#meta 2018-01-25

2018-01-25 UTC
calumryan, tantek and hi joined the channel
ooh it's that time! heading downstairs @MozSF!
[snarfed] joined the channel
schmarty, How did the IndieWeb U course got at HWC?
tantek, j12t, [jgarber] and bdesham_ joined the channel
gRegorLove the folks that came were all old timers with domains. We are going to switch it up for next time and do a “get a hosting provider” activity
j12t and [miklb] joined the channel
j12t joined the channel
tantek, chrisaldrich, jeremycherfas, EmreSokullu, [miklb], [jgarber], [tantek], eli_oat, camb, vivus, [cleverdevil], [eddie], AngeloGladding, raretrack, j12t, j12t_, [manton] and sebsel joined the channel; sknebel and vivus left the channel