GWG[schmarty]: The Cacades is taking the old Puget Sound route. Apparently the newer route is closed down due to some derailments. But this sounds more scenic
aaronpki was thinking if you copied and launched it at a different domain and changed all the dollar signs to karma, it would totally work to keep track of distributed karma
gRegorLove!tell mblaney Sure, I'd be up to split a room. I think I'm going to arrive on Sunday and leave on Thursday. Will confirm when I get my flights this week.
LoqigRegorLove: mblaney left you a message 15 hours, 44 minutes ago: let me know if you're interested in splitting a twin room at university place hotel?
Loqimblaney: gRegorLove left you a message 1 hour, 16 minutes ago: Sure, I'd be up to split a room. I think I'm going to arrive on Sunday and leave on Thursday. Will confirm when I get my flights this week.