#meta 2018-05-17

2018-05-17 UTC
eli_oat, [xavierroy], [wiobyrne], [grantcodes], [manton] and mblaney joined the channel
mblaney: gRegorLove left you a message 21 hours, 56 minutes ago: flights booked. I'm getting in 6/24 at 14:30, leaving 6/28
!tell gRegorLove great I'm happy to book, it's $206 each for 4 nights for the twin economy room if you're happy with that.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
hmmm, not sure how your taxes work but it's telling me state and city taxes not included, so could be more?
dougbeal|iOS and dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
mblaney, sounds good!
gRegorLove: mblaney left you a message 2 hours, 47 minutes ago: great I'm happy to book, it's $206 each for 4 nights for the twin economy room if you're happy with that.
strugee and AngeloGladding joined the channel
[superfeedr] "👓 After 5 years and $3M, here’s everything we’ve learned from building Ghost | Ghost" by Chris Aldrich on 2018-05-16 https://boffosocko.com/2018/05/16/after-5-years-and-3m-heres-everything-weve-learned-from-building-ghost-ghost/
ok done. see you there! :-)
tantek__ and swentel joined the channel
petermolnar, jjuran, tantek__, eureka, jeremycherfas, [jgmac1106] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
what is the correct Known channel on irc when I join indieweb-known it is wrong
It looks like we don't have a page for "correct Known channel on irc when I join indieweb-known it is wrong" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "correct Known channel on irc when I join indieweb-known it is wrong is ____", a sentence describing the term)
mblaney left the channel
jgmac1106, it is #knownchat
edited /2018/Leaders (+83) "/* Remote Participation */"
(view diff)
tantek__, [kimberlyhirsh] and swentel joined the channel
[superfeedr] "2018-05-17-02" by Jeremy Cherfas on 2018-05-17 https://stream.jeremycherfas.net/2018/2018-05-17-02
swentel, [wiobyrne], [pfefferle] and tomasparks joined the channel
[superfeedr] "Day 4 of IndieWeb WordPress Only" by Greg McVerry on 2018-05-17 https://jgregorymcverry.com/day-4-of-indieweb-wordpress-only/
[xavierroy] joined the channel
is there already a wiki page listing all the wordpress plug-in repos in one place? I might suggest a markdown file of all the repos that everyone coudl also put in their own repo. Just didn’t want to start a wiki page if one exists
What is Wordpress Plugins?
WordPress Plugins are plugins that can help make your site more IndieWeb friendly https://indieweb.org/WordPress/Plugins
[zegnat] thx did not know WordPress frowned upon GitHub maintenance, maybe they should make their plugin codebase system not suck as much
I guess only pointing to Wordpress official plug in pages is best practice
[tantek] joined the channel
Save the date! November 3-4 IWC Berlin!!! Just convinced [jkphl] to tentatively announce! https://instagram.com/p/Bi4mQwHFhFs/
[marc thiele] Meeting a lovely group of people in Berlin. Not even at the event I am at. Hey Joschi, @tantek and @daithesong. https://scontent-ort2-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/7be4eda49e38d8310752792952ada168/5B8947C7/t51.2885-15/e35/31909966_143494983174519_678934291119341568_n.jpg
^^^ worth adding to IWC Events? "IWC Berlin planning & brainstorming" at Cafe NeunDrei
[manton], [chrisaldrich] and gRegorLove joined the channel
!tell mblaney Let me know how much I owe you and how you prefer I pay you.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[wiobyrne], eli_oat, [kevinmarks], [jgmac1106], [jeremycherfas], AngeloGladding and mblaney joined the channel
gRegorLove just use indiepay.me!
mblaney: gRegorLove left you a message 6 hours, 7 minutes ago: Let me know how much I owe you and how you prefer I pay you.
I don't think they charge me until I arrive, so happy to leave it until then?
It's currently $206 each, but it looks like they're going to add taxes on top of that.
ok, sounds good
strugee joined the channel