tantek!tell manton looks like HWC Austin is doing well! I'll be in Austin Dec 11-16 for Moz Allhands. Interested in co-organizing an IWC Austin the weekend before? Dec 9-10?
Loqitantek: Zegnat left you a message 2 days, 9 hours ago: if I remember correctly we prefilled the entire month of september with the last regular august one, any reason we can’t keep using that as a template?
tantek!tell Zegnat Lots changed in September from what we pre-filled. Probably better to look at the HWC September pages and choose among those for which to use as a template moving forward. E.g. I'm always posting indie event + FB POSSE copy for HWC SF for 3 months now (July Aug Sept) so that's reliable :)
tantek!tell Zegnat also we should start posting a forward from the "usual" every other Wednesday HWC page to the Thursday Berlin pages - or was that only for September?