Loqi[superfeedr] "What I am up to as of… 16 April 2018 Looking into IndieWeb and how to create an IndieWebSite Setting up www.serenawho.com to work with micro.blog Learning about webmentions and how to make them work on this blog Understanding VoiceOver navigation on iOS This page inspired by Derek Sivers" by Serena Ho on 2018-04-19 https://www.serenawho.com/2018/04/19/119/
jeremycherfasOn which note, why would "view all recent contributions" on the home page link to recent contributions to the wiki, in the form of diffs? Seems off-putting to me.
aaronpkjeremycherfas: either way you won't be able to submit an arbitrary link there, it has to link to indienews itself, or you can submit a bookmark of it from your site
Loqi[superfeedr] "This is the problem with a partially techy person (me) trying to do something techy. I go installing IndieWeb stuff left, right and center without understanding all the code behind it, and now things and breaking on me. Thank you, @dshanske, for putting up with all my issues, I just keep breaking your plugins." by Serena on 2018-04-29 https://www.serenawho.com/2018/04/29/142/
AngeloGladding, [pfefferle] and eli_oat joined the channel