#meta 2018-03-18

2018-03-18 UTC
tantek, [kevinmarks] and [eddie] joined the channel
That’s a very stark contrast between the display of Gruber via RSS and the IndieWeb newsletter h-feed. The domain name only displays because I’m defaulting to it due to the lack of author name definition.
I’m not sure which is wrong: Aperture not following the URL to the permalink to parse the h-entry there or indieweb list page for not having more content in the h-feed
But it’s definitely not working well 😕
voxpelli, sebsel, [gerwitz] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
hmm yeah I don't really want to put the full newsletter contents on that index page and Aperture doesn't (yet) follow permalinks to fetch the full content
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
We take your privacy seriously. Seriously, we take your privacy. You know how seriously a mosquito takes your blood? Like, that seriously.
[eddie] joined the channel
aaronpk: not sure you want to do this either but two things that I think would help would be 1: add an author h-card for the IndieWeb so that readers that don’t add a default name based on domain name will show IndieWeb.
2: if possible (not sure how the code works behind this page because I think it’s just HTML), you could add a 140-280 character p-summary. That might be a middle ground between putting all the content there and having a summary.
If there isn’t content, Indigenous will put p-summary in the area beneath the title (I’m assuming other readers would do that too)
aaronpk: getting 502 error from indieweb.org
restarted php and it's back
[snarfed], [eddie], [pfefferle], [cleverdevil] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel