schmartyi really appreciate it. i love organizing and hosting events but i often get bogged down by unknowns. the content on the wiki and the general indieweb habit of making reusable content are truly enabling. :}
gRegorLove, arturi, EmreSokullu and [artur] joined the channel
schmartyhi [artur]! GWG is coming down from NYC. i am not sure how he plans to make the trip, but i will guess (in order of what i think likely): air, train, or bus
schmarty[artur]: Bolt Bus drops you off in downtown Baltimore, which is great. Megabus *does not*. Megabus drops off in a suburb called White Marsh which is another 35 minute drive away. so, not recommended unless you have a ride waiting on this end.
schmartyZegnat: i don't think so. my outline for that book would be something like: "1. read the wiki to understand some past events. 2. try to duplicate them as best you can. 3. when you get stuck, contact aaronpk in -meta" ;}
schmarty"3.1. Are you really stuck? aaronpk is a busy person. 3.2. Are you sure you are ready to bother him? 3.3. Okay, here's how to do it. 3.4. Everything is fixed now."
chrisaldrichFor those flying into BWI for camp, there's a train at the far end of the terminal that'll get you into Penn Station in the middle of Baltimore for about $2 versus a cab/uber which can take ~35 minutes and much larger cost.