#[schmarty]GWG: that's ok. i'll have a key for you and we can coordinate. i will be interested to hear about your train trip!
#GWG[schmarty]: The Cacades is taking the old Puget Sound route. Apparently the newer route is closed down due to some derailments. But this sounds more scenic
#[schmarty]scenic *and* fewer derailments! it has a lot going for it. :}
#GWG[schmarty]: I just have to figure out what I'm doing in Seattle for the weekend. Have to call the friend I'm visiting.
#aaronpkdecentralized karma is basically indiepay.me
#tantek__aaronpk, not really. quite the reach to conflate financial instruments and karma
#aaronpkindiepay.me is not actually a financial instrument. it's just keeping track of what one person says they owe another
#aaronpkyou could s/$/Karma and it would work great
#tantek__we give (and take!) karma to concepts and objects too
#tantek__not really, user expectations are different
#tantek__they have some overlap. they are not subsitutable nor the same (even on a plumbing level)
#aaronpki was thinking if you copied indiepay.me and launched it at a different domain and changed all the dollar signs to karma, it would totally work to keep track of distributed karma
#[jgmac1106][aaronpk] as soon as I saw Indiepay.me I thought about the webmentions badging system. A ledger is a ledger
AngeloGladding and gRegorLove joined the channel
#gRegorLove!tell mblaney Sure, I'd be up to split a room. I think I'm going to arrive on Sunday and leave on Thursday. Will confirm when I get my flights this week.
#LoqigRegorLove: mblaney left you a message 15 hours, 44 minutes ago: let me know if you're interested in splitting a twin room at university place hotel?
#mblaneygRegorLove cool I'm in town for a bit longer, but will book an airbnb the other nights.
#Loqimblaney: gRegorLove left you a message 1 hour, 16 minutes ago: Sure, I'd be up to split a room. I think I'm going to arrive on Sunday and leave on Thursday. Will confirm when I get my flights this week.