2018-02-23 UTC
[kevinmarks], [eddie], [xavierroy], tantek, schmarty, jeremycherfas, Loqi, eli_oat and aaronpk joined the channel
# aaronpk weird, not sure why my servers restarted as part of that network glitch
tantek, [cleverdevil] and [eddie] joined the channel
# tantek !tell [chrisaldrich] any photos from HWC LA / Pasadena this week?
# Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
# tantek schmarty: do you have any foresight into HWC Baltimore for March? Can you add those quickly to /Events ?
# tantek if so I'll be sure to pre-pack your powersupply for that :)
chrisaldrich joined the channel
# tantek nice! that should make a solid four photos for the newsletter!
vivus, [cleverdevil] and [eddie] joined the channel; vivus left the channel