#meta 2018-05-15

2018-05-15 UTC
eli_oat and vivus joined the channel; vivus left the channel
[superfeedr] "Give a kid a blog and watch them become content creators. Give them a Domain and watch them create an identity. #edtechchat #indieweb #doo #GoOpen" by Greg McVerry on 2018-05-15 http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/05/15/give-a-kid-a-blog-and-watch-them-become-content
[superfeedr] "Running short free course this summer (probably August) for teachesr who want to take their blog to the #indieweb, learn how to use GitHub," by Greg McVerry on 2018-05-15 http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/05/15/running-short-free-course-this-summer-probably-august-for-teachesr
[superfeedr] "@heathermlister If you are a WordPress blogger I am recruiting teachers for "think aloud" studies as you install #indieweb plugins. Will contact you about August course." by Greg McVerry on 2018-05-15 http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/05/15/heathermlister-if-you-are-a-wordpress-blogger-i-am-recruiting
[miklb], [jgmac1106], [chrisaldrich], eli_oat, [grantcodes], [eddie], AngeloGladding, tomasparks, tantek__ and swentel joined the channel
[superfeedr] "Today's goal in #indieweb is take my syllabus, originally built on a Skeleton framework and update it to CSS grid. May try to do a" by Greg McVerry on 2018-05-15 http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/05/15/todays-goal-in-indieweb-is-take-my-syllabus-originally-built
[pfefferle], swentel, [jgmac1106] and [xavierroy] joined the channel
[superfeedr] "Speaking as a citizen of the indieweb and not one by Amanda (Amanda Unvarnished)Iā€™m done with syndication...." by Greg McVerry on 2018-05-15 https://jgregorymcverry.com/2419-2/
[jeremycherfas], tantek__, jeremycherfas and [kevinmarks] joined the channel; jgmac1106 left the channel
[superfeedr] "Sad to see @malexandrou Ultimate Category Excluder plug-in is no longer supported. Thanks for the work you did. Many in the #indieweb WordPress community relied" by Greg McVerry on 2018-05-15 http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/05/15/sad-to-see-malexandrou-ultimate-category-excluder-plug-in-is-no
jjuran, tantek__, jgmac1106 and swentel joined the channel
[superfeedr] "Post from Three Years Ago on #IndieWeb and Syndication" by <span class='p-author h-card'>Greg McVerry</span> on 2018-05-15 https://jgregorymcverry.com/post-from-three-years-ago-on-indieweb-and-syndication/
[stefp], [xavierroy], [kevinmarks] and [kim_landwehr] joined the channel
jjuran and vivus joined the channel
edited /events/2018-05-15-homebrew-website-club (+39) "/* Details */ add discussion topic"
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gRegorLove joined the channel
[grantcodes], [eddie] and [manton] joined the channel; vivus left the channel
[superfeedr] "Opening Up Digital Teaching and Learning II" by <span class='p-author h-card'>Greg McVerry</span> on 2018-05-15 https://jgregorymcverry.com/opening-up-digital-teaching-and-learning-ii/
[chrisaldrich] and AngeloGladding joined the channel
[superfeedr] "Today was day 2 of my WordPress only #indieweb experiment. So far I am leaning away from WordPress and back to a different platform for microblogging" by <span class='p-author h-card'>Greg McVerry</span> on 2018-05-15 https://jgregorymcverry.com/today-was-day-2-of-my-wordpress-only-indieweb-experiment-so-far-i-am-leaning-away-from-wordpress-and-back-to-a-different-platform-for-microblogging/
[superfeedr] "UI suggestions for watches" by Chris Aldrich on 2018-05-15 https://boffosocko.com/2018/05/15/ui-suggestions-for-watches/
[cleverdevil] and [schmarty] joined the channel
anybody here been to the Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE) conference in NYC? for those not familiar, it's a bi-annual conference with lots of talks and hands-on workshops about hacking and DIY organized by 2600 magazine.
i have been to the last 3 or 4 HOPEs and just realized that maybe it would be a good place for an IndieWeb talk, since there are often talks about Tor, decentralization, owning your data, shutting down surveillance capitalism, etc...
[kevinmarks], eli_oat and [grantcodes] joined the channel
schmarty, do it! :) I haven't been; sounds cool.
GWG: any interest in coming down to join in? i'm thinking about submitting a workshop for Homebrew Website Club @ HOPE...
[superfeedr] "So, IndieWeb. Giving this a try. Thanks to indirect suggestions from people like @cleverdevil, and through the help of Known, I'm working to bring my" by Michael Singletary on 2018-01-15 https://singletary.io/2018/so-indieweb-giving-this-a-try-thanks-to-indirect-suggestions
[superfeedr] "Nitin got me thinking about why I value my content and what made me choose to start posting primarily through my own website (powered by" by Michael Singletary on 2018-01-17 https://singletary.io/2018/nitin-got-me-thinking-about-why-i-value-my-content
[superfeedr] "Fears of the IndieWeb" by Michael Singletary on 2018-01-16 https://singletary.io/2018/fears-of-the-indieweb
due to an unfortunate combo of down internet and impending thunderstorm and flood watch, HWC Baltimore is canceling tonight. will return in two weeks!
Flood watch. Oof. Stay safe!
edited /events/2018-05-15-homebrew-website-club (+310) "canceled this week due to thunderstorms and internet outage at venue"
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thanks! it's frustrating because it is currently very sunny out, but storms are expected to start right around our usual meeting time.
and the sftp finishes before the storm hits,
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Be safe [schmarty] we have tornado warning for next fifteen minutes or so in Connecticut
[chrisaldrich] and [schmarty] joined the channel
glad you are almost out of it, [jgmac1106]! hope it passes you by.
jgmac1106 joined the channel
[schmarty] game of uno in the basement. Luckily the blizzards took out most of the weak trees. Only lost power for a second.
schmarty, I have never been, but if I am around maybe. Not sure if I will be exiled again
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel