tantek!tell sknebel wiki-posse-code? tell me more! are you POSSEing to or from the wiki? if *to* the wiki (any MediaWiki), then I am very interested in this - personal itch for sure - on my list! https://indieweb.org/Falcon#POSSE_events. Let me know!
Loqisknebel: tantek left you a message 19 minutes ago: wiki-posse-code? tell me more! are you POSSEing to or from the wiki? if *to* the wiki (any MediaWiki), then I am very interested in this - personal itch for sure - on my list! https://indieweb.org/Falcon#POSSE_events. Let me know!
sknebelAaronpk because people use that mostly (and/or lists of manually written ones) I think a really dumb pseudo-parser might be able to handle most of the cases, and cry for help if it fails.
sknebelBest parser that exists outside of the media wiki is parsoid (mediawikis next-gen parser, that they use for the visual editor), but its difficult to set up and our wiki is to old. That theoretically cab roundtrip mediawiki-xmltree-mediawiki
sknebel(E.g. for placing an event in the list, the main issue is figuring out where to put it in the markup. I can parse the resulting HTML easily for mf2 and place it there, but it is hard to figure out from there where in the source markup that is
aaronpkI have a prototype working on my laptop now, need to write the MW extension for it, which should be just a minor change of their existing basic auth extension
sgregersknebel: no prob, i simply added HWC Berlin to the /events page, as I was wondering why it didn't show up in the newsletter draft - interesting though: it still did not get included in the final newsletter
jkphl.iscreated /2018/Nuremberg (+4893) "Created page with "<div class="h-event vevent"> = <span class="p-name summary">IndieWebCamp Nuremberg 2018</span> = The '''third IndieWebCamp in Nuremberg''', but just one of many [[IndieWebCamps]..."" (view diff)