#meta 2018-02-28

2018-02-28 UTC
[kevinmarks], tantek, [tantek], [eddie], AngeloGladding and tbbrown joined the channel
edited /events/2018-03-07-homebrew-website-club (+761) "/* US East */ Baltimore meeting Wednesday this week"
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edited /Events (+30) "/* March */ add baltimore 2018-03-07"
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[miklb], [jeremycherfas], jeremycherfas, jeremych_, [pfefferle], [kevinmarks], tbbrown, [eddie], [dgold], AngeloGladding, aaronpk, GWG, tantek, [cleverdevil] and chrisaldrich joined the channel
tantek: schmarty left you a message 1 day, 3 hours ago: my march and april are already super busy, but i added some dates that i could do an IWC NYC in May: /Planning#NYC