aaronpk, [cleverdevil], grantcodes[m], schmarty[m] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]The headline is exaggerated, I said. "Attended the leaders day at the Summit not lead the Summit", but still a nice write up in my local paper
#Loqi[superfeedr] "I see #IndieWeb more as a community or affinity space rather than a brand. In fact there isn’t any central..." by Greg McVerry on 2018-07-20 http://jgregorymcverry.com/4719-2/
#Loqi[superfeedr] "Curious as to what of the eleven #IndieWeb principles you think we do not live up to…though we have been..." by Greg McVerry on 2018-07-20 http://jgregorymcverry.com/4721-2/
#Loqi[superfeedr] "When I click on the @socialwebwg in you pinned tweet I see the same faces from #IndieWeb community. Maybe..." by Greg McVerry on 2018-07-20 http://jgregorymcverry.com/4731-2/
#Loqi[superfeedr] "I know, or at least feels this way since I am active in both communities, tension among #webannotation..." by Greg McVerry on 2018-07-20 http://jgregorymcverry.com/4729-2/
#LoqiRDF is an abbreviation for Recursive Descent Forever, a way of expressing syllogisms so that the subject, object, and predicate are all URLs https://indieweb.org/RDF
#Loqi[superfeedr] "Cool will find you on freenode. I am @jgmac1106 there as well. Always happy to learn more, but it is..." by Greg McVerry on 2018-07-20 http://jgregorymcverry.com/4741-2/
#Loqi[superfeedr] "https://indieweb.org/Linked_Data_Notifications Seems to be all we have for #LinkedData on #IndieWeb wiki...." by Greg McVerry on 2018-07-20 http://jgregorymcverry.com/4735-2/
#Loqi[superfeedr] "Thank you for the conversation this morning. Need to go feed my kids, but yes #IndieWeb willing to ignore..." by Greg McVerry on 2018-07-20 http://jgregorymcverry.com/4748-2/
#tantek__jgmac1106 note that you're able to use the indieweb, with your own permalinks, to engage in conversation, on Twitter, while the folks complaining about RDF or bias etc. are never got their own approaches to work (in practice) and thus can only respond to you with tweets. The very conversation proves the point. webmentions+microformats is scaling on the indieweb, other more academic/complex approaches, not so much.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]ha ha I just said same thing in direct message
#[jgmac1106]and its the simplicity I like. Though it did make me wonder about all the snarky article stubs we use as inside jokes
#[jgmac1106]and his beef seemed more with the mf2 wiki, deep personal history I tried to avoid and just steer to CoC
#tantek__jgmac1106 microformats started as a pushback against all the dogma from XML and RDF crowds insisting that their complexity was necessary etc.
#petermolnarit seems like I'm clear for IWC Berlin
#tantek__a bunch of us, including myself and kevinmarks rejected their complexity and tried to make simple things work instead, with real world experiments
#tantek__when we succeeded we got two kinds of responses, one was cool, let's interoperate, another was the kind of bitter defensiveness you see
#tantek__sometimes even from the same people at different times!
#tantek__so there's a simple answer, ignore the bitterness on twitter until folks actually step-up and post on their own sites
#tantek__I agree with reaching out and being welcoming to folks
#tantek__in this case, this is an unfortunate pattern over the years. some big post or article praising indieweb, or building blocks like webmention and mf2, and then the bitterness pours forth on Twitter
eli_oat1 joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]I can use previous and next to go through our entire conversation. All possible due to mf2 and webmentions
#LoqiI see #IndieWeb more as a community
or affinity space rather than a brand. In fact there isn’t any central organization governing us at all. Want to attend a leaders meeting? Plan two events in a year.
#tantek__[jgmac1106]: those are good challenges. because planning even one event as a volunteer requires positivity and friendliness
#tantek__just as our CoC discourages disrespectful / hateful / abusive people, the "selfdogfood" and "plan an event" challenges set a good bar for positive productive folks while discouraging those who tend to be more toxic
#[jgmac1106]it is also one of the most democratic approaches. I hated the way MoFo/MoCo would dangle all-hands slots over different departments and different contributors. Want to work , show up, Keep showing up, Lead.
#tantek__which tend to be the toxic ones, which you don't want
#tantek__reasonable technologists aren't emotionally tied/identified with their technologies
#tantek__but instead can argue/explain them based on use-cases, not based on ego
#tantek__to put it another way, snark toward bad tech is the cheapest (time-wise) way to discourage toxic zealots from ruining your community
#tantek__if you try to just "be nice" to every bad idea, you then have to fight toxic zealots one at a time, and it's huge emotional burden for admins and for a community and burns them both out
#tantek__that's basically what happened in #microformats
#tantek__a lot of past admins got burnt out dealing with toxic individuals one at a time
#tantek__this is a vulnerability of any volunteer driven community
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
#tantek__so either you shore-up your defenses so you don't have to fight everyone 1:1 like that, or your burn out your admins, and your community suffers
[dougbeal] joined the channel
#[dougbeal]Ineresting, so you need precision snark to offend the zeoalots and not most else?
#tantek__to offend the zealots just enough to discourage them from coming to your community and ruining it with their toxicity
#tantek__because frankly, that's all they can do. if they were actually productive with whatever ideas they're pitching, they'd be solving problems, building things, and using them, instead of being offended and so defensive
#[jgmac1106]In a way that's like saying we bring guns bc we know you have knives. Not sure it will have desired goals. As much as I love the Dennis Leary version of Loqi
#[jgmac1106]Snark as a rhetorical device is also one used in male dominanted spaces and may hurt larger D&I goals of an open org
#[jgmac1106]In a I did not know history of title v namespaces. That history was fascinating
dougbeal|mb1, [philbowell], jackjamieson and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
#tantek__jgmac1106, indeed, we should restrict the use of snark to just gen 1 plumbing related topics for those reasons
#tantek__and re: desired goals, well we have two concrete real world experiences of communities that have tried different approaches, #microformats and #indieweb, that prove otherwise
#tantek__that is, with a little bit of snark/discouragement of toxic zealots, #indieweb has done *much* better at continuous sustainable growth (and reducing loss), than #microformats did, trying to "give mean people a chance", and thus losing so many quiet productive positive people
#tantek__jgmac1106, and worse yet, the toxic zealots tend to nearly all be white-ish males, and tolerating their behavior (while you're trying to treat them kindly) tends to *reduce* the D&I in your community
#tantek__so if you want a community to be more inclusive, you have to actively fight off toxic zealots
#tantek__there's plenty of writing on this, by Kathy Sierra and others
#Loqitantek has 14 karma in this channel (461 overall)
[ryan339], [pfefferle] and [manton] joined the channel
#Loqi[superfeedr] "Liked: My IndieWeb story, Part 1: Jumping in the Deep End...
"I hope it presents both some technical aspects of the IndieWeb but more so introduces how the IndieWeb experience is personal and is shaped by each individual."
Read the full post..." by Colin Walker on 2018-07-20 https://colinwalker.blog/20-07-2018-2052/
#Loqi[Matthias Pfefferle] Great idea of Sandeep Shetty to use the u-like (microformats-2) and webmentions for federated social likes! Works like a charm! #indieweb
#tantek!tell schmarty in case it's not obvious in the latest newsletter https://indieweb.org/this-week/2018-07-20.html all the "notiz.blog" posts in "Posts about the IndieWeb" are years old - likely due to re-sent webmentions
#Loqipump.io is an open source social stream server project built from lessons learned from implementing OStatus in StatusNet https://indieweb.org/pump.io
#dougbealKinda sad to go to twitter to invite to HWC! Maybe we need an invite endpoint?
#tantekdougbeal - nope, invite is a post kind, a format. use webmentions like any other kind of post.
#LoqiAn invitation is an optional feature of an event post (an event with invitations), or a reply to an event post that also notifies a list of invitees that they've been invited to the event, or a special case of that, an RSVP to an event that also invites additional people to it https://indieweb.org/invitation
#tantek!tell snarfed up for giving a 5-10 min keynote on indiemap / bridgy / bridging in general at IWC SF / dweb hackers day? Basically what you showed/spoke on at IWS, but less rushed :)