#meta 2017-11-26

2017-11-26 UTC
gRegorLove, [miklb], tantek, jjuran, [chrisaldrich] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
vanderven.se martijn
edited /2018-01-01-commitments (+39) "/* Martijn van der Ven */ Add PHP 7.2 as commitment. Never again get into the 5.6-on-everything situation."
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edited /2017/Austin (+137) "/* Schedule */ add EFF holiday party"
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!tell [manton] just heard about https://www.meetup.com/EFF-Austin/events/245317381/ on the latest Timetable. added it to the main page, but we should probably adjust the usual schedule to make sure IWC closes by 5pm
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
edited /2017/Austin/Schedule (+163) "/* Saturday 2017-12-09 */ add EFF party. saturday end of day schedule needs work."
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IWC and EFF?! Not good for my FOMO.
satamusic, [xavierroy] and [manton] joined the channel
schmarty Thanks! Yeah, I wasn't exactly sure when the EFF party was going to start. I had assumed 5pm wrap-up for IndieWebCamp, though... Hopefully that's alright with everyone. (Actually I had 9am start on the Eventbrite page, looks like 10am is when people should actually show up.)
[manton]: the 10am schedule is just a suggestion at best, copied over from previous IWCs.
as the local organizer, you know best what is going on with your event! :}
satamusic joined the channel
please feel free to update the /2017/Austin and /2017/Austin/Schedule pages directly, or we can chat here and get them updated afterwards.
9am-5pm sounds reasonable to me.
edited /2017/Austin/Guest_List (+842) "/* Participant Projects */ add self"
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I like what the IndieWebSummit page had for 9am: "Doors open, badges, coffee, and breakfast"
Maybe we do that and people can get settled in plus final setup.
We should just make the wiki page match the schedule here: https://2017.indieweb.org/austin
IndieWebCamp Austin
It usually doesn't
satamusic joined the channel
Ah, I was wondering where that page was stored. Thanks.
I've updated the Eventbrite page to match the 2017.indieweb.org schedule. Seems the best fit.
I'm updating the wiki now.
satamusic joined the channel
edited /2017/Austin (-48) "/* Schedule */"
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edited /2017/Austin (-3) "/* IndieWebCamp Austin 2017 */"
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aaronpk I was thinking about ordering a bunch of IndieWebCamp stickers, both for the event in Austin and also maybe to throw in for some of my Micro.blog Kickstarter backers. Is there a way to order larger quantities of this sticker? https://www.stickermule.com/marketplace/13488-indiewebcamp-sticker
yeah! actually let me see how many I have in my inventory right now, I might be able to just bring you a bunch
oh yeah I can definitely bring a pack or two
Cool. I'm ordering some Micro.blog stickers so also happy to include a batch of IWC stickers if that helps. (Would probably just need the original file / outline to upload to my account?)
IIRC i've had to include written instructions to stickermule to describe the rounded corners and round top right corner cut
vivus, tantek and gRegorLove joined the channel
edited /2018-01-01-commitments (+299) "Add a list of outstanding IndieWeb tasks I can reasonably do this year."
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tantek joined the channel
edited /2018-01-01-commitments (+546) "/* Commitments */ add self"
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gRegorLove joined the channel