#Loqi[superfeedr] "I didn’t give up social. Just willing to have fun working on solutions from my website. I can #IndieWeb..." by Greg McVerry on 2018-05-22 https://jgregorymcverry.com/2719-2/
tantek_ joined the channel
#tantek_own your data << 2018-05-17 [https://www.theverge.com/2018/5/17/17344250/google-x-selfish-ledger-video-data-privacy Google’s Selfish Ledger is an unsettling vision of Silicon Valley social engineering] <blockquote>Of course, the concept is premised on Google having access to a huge amount of user data and decisions. Privacy concerns or potential negative externalities are never mentioned in the video. The ledger’s demand for ever more data m
#tantek_unnerving aspect of the presentation.</blockquote>
tantek, [jgmac1106], eli_oat, [jgarber], [kevinmarks] and AngeloGladding joined the channel
#Loqi[superfeedr] "This Week in the IndieWeb Audio Edition • May 12th - 18th, 2018" by Marty McGuire on 2018-05-21
tglobe, [pfefferle], swentel, jeremycherfas and sherab joined the channel
#ZegnatWondering if I should do a vHWC for EU next week, before chrisaldrich does his US one. Thoughts jeremycherfas? I don’t think I am going to be able to do tomorrow ...
#petermolnarI might be, and I haven't attended to one for a long while
#jgmac1106[chrisalrich] is using Pacific time no way anyone in EU can make it unless they stay up late or get up real early
#ZegnatIt is a horrible time for EU, jgmac1106. Like 2:30, I think?
#jgmac1106it is a horrible time for anyone but we occassionally have to accomodate our west coast friends….its actually an east coast problem [wiobyrne] and I have too many kids. After 3:30pm we can’t be available until 8:30pm
#Zegnatpetermolnar, if we do vHWC next week (2018-05-30), any preferred timeslot?
#Loqi[superfeedr] "No #IndieWeb WordPress work for me on Day 11. Classes start today. I will tack another day on the end...." by Greg McVerry on 2018-05-22 https://jgregorymcverry.com/2770-2/
#jeremycherfasConference; Dublin Gastronomy Symposium at BIT.
#jeremycherfasAlas I have to leave early. I really like Dublin, and would have loved a chance to get dfown to Cork too. But I was offered a paying job elsewhere, so that' takes precendence.
#GWGjeremycherfas, I like it to. Get over periodically.
#aaronpk[tantek]: any thoughts on what you'd like the author of Kill Process to talk about at IWS? He's on board for doing a short keynote!
tantek, [jgmac1106], [kevinmarks] and tantek_ joined the channel
#tantek_aaronpk, perhaps some high level questions? what does he see as the biggest challenges for the indieweb? and what are the biggest opportunities?
#tantek_that plus intro with how he found about indieweb, what inspired him to write a book about it
#tantek_aaronpk, have you heard from Manton re: keynoting BTW?