#meta 2017-12-14

2017-12-14 UTC
chrisaldrich joined the channel
Do we have a link for the VHWC?
At Halcyon ordering eats
Grabbed a table
edited /events/2017-12-13-homebrew-website-club (+85) "/* Virtual Americas */ Google Hangout Link for virtual HWC Americas"
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tantek, [eddie] and [manton] joined the channel
Traffic! Forgot about the Trail of Lights. Be there at Halcyon in a couple minutes.
[manton]: tantek left you a message 1 hour, 5 minutes ago: I'm planning on getting to Halcyon early (18:00-ish-ish?) to try to grab a decent sized table / spot (like maybe the nook on the right as you enter the main entrance on 4th) Maybe see you there? I'm planning on getting food there.
tantek, tbbrown, [miklb], [mikirk] and [asuh] joined the channel
edited /2017-12-indieweb-challenge (+79) "cassis.js auto_link domain support - prefers indieweb domain over Twitter handle, shorten Monday"
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[eddie], [manton], j12t, [mikirk], tbbrown, [aaronpk], [cleverdevil], [asuh], [jackysee], tantek, [pfefferle], jjuran, [kevinmarks] and tantek_ joined the channel
edited /2018/Baltimore/Sessions (+178) "/* Saturday */ clarify BarCamp session planning"
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[miklb], j12t, petermolnar, [tantek], tantek, [asteres], sgreger, sl007, tbbrown, gRegorLove and [eddie] joined the channel
edited /2018/Baltimore/Guest_Book (+496) "/* Guest Book */ +me"
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tbbrown, sgreger, Kongaloosh, tantek and [miklb] joined the channel