#meta 2017-07-15

2017-07-15 UTC
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
sknebel has 1 karma in this channel (47 overall)
tantek, [miklb], [eddie], prtksxna_, prtksxna, [pfefferle], j12t and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
vanderven.se martijn
edited /events/2017-07-26-homebrew-website-club (+12) "/* Virtual European Time */ Use appear.in, cameras seemed friendlier for multiusers and less CPU intensive for Peter."
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vanderven.se martijn
edited /events/2017-07-26-homebrew-website-club (-12) "/* Where */ Upgrade to new {{addyourself}}"
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[miklb] and prtksxna joined the channel
vanderven.se martijn
edited /events/2017-07-26-homebrew-website-club (+61) "/* Virtual European Time */ Change the schedule to something that matches what we have been doing more."
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edited /events/2017-07-26-homebrew-website-club (+1) "/* Berlin */ fix meetup.com link"
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vanderven.se martijn
edited /events/2017-07-26-homebrew-website-club (+59) "/* Virtual European Time */ add indie event"
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j12t, tantek and sl007 joined the channel
edited /2017/Berlin/Guest_List (+59) "RSVP for sketchess"
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[miklb] and j12t joined the channel
aaronpk - how do you think about the (much) proposals in https://github.com/aaronpk/IndieAuth.com/issues/138 ? As said - want to prevent domain locking by evil commercial bots …
[aaronpk] #138 Rename the project
prtksxna, [jeremycherfas], [kevinmarks], [chrisaldrich], j12t, [pfefferle], [miklb] and tantek joined the channel