2017-09-26 UTC
[kevinmarks], EmreSoku_, EmreSok__, [miklb], eli_oat, tantek, sebsel, clintpatty and [keithjgrant] joined the channel
# 16:04 tantek !tell schmarty,GWG shall we write up a message to send to IWC NYC ticketholders in advance? e.g. short notes maybe for the next few days of encouragement and reminding of details?
# 16:04 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 16:06 schmarty tantek: sounds good to me! encourage folks to invite friends/coworkers? remind them of the general schedule and what to expect?
# 16:07 schmarty looks like we still need sponsors for both days. i could get breakfast saturday. iirc last time it was bagels and fruit?
# 16:08 tantek yes breakfast & coffee saturday would be a big help!
# 16:10 tantek also do you know how to do YouTube live streaming such that it keeps a copy of the recording? So we can record sessions for folks?
# 16:10 tantek hoping aaronpk or GWG can help document that just enough for us to set it up
# 16:13 tantek schmarty: you're already on for Saturday lunch it looks like
# 16:15 tantek aaronpk - are there any opencollective funds available to help with IWC NYC meals sponsorships?
# 16:16 tantek or does it all currently go to domain reg + hosting etc.?
# 16:17 aaronpk It's meant to be a general pool for things like this so I just have to review how we're doing
# 16:18 tantek schmarty - would still be great to get help with picking up breakfast on Saturday - and then hopefully we can use general IWC opencollective funds for that at least
# 16:18 tantek and then thank some of the regular opencollective donors like Bridgy
# 16:19 schmarty i can help with that. i'm not super familiar with the area around the venue, so if emmahodge has suggestions that'd be super helpful!
# 16:22 tantek schmarty I figure for day one we can do a bit of fresh fruit (e.g. apple, bananas, oranges, strawberries from a grocery store - Dalberg has a kitchen we can use to cut / prep), and maybe a few (half dozen? dozen max) bagels and some shmear
# 16:22 tantek I'll ask Emma - though I'd also suggest searching Foursquare within a 2 block radius of Dalberg
# 16:23 tantek Foursquare is exceptionally good in NYC (where it was founded and still HQ)
# 16:25 tantek lunch we can plan just-in-time based on # / set of attendees / preferences
# 16:26 tantek I see a Create an Event button but I figured we should agree on some coordination for things like that
# 16:26 aaronpk oh huh i don't remember that site having events! they must have added that recently
# 16:29 aaronpk might have to experiment with this to see if it ends up being more straightforward than ti.to
# 16:30 aaronpk they did a good job of making the user flow straigthforward
# 16:30 aaronpk as an organizer there are about a million options I don't need and it's always a challenge to wade through the menus
# 16:30 aaronpk they support events that have a way more complicated structure than ours
# 16:55 aaronpk tito and the event permalink agree so i'm going to guess the events page is wrong
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 17:01 aaronpk just filed a bunch of feature requests on opencollective
# 17:01 Loqi [aaronpk] #427 option for what questions are asked when people register for events
# 17:01 Loqi [aaronpk] #428 new event type that just links out to an existing page
# 17:01 Loqi [aaronpk] #429 sync events from an ics or Microformats2 feed
# 17:03 tantek would be good to get some mf2 on their pages!
# 17:03 aaronpk i'll try asking in their slack about their thoughts on it
# 17:03 aaronpk i'd like to present a concrete consuming case before i do tho
# 17:04 tantek right, something they can use to run regression tests with so it doesn't just break with their next update
# 17:04 Loqi [aaronpk] #430 better visual design of event list
# 17:10 sknebel "Wishlist" section on open_collective sounds good IMHO
# 17:13 sknebel Btw, Do we have a list of things like OC, official accounts on twitter/yt, wiki infra, ... somewhere?
snarfed joined the channel
# 17:15 Loqi IndieWebCamp is a community that has come together out of a set of shared principles, including a focus on user-centered design and valuing selfdogfooding over storytelling https://indieweb.org/community
clintpatty joined the channel
# 17:34 [kevinmarks] yes, I could probably manage Friday - still workign out what I'm up to then
# 17:38 aaronpk okay caught up on documenting expenses from IWS (oops)
# 17:44 aaronpk how many are we looking at attending NYC? looks like under 10?
# 17:45 tantek currently 8 by my count on the event page - though from past experience I expect a few (a bunch?) more last minute sign-ups
# 17:45 tantek (3 indie rsvp, 4 regular tickets, 1 waiting for emmahodge organizer/host rsvp)
# 17:46 tantek aaronpk I literally just added "estimate attendance" to the planning page for that :)
# 17:48 tantek schmarty ^^^ sound good? we can make a judgment call at the time if we end up needing any more
# 17:49 schmarty tantek: sounds good! that gets a lot of coffee and bagels.
# 17:50 aaronpk and the best way will be to send receipts through that site
# 17:51 aaronpk I paid for IWS stuff on the business card tied to that LLC
# 17:51 aaronpk i've reimbursed a few other people before, but not through the opencollective site
# 17:51 tantek right, so that will be interesting to do first time
# 17:58 tantek just chatted with Emma - I'm going to get keys etc. from her to open up Saturday morning (she's doing a training run)
# 17:59 tantek schmarty shall we do a sign to hang up inside the doors of the building like we did last year?
# 18:01 schmarty that sounds good. i don't remember the details about it. was it an 8.5"x11" hung with tape or something more fancy?
# 18:04 schmarty should be nice and easy. contents something like IWC logo, "IndieWebCamp NYC", floor number?
# 18:05 tantek and I think contact info because the outside doors will be locked and not sure if there will be a security person there or not to let folks into the elevators
# 18:08 schmarty hmm. should we instruct people to ping you in #indieweb, followed by a fallback phone number (i am happy to use mine)?
# 18:08 tantek yeah, pinging the main channel is the best bet for sure
# 18:08 tantek that way anyone at the camp can notice and get someone's attention IRL
# 18:10 schmarty haha, i had to check. i do not. my email is in my homepage h-card, but i generally don't publish my phone number on the web.
# 18:11 tantek a /contact page can (should) have whatever methods you want folks to attempt to contact you with
# 18:12 tantek you could also add more methods (e.g. phone number) if someone is logged into your site via IndieAuth (and maybe on a white-list)
# 18:13 schmarty i'm realizing i have no realtime contact methods on my site.
# 18:22 tantek alright I'm hearing very few folks able make / host an IWC MIT this year but some interest next year (adjacent to LibrePlanet), so i'm going to bump out its planning to 2018
# 18:22 tantek similarly Brighton which I think adactio confirmed he cannot do this year
[manton] joined the channel
[tantek] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 19:27 [tantek] (Aside and wow the rest of this year is getting full quickly)
# 19:45 GWG I will be in Florida at that time
# 19:45 Loqi GWG: tantek left you a message 3 hours, 40 minutes ago: shall we write up a message to send to IWC NYC ticketholders in advance? e.g. short notes maybe for the next few days of encouragement and reminding of details?
[grantcodes] joined the channel
# 20:12 EmreSoku_ @tantek yes I am now.
# 20:12 EmreSoku_ the conf will be live-streamed, I got confirmation.
tantek, [kevinmarks] and clintpatty joined the channel
# 20:43 tantek did you see the question about conf dates from aaronpk above ?
# 20:45 tantek just confirming - is it Fri/Sat or Sat/Sun or ??? something else
# 20:46 EmreSoku_ it's Sat only
# 20:47 EmreSoku_ i'll fix that, let me see
# 20:49 tantek well with Austin and Istanbul we're only one behind the # of IWCs in 2016
# 20:49 tantek so if I can get help with (and some how plan) IWC SF 2017, then we'll be at parity for # of IWCs 2016 to 2017
# 20:49 tantek which makes me feel like we might be bottlenecking on a small number of folks who are actually organizing them
# 20:50 tantek would appreciate any help / insights from anyone who has thought about planning an IWC but hasn't
# 20:50 EmreSoku_ FYI, I was already asked for another one in Izmir, most of the people I've invited are there, and they want one in Izmir :)
# 20:53 EmreSoku_ hopefully this first one will be okay, then we'll see :) Austin is great, maybe someone can do one in Las Vegas, it's another emerging hub.
# 20:53 tantek hey was there an indieweb meetup in wellington? or indieweb talk at PHP Wellington?
# 20:57 tantek ^^^ worth adding to /events and making a wiki page for to get the photo into the newsletter?
clintpatty joined the channel
# 21:00 tantek EmreSoku_: about how many folks do you have signed-up for IWC Istanbul? is there a page where you can see RSVPs?
# 21:01 tantek (which is fine too - just curious either way)
# 21:01 EmreSoku_ on ti.to we have 20+ people I believe
# 21:01 EmreSoku_ we have another 6 on slack, some 3-5 people confirmed via email, and then 7 yes 7 maybes on Facebook
# 21:03 EmreSoku_ Definitely, I will. We will livestream too, I don't know the address yet but it will be announced at KWorks' (the host) Twitter account.
# 21:04 aaronpk EmreSoku_: If you want to stream it on our YouTube account I can set you up with access
# 21:07 EmreSoku_ aaronpk, that'd be great, can we livestream on YouTube?
# 21:07 EmreSoku_ never done that before
# 21:27 EmreSoku_ I'll check it with the host and let you know, thanks!
[kevinmarks], dougbeal|mb1 and tantek joined the channel
# 23:25 GWG I am so disappointed. My electrician hurt himself. No outlet for me. Otherwise, looking forward to Sunday
# 23:26 GWG Anything I need to do for Sunday?
# 23:26 tantek I'm not sure IndieWebCamp would fit in your kitchen, would it?
# 23:27 tantek GWG - we could use some help documenting livestreaming since none of us (me, schmarty) know how
# 23:28 GWG I have to remember each time, but will do when I get home
# 23:28 tantek it would be great to both livestream and use talky
# 23:28 tantek so we could have interactive sessions and also recorded for later
# 23:29 GWG talky was being problematic last few times. Hangouts on Air was more reliable.
# 23:30 tantek I don't think we were using appear.in back then
# 23:32 tantek what are those things called? group video chat?
# 23:36 GWG I will be in Europe on a Wednesday next month, maybe I can tune in
tantek_ joined the channel