#tantek!tell schmarty,GWG shall we write up a message to send to IWC NYC ticketholders in advance? e.g. short notes maybe for the next few days of encouragement and reminding of details?
#aaronpkIt's meant to be a general pool for things like this so I just have to review how we're doing
#tantekschmarty - would still be great to get help with picking up breakfast on Saturday - and then hopefully we can use general IWC opencollective funds for that at least
#tantekand then thank some of the regular opencollective donors like Bridgy
#schmartyi can help with that. i'm not super familiar with the area around the venue, so if emmahodge has suggestions that'd be super helpful!
#tantekschmarty I figure for day one we can do a bit of fresh fruit (e.g. apple, bananas, oranges, strawberries from a grocery store - Dalberg has a kitchen we can use to cut / prep), and maybe a few (half dozen? dozen max) bagels and some shmear
#tantekI'll ask Emma - though I'd also suggest searching Foursquare within a 2 block radius of Dalberg
#tantekFoursquare is exceptionally good in NYC (where it was founded and still HQ)
#LoqiIndieWebCamp is a community that has come together out of a set of shared principles, including a focus on user-centered design and valuing selfdogfooding over storytelling https://indieweb.org/community
#schmartyshould be nice and easy. contents something like IWC logo, "IndieWebCamp NYC", floor number?
#tantekand I think contact info because the outside doors will be locked and not sure if there will be a security person there or not to let folks into the elevators
#schmartyhmm. should we instruct people to ping you in #indieweb, followed by a fallback phone number (i am happy to use mine)?
#tantekyeah, pinging the main channel is the best bet for sure
#tantekthat way anyone at the camp can notice and get someone's attention IRL
#tantekyou could also add more methods (e.g. phone number) if someone is logged into your site via IndieAuth (and maybe on a white-list)
#schmartyi'm realizing i have no realtime contact methods on my site.
#tantekalright I'm hearing very few folks able make / host an IWC MIT this year but some interest next year (adjacent to LibrePlanet), so i'm going to bump out its planning to 2018
#tanteksimilarly Brighton which I think adactio confirmed he cannot do this year
#LoqiGWG: tantek left you a message 3 hours, 40 minutes ago: shall we write up a message to send to IWC NYC ticketholders in advance? e.g. short notes maybe for the next few days of encouragement and reminding of details?
#Loqi[@iwantmyname] Pleasure talking about #IndieWeb last night. QT [@phpwlg] .@treitnauer from our awesome sponsor @iwantmyname giving us an idea why #IndieWeb is important https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DKoJDnHUMAEVFdb.jpg