzzah! I had a micro.blog that was just sitting and I didnt know how I would ever utilize it. Now I have to cross posting from my known to my mastodon instance ❤️ My last query in regard to the cross posting, is there a set schedule it will pull from? Or is it instant (or near instant) and automatic?
TwistedTransSist and idealhack[d] joined the channel