#known 2024-09-04

2024-09-04 UTC
[mattl], [mattl]2, [aciccarello], [Joe_Crawford] and [marksuth] joined the channel
thepaperpilot++ thanks for the heads-up, missed it at the time. deleted from Slack and the logs
thepaperpilot has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
still in Discord cc aaronpk[d]
looks like it got deleted in Discord
I am back again, and apparently as empty in the head as the previous go around. I am trying, and in vain, to get Known installed on my self hosted Namecheap. I did it previously, but doing the exact same steps this time only yields heartache and "Oh no! We couldn't connect to the database.
This probably means that the database settings changed, this Known site hasn't been set up yet, or there's a database problem."
No installer initiates or anything. Just that error.
I can help.
I have about an hour now if you want some help getting it up?
that would be much appreciated!
do you want to share your URL to your site?
yes my URL is: lonestarmensch.com
awesome, that’s a great domain name!
okay so you have a database from namecheap and you know the mysql username, password, port number, database name and mysql hostname?
Mysql Username/Password and database. I reached out to namecheap and they said the hostname to use was the
Is there anywhere I can snag that from cpanel?
okay, that’s good. let me make a very simple PHP file to test those details for you. one sec.
stick that in a test.php and let’s see if we can get it to connect?
okay and that test.php is just put into the root publichtml right?
right on. created and populated with what you sent over
you may need to rename .htaccess to something else for a moment too
as I think that’ll try and rewrite everything to use index.php
gotcha. And thats the one in the publichtml as well?
okay, got that renamed as well
hm.. can you show me what else you have in that publichtml folder?
happy to join a zoom call if that’s useful to
[edit] (https://imgur.com/a/uUX76iM)
in case the relay doesnt send screenshots
it did… just slowly.
can you make a mattl.php page that just says `<?php phpinfo(); ?>`
trying to see if something odd is going on
do you have access to any log files in cpanel?
let me take a gander at that, and also I have created that file for you 🙂
thank you
Not seeing anything regarding logs T_T
i think it’s called “errors” under “metrics” in cpanel
no errors in webserver or suEXEC
hm, you’ll need to reach out to namecheap support… getting a 500 error on your site and that should be logged somewhere.
maybe they have to turn it on for you?
I can definitely check. Thats at least a direction to look 🙂
I’ll be back around tomorrow but getting that test.php file to do something is something you can ask them about too
Because I took the zip archive from the known site, uploaded it to the root, unzipped its contents there. Created the MYSQL database/user/pass and then went into PHPmyadmin and uploaded the schema to populate the things (word is escaping me). Then created the config.ini and input the mysql username password and database name and localhost as the server and then navigate to my site in the browser. Those are the right
Just verifying before I go to support, that way they dont faff me about xD
that sounds right but i’m confused to why test.php isn’t working. you could try temporarily removing everything else you uploaded or just sticking it in a “known” folder for nwo
so you only have test.php and “known”
Did that for you
should the perms on the test.php be just the default 644?
[benatwork] joined the channel
Coming to this late. Hi!
oh hey ben!
The man himself! Hello ben 🙂
nothing else in that folder? No .htaccess or anything?
Correct, but good news!!!
An error log was created in the file manager!
oh good… let’s see it
can’t browse to it, you’ll need to pastebin it
http://paste.debian.net is good because you can give it a short timeout
ahhhh, okay. my bad.. sorry edit that test.php and put in your username and password for your database
oh crap xD Let me change that real fast
Okay, so it is throwing the same error in the log, this time it is showing for the user
something to check a little later on is if your configuration folder is empty (it should be if you're trying a fresh install)
can you try changing localhost in that file to
....omg I feel dumb as hell. I was pre-creating the config.ini. When I deleted it and put everything in the root, the installation flow comes up, however I am getting an error from the database still. But thats progress!
yeah, test.php just tries to see if we can get a basic connection to the database
"We couldn't connect to your database. Please check your settings and try again. Here's the error we got:
SQLSTATE[28000] [1045] Access denied for user 'lonepvne_admin'@'localhost' (using password: YES)"
change localhost to
it should be the same but let’s follow their instructions too
Hmmm. still denied
This is puzzling
i’d speak to support, get that one thing figured out
i have to bounce, time to get out of my office building
I appreciate your help! You got me to the edge! I should have it from here 🙂 Have a great evening!!!
Also - feel free to email me if you need at mailto:ben@werd.io
Consider me your tech support on the Known side
Thank you very much Ben! And most auspicious news, it is up and running now. All is good in the world!
What was the issue?