#meta 2017-11-28

2017-11-28 UTC
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
tantek, yes, the quote in that Twitter POSSE copy was an image (cheap way to get a larger character count). The photo isn't publicly visible on my site, but is archived on my back end and is associated with the post.
That photo is based in part on Dave Winer's http://pngwriter.com/ tool.
literally a tool to do what KevinMarks criticizes
I forget what KevinMarks calls those things but there was a semi-derogatory term
[eddie] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] what was your term for the use of images to convey text e.g. in posts on social media?
[miklb], j12t, [eddie], [jackysee], [tantek] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
Those are kinda amazing kevinmarks.
[snarfed], [jackysee], [jeremycherfas], tantek and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Artefacts from a certain web era
jeremycherfas, rMdes, [kevinmarks], [miklb], dougbeal|mb1, eli_oat, [snarfed], [manton], [eddie] and [jackysee] joined the channel
Thanks! We need one more person to confirm the retweet!
i like the RT functionality aaronpk
ben_thatmustbeme has 3 karma in this channel (260 overall)
I was about to say I am not sure we should retweet an article we were criticising just a day or 2 ago
I thought it was a pretty good article overall tho
i missed the criticism session of it
[jackysee] joined the channel
It was pretty soft criticism, ben_thatmustbeme, so of little consequence :) But gave me a moment pause whether I should !rt or not.
tantek, [keithjgrant] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
I'm going to write up a comparison of websub and the FHIR subscription model - is that suitable for the indieweb wiki, or the SocialWG one?
unless anyone is using FHIR on their personal domain i'd say that's better for the socialwg wiki
I am almost tempted to use FHIR for QS, but I don't do enough QS
gah. Of course the w3c wiki is not letting me log in and doesn't have a way to reset my password
"you've already used this password' o_O
now I reset the password and it still won't let me log in
it takes like 10 minutes to sync everywhere
can they just hire you to fix it aaron?
i'm also not sure where it wants my email and where it wants my username
w3 let me log in, wiki still sulking
[kevinmarks] try asking in the # sysreq channel on irc.w3.org perhaps?
does the wiki want email or w3c name?
tantek, raretrack, [keithjgrant], gRegorLove, [eddie], vivus, tbbrown, [jackysee] and [miklb] joined the channel
edited /events/2017-11-29-homebrew-website-club (+162) "Topics+ Net Neutrality event coming up at Internet Archive, ht: sdepolo"
(view diff)