#meta 2018-04-24

2018-04-24 UTC
tantek, [miklb], AngeloGladding, [mrkrndvs], [chrisaldrich] and chrisaldrich joined the channel
created /User:Ajft.org (+149) "Personal page of me, ajft, from http://ajft.org"
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[pfefferle] joined the channel
[aaronpk] nice 😍
tantek, AngeloGladding, [unoabraham], [pfefferle], [kevinmarks], jeremycherfas and schmarty1 joined the channel
woah, an indieweb 1password group is neat!
[pfefferle], jjuran and [xavierroy] joined the channel
Here's a little something for all the parsing people out there. https://jeffreykegler.github.io/personal/timeline_v3
[jgmac1106] and [xavierroy] joined the channel
created /Template:pstuifzand (+162) "Created this from /microsub; if it is wrong, change it."
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jeremycherfas: interesting link, thanks!
Fascinating deep dive. And now I know why a=a+1 makes sense, in some universes
I'm having trouble with the personal pronouns in this sentence from /microsub: "If your website is compatible with Microsub, then you can use any Microsub client to read your timeline and follow people."
It seems to terse to me, and needs unpacking.
Does this work? "If a website is compatible with Microsub, then any Microsub client allows people to follow, read the content of that site and interact directly with the site."
that would sound more like it is for subscribing to the content from that specific website
edited /User:Klezlab.it (+40) "added h-card achievement"
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this wordsmithing is cutting across two channels me thinks: Microsub, a technology for servers, provides a standardized way for apps, services, and websites to read and communicate different feeds. People include microsub technology in their clients, which gather feeds from across the web and display them in a reader. If a website is microsub compatible a user can follow, read the content, and interact with the site directly from the fee
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
same thing, microsub isn't really about following the the site
@skenbel then how do I add a feed to my reader if I am using microsub client?
the microsub server fetches the feed regularly (and potentially uses WebSub, if the site I'm following supports it)
but how do you follow the site? That doesn't touch MicroSub? and there is also a WebSub too..........
If I want to follow your site, I put the url in my microsub client. the client then tells my server over the microsub protocol that the server should please start fetching your site
and then my reader can get your posts from my microsub server and show them to me
So why then is it wrong to say Microsub allows you to "follow" if speaking to more or a layperson while not technically true it does sound like the microsub client allows me to follow
even though its the client allowing you to follow I guess
ah, I get the mismatch now
I read it as "follow the site"
that makes sense and I am writing sentences remixing what [jeremycherfas] wrote while talking about stuff I know little about
See, this discussion, while perfectly reasonable, is why I give up quickly. The whole client-server business, with a protocol that allows them to communicate, is foreign to almost everybody.
However, talk about a browser, a website and HTTP and they might more or less get it.
Even if they don't, they're not wondering what a client is.
...this discussion is the reason we can't get up. I belive creating more "human readable" documentation is essential to growth
yeah I thouhg about trying to translate "client" into something...but....
Microsub seems to me to be about plumbing. And I don't need to know about plumbing if what I want is a hot shower.
Some parts of the wiki just are not, and never should be, considered for general consumption.
Yes. Microsub is the HTTP that sits between your writer (e.g. marsedit) and your site.
I'd go further, and suggest that wiki pages be colour coded -- or at least have a flag -- to indicate the level at which they are ostensibly pitched.
Zegnat isn't it the HTTP that sits between a site you follow and your reader?
In the first sentence I wrote, "apps, services, and websites" instead of client
What is a service?
It looks like we don't have a page for "service" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "service is ____", a sentence describing the term)
It is Jeremy. I started to write for Microsub and then instead followed by writing the Micropub analogy.
Confusing times, all around.
My mobile client doesn't even show the last 10 words I wrote at once. When I get to the end of the sentence, I literally cannot see how it began ;-)
I'd maybe just name the specific case of readers in the definition. sure, you can use microsub for other things consuming feeds, but readers are going to be the primary thing
Microsub, a technology for servers, provides a standardized way for appsand websites called clients to read and communicate with different feeds. People include microsub technology in their clients, which gather feeds from across the web and display them in a reader. If a website is microsub compatible a user can follow, read the content, and interact with the site directly from the feed gathered by the client
so here I tried to use appositive defintions for all key terms like microsub and client. I did not define feed in the example but could.
Getting there. But doesn't interacting with the site actually require the client and the site to use microPUB?
edited /User:Klezlab.it (+14) "/* What I implemented on my website */"
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edited /User:Klezlab.it (+1) "/* What I implemented on my website */"
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edited /User:Klezlab.it (+0) "/* Federico klez Culloca */"
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Microsub, a technology for servers, provides a standardized way for app sand websites, called clients, to read and communicate with different feeds. People include microsub technology in their clients, which gather feeds from across the web and display them in a reader. If a website is microsub compatible a user can follow, read the content, and interact with the site directly from the feed gathered by the client. If you want to write on
website, such as leaving a comment right from your client using another technology called MicroPub. MicroPub is....
edited /User:Klezlab.it (+28) "/* Federico klez Culloca */"
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in my head MicroSub=reading MicroPub=writing
but a lot of bad shit goes down in my head so never use it as a point of reference
"Microsub is a technology for servers. It provides a standardized way for apps and websites ("clients") to read and communicate with content feeds. Microsub enables a client to gather material from feeds across the web and display them in a [[reader]]. If a website is microsub compatible, people can use a suitable reader to follow and read the content. Some readers can use another protocol -- [[Micropub]] -- to interact directly with the
content on the feed, for example with a like, a repost or a comment."
[jeremycherfas] +++
Shall I go for that?
Yeah, why not, until someone comes along and finds fault with it. Then they can roll us back.
"If a website is microsub compatible, people can use a suitable reader to follow and read the content" that still reads to me like your site needs microsub support so I can follow it in my reader
tantek joined the channel
Is that not the case, sknebel?
OK, editing ...
@skenbel would you jjust sy if your website is "indieweb powered or indieweb compatible?"
no, that doesn't mean much
doesn't mean much yet. Meaning can get critical mass
and readers are mostly oing to work with "normal" blogs with just RSS feeds, or might integrate with silo APIs so you can follow twitter users, ...
Microsub is a technology for servers. It provides a standardized way for apps and websites ("clients") to read and communicate with content feeds. Microsub enables a client to gather material from feeds across the web and display them in a [[reader]]. With microsub, people can use any suitable reader to follow and read the content. Decoupling the idea of displaying posts from actually fetching remote feeds makes it simpler to build a reader
Some readers use another protocol -- [[Micropub]] -- to interact directly with the content on the feed, for example with a like, a repost or a comment.
Sorry about formatting, but you can figure it out.
that is shorter and a less complex sentence I like it
[jgmac1106]: in the past when "... powered" or "... compatible" came up - that's why we came up with "IndieWeb friendly"
what is friendly?
IndieWeb friendly refers to online services interoperating well with the indieweb by supporting open indieweb formats, protocols, as well as enabling users to transition to their own indieweb sites https://indieweb.org/friendly
because there is a broad spectrum of such support, and better to allow for that with a more vague "friendly"
than "powered" or "compatible" which implies some specific level of support (IMO)
mornign your up early, or traveling
up early, track tuesday
klez, tomasparks and [snarfed] joined the channel
What is microsub
Microsub is a technology for servers. It provides a standardized way for apps and websites ("clients") to read and communicate with content feeds.There is an early draft of the underpinning spec https://indieweb.org/microsub
[kaushal_modi] joined the channel
(sorry, had to leave suddenly) hm, I find that definition even harder to understand. will make a note to try improve it later
[miklb] and ancarda joined the channel
I'll be out for a while too, but happy to listen to your concerns
[jgmac1106]: I don't think there's a problem with the gen1-4 naming. It's just a terminology; and for that, it's quite clear - after reading the generations page - and rather neutral. Something like "builders", "bloggers", etc. would be less neutral, in my opinion.
(bringing the topic over here from the main channel)
yeah after thinking on it (took a shower) I came to same conclusion
@skenbel also thinking about alternative ways folks could learn this stuff by creating projects in Glitch and websites in Thimble for example
alex_mayorga, kaushalmodi, [pfefferle] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
aaronpk++ that edit looks good to me
aaronpk has 54 karma in this channel (1623 overall)
!tell aaronpk Thanks for improving Microsub definition. I do think it is now better than it was when we started. I might be tempted to do a little more copy editing, but not immediately.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
yea it's not perfect but it's an improvement
aaronpk: jeremycherfas left you a message 1 minute ago: Thanks for improving Microsub definition. I do think it is now better than it was when we started. I might be tempted to do a little more copy editing, but not immediately.
You know what they say about perfection.
tantek and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Also thinking about how well video series could help "What is an h-card?" "What is an h-entry" Keep the format tight: Bumper>Explicit Definition>Everyday metaphor>Screencast of working in the wild>Bumper" Keep it 2-3 minutes tops. Gives you 300-450 words, but knock off 25 on each end for a bumper. Still can say a lot in 250-400 words. Come to think about it doesn't micro.blog suggest 280 words. Never really thouhgt about my ideal video and
being the same but they are
math is off, I increased length of bumper but forgot to adjust word count
i've really gotta fix the slack bridge for really long messages
or I have to stop using Slack, that's an easier option
IRC has a somewhat difficult to calculate maximum message length and words keep getting chopped off
videos would be fun, but that sounds like some difficult content to write :)
i'd be happy to do the actual production work on the videos as long as I don't also have to write them
[jgmac1106]: I might approach it from the other direction: how to make an online business card? which could cover h-card, VCARD, qr-code embedded VCARD, etc.
I have wanted to write some short presentations for a while now, possibly to bring to HWC / IWC. Say “a technical intro to mf2”. But turns out that writing concise presentations takes more time than I currently have available
I can story board them out, but want to finish the wordpress user research and documentation first
@petermolnar awesome idea. The businesses I am working with though are more on the, "but its easier just to update facebook and I know all my customers see it" crowd. Have to start at principle one with that crowd
[aaronpk] part of the reason I also want to be forward thinking about videos we use to screencast. Be nice just to build up a library of sources people could use in presentations and videos. Being able to strip audio or make gif for tutorials
yeah that'd be nice. there's been a lot of people doing presentations about the indieweb who manage to find and reuse existing content but i'd love that to be even easier and have more nice looking stuff for them
I will be going through each wordpress plug-in doing my own think alouds so it will be a test case
[jgmac1106]: there's an android app, called Barcode scanner; if you share a contact info with it, it displays a QR code; if that QR is scanned with the native camera of an iphone, it offers to save the contact details - I managed to "impress" people with this; no Facebook dance involved, looks way more professional.
tantek joined the channel
oh yeah i forgot ios built in a QR code reader to the camera app
I think it could be presented in a way to make it interesting
yeahI have the app. Still not sure why QR codesdidn't get built into camera apps
but i think visual processing and ar will replace qr codes
there's an idea? What is an indieweb solution so you could have embedded AR using microformats in real world stuff like a business card
My Motorola Camera App scans QR codes just fine nowadays. Really nice.
[jgmac1106]: I started exploring that idea a while ago with bluetooth beacons, but it was a bit too ahead if it's time
but what if a native android app when the camera was focused on a business card that might have something, say the indieweb logo, or any trigger determined by the user to load a page.
I also like that QR codes work with no internet connection
Phone screenshot inception: https://i.imgur.com/CDcXQtI.png
About as native as it gets, if you have a Motorola Android phone, your camera app can probably already do this
Never tried with vcards...
goes to try aaronpk’s second screenshot
@petermolnar in terms of business crowd are there plug-inns/tutorials for wix and squarespace users? I see most DIY small business going that route, but if I was trying to build a service layer on top of these technologies I would look to stripe and square, having your inventory back end connected to a super easy front end page builder is where I belive everyone is going to land
I have no knowledge in those areas at all
whoa you can do an sms:// link too
I have never used wix or squarespace
me neither but when I see people getting onto shared hosting now a days its usually through somethign like that
That contact QR was really fancy, aaronpk! In my popup it gave me loads of different options
Add Contact, Call, [envelope], [text balloon], Share, Copy, [Location]
cool, whats the logo button do? turn my logo into a readable code?
Not sure what the envelope/text balloon/or location marker would have done
envelope is probably send an email
text balloon sms
i put "Portland, Oregon" in it too, so [Location] would have opened a map?
Maybe, I’ll try!
It was a little finicky getting it to scan the QR code off of your screenshot
haha i bet
https://i.imgur.com/u4vePEz.png - me fumbling to hit the screenshot button combination, but there is the popup I get on my camera app on Android
malware through qr is not just rare, but extremely hard as well
unless the scanner app loads a scanned url silently
so if you know the app doesn't follow links, scanning qr is rather sage
Oh, this time I got an extra [link] button, probably to your website
Not sure why that didn’t show last time!
Location button tried to open one of my local transit apps, and that app immediately autoclosed :/
Since there are folks who basically helped invent web video in this chat, what would be the best resolution to make video shareable. i know folks can always scale down rather than up but I ended up going 720p rather than 1080p figuring smaller size also made sharing easier
!tell aaronpk I expected something a little more interesting than example.com
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
i put a real vcard in the other one
[jgmac1106]: compression is really good these days so i'd stick to 1080p IMO
but don't you all think the image processing in our phones will make QR obsolete soon, I should be able to assign anything a trigger and share that trigger within my community and they can load my vcard with that
okay will do
The second one is impressive.
[jgmac1106]: the thing about AR stuff like that is it usually works by referencing stuff online
so sure you can make an image trigger something, but then it has to go load the data
same with those bluetooth beacons, all they really do is broadcast a URL
but does it have to? Can we give the ability to assign triggers and reproduce the functionality you are showing with QR codes?
dougbeal|iOS joined the channel
i don't know enough about those to know what kind of data you can actually put in them, but I always thought they were just references
All the buttons seem to correctly work, except I do not actually have apps to handle them. For some reason, email opens the PayPal app, and location doesn’t open maps but opens a random train app. But I can confirm the vcard QR code aaronpk generated works fine with the Motorola Camera app
lol Zegnat that's weird
let me quote Zegnat on himself: "everyone's edge case"
I only have Google’s “Go” version of maps, and it is finicky. And I do not have any email app assigned on my phone, though why PayPal might register itself as email handler who knows.
eh, embedded image qr
that's a tricky thing
but an impressive thing
wechat offers to customize their built-in qr similarly
that post goes wayyyy into the details of it
Surprised that QR code works.
the image is part of the data
Yes, just skimmed the writeup, clever
I was also assuming you were using QR error correction there, and didn’t actually expected it to work with that much data being scrambled for the image.
tantek joined the channel
aaronpk, I challenge you to do that with one that also includes your vcard! ;)
yikes i don't know if that would be possible
that is really cool [aaronpk] license a photobooth, build in the technology and sell that to every tech conference under the sun
maybe we can do that at IndieWeb Summit
You can still fill the vcards URL value with whatever data you want. Though I would have to read the actual technique to see if that is enough to make it work.
or weddings, it would rage at nerd weddings, especially if a video url or images from guests did load
build an h-card on your home page, then step into the photo booth and take a picture and it outputs a vcard from your home page h-card
I wish I had time to wast a would go photoshop a booth
i've done some photo booth automation before
....of course you have
[aaronpk] Photo-Booth: some hacked together scripts for running a live photo booth at events
wow, that qart thing works great with the trollface emoji
[unoabraham], swentel and kaushalmodi joined the channel
build a QR code photo booth, rendering an hCard to to VCard and rent it out to every Silicon Valley wedding a 10K a pop with all the money going to the inideweb foundation or your pocket. Either way rich people pay stupid amounts of money for wedding crap, stick a charity on it for heart strings, total upsell
^^^ this is a very neat idea :)
tantek joined the channel
there's an alternative method for embedding qr in image: https://github.com/scola/Qart
[scola] Qart: Qart merge picture and QR code, based on https://github.com/chinuno-usami/CuteR
edited /User:Klezlab.it (+291) "added section on self-hosted stuff"
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[chrisaldrich] and [matthilt] joined the channel
[aaronpk] I think now I remember why I did 720p if folks want to be on camera and use their webcams don't most shoot 720p? For screencasts I can keep it at 1080p
oh maybe
there are definitely 1080p webcams but honestly webcams aren't high quality enough for that to matter
need a better lens for the 720p vs 1080p pixels to matter
except when you switch to screensharing, 1080p matters a lot
yeah totally
yeah I only want to do 1080p just means I need to upgrade my webcams.
I do a ton of screensharing, picture in picture, where you are cutting from users to screens so I have always been forced to shoot these at 720p. Will figure out if I can come up with a better workflow. Like somebody introducing a video in person. Don't know much about hardward but a better lens in a facetime HD camera doesn't seem like an unreasonable request
i'm pretty sure whatever you're using to screen share/record will take your 720p webcam and scale it up to 1080p as well
but the Logitech C920 camera is a good inexpensive option for 1080p webcam
I know but now I am rendering, and soon I am editing, and my ability to just spit out video goes down. Will look into getting new camera
tantek, [tantek] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
wow just by members alone indieweb and WiordPress seem critical, thouhg that ain’t the best metric
swentel joined the channel
I couldn’t figure out the name to chat, that dropped me into maespace
created /User:Tglo.be (+689) "Created page with "<span class="h-card">[https://tglo.be/ Arne Govaerts]</span> == Current setup == A self build static site generator called Nordheim (after the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...""
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[cleverdevil] joined the channel
created /Template:tglo.be (+60) "Created page with "<span class="h-card">[https://tglo.be/ Arne Govaerts]</span>""
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[miklb], [pfefferle], tantek, kaushalmodi, [jgmac1106], [kimberlyhirsh] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
My phone shoots 4k video which is crazy
created /Template:klez (+29) "Redirected page to [[User:Klezlab.it]]"
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This was a mistake. Accidentally logged into WordPress chat on free node. It was a slightly bigger room
tantek joined the channel
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
aaronpk: it looks like the tito survey for event attendance for the summit is using last year's days
oh no!
there are so many parts to that
ti.to is definitely overkill for this event but there aren't a lot of better options
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
created /User:Deeden.co.uk (+10) "Setting up h-card template"
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created /Template:deeden (+79) "Created page with "<span class="h-card">{{sparkline| }} [[User:Deeden.co.uk|Stephen Rushe]]</span>""
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tantek, tomasparks and vivus joined the channel; vivus left the channel