ZegnatAre you refering to the {{one-day-event}} template on /Events, jgmac1106? That is a template for a very specific purpose and outputs very specific HTML. So as soon as an event deviates from that specific format you need to handroll the HTML.
Loqi[superfeedr] "Great post. I am sharing it with my #EDU522 class. It’s actually an #OpenPedagogy course so if you know..." by Greg McVerry on 2018-07-31 http://jgregorymcverry.com/5336-2/
Toffee, [grantcodes] and jeremycherfas joined the channel
Loqi[superfeedr] "Hopefully you can squeeze a few of the #dailyponderance posts in or actually hang in our modules. Love..." by Greg McVerry on 2018-07-31 http://jgregorymcverry.com/5340-2/
Loqi[superfeedr] "Hey #ctedcamp #digiuri #ctcasl friends if you ever wanted to launch your own website or blog, finally..." by Greg McVerry on 2018-07-31 http://jgregorymcverry.com/5342-2/
jeremycherfas, [snarfed] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Loqi[superfeedr] "Teaching with RSS and webmentions is so much fun #DoOO #indieweb #clmooc #ds106 #literacies #edtechchat..." by Greg McVerry on 2018-07-31 http://jgregorymcverry.com/5346-2/
Loqi[snarfed]: tantek left you a message 1 week, 3 days ago: up for giving a 5-10 min keynote on indiemap / bridgy / bridging in general at IWC SF / dweb hackers day? Basically what you showed/spoke on at IWS, but less rushed :)
eight45.netcreated /Template:noffle (+87) "Created page with "noffle is a humyn who writes useful computer programs for people and their communities."" (view diff)
tantek__Hangout in the main lobby and when more IndieWebCamp SF folks show up, please ask the receptionist to direct them to Foxhole where they'll need a Mozilla person to let them in
Zegnatshould /2018/SF have a note for how possible late-comers can get in? Do they need to ask reception to page tantek? Can they just ask directions to Foxhole?
Loqi[superfeedr] "In just one day I have been able to get folks online with WordPress and microblog and sending receiving..." by Greg McVerry on 2018-07-31 http://jgregorymcverry.com/5355-2/
17SAAJIW3….can’t lie my 3:00 and 4:00 appointments canceled and kids are begging me to meet them at the pool….may just make one remote session, been working 6-7 days a week and only been to pool once this summer…
Loqi[superfeedr] "@chrisaldrich Thanks so much for joining our #IndieWeb class #edu522. So glad to have other expert facilitators..." by Greg McVerry on 2018-07-31 http://jgregorymcverry.com/5358-2/
Loqi[superfeedr] "Liked this tweet: Greg McVerry on Twitter: “@chrisaldrich Thanks so much for joining our #IndieWeb class #edu522. So glad to have other expert facilitators hop on to learn. Love to schedule a microcast with you to discuss concept and history of the “common book” (https://t.co/0GFBARVLpo)”" by Scott Kingery on 2018-07-31 http://techlifeweb.com/17831-2/