#meta 2018-08-09

2018-08-09 UTC
eli_oat and dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
funwhilelost, eli_oat and Guest43987 joined the channel
edited /User:Dougbeal.com (+40) "/* itches for vHWC */"
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edited /User:Dougbeal.com (+116) "/* working */"
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edited /User:Dougbeal.com (+162) "/* itches for HWC Seattle */"
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[jgmac1106], TheDragonFire26, [tantek], Razesdark, [dougbeal], vivus and [matpacker] joined the channel; vivus left the channel
Roedy1, alefir, asdffdsa and michagogo28 joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
Yay, Seattle HWC!
dougbeal|mb1 and J213 joined the channel
edited /events/2018-08-08-homebrew-website-club (+118) "/* Photos */ add HWC Seattle"
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edited /User:Stevestreza.com (+2869) "Added itches, events, and website architecture"
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Our joined the channel
edited /events/2018-08-08-homebrew-website-club (+117) "Added blog post for HWC Seattle"
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newtmewt16 joined the channel
hiya19, [kevinmarks], brethil8, madprops2, ollien18, [jgmac1106], Dan_Bennett and Victorsueca23 joined the channel
Good discussion of why the schedule with post its works http://www.disambiguity.com/what-walls-are-for/
tantek joined the channel
[kevinmarks] strengthening my belief that if we let kindergarten teachers run the world it would be a better place...I will say I always liked Mozilla events where they put an emphasis on everybody putting away their machines to take advantage of times when f2f happens
jjuran, Guest34079 and albel7277 joined the channel
tantek__, [pfefferle] and strugee joined the channel
if anyone is bored here is the grant narrative I am working on..its small 1.4 million over four years: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rAk8tEZ_OHMjAJbBdrKFdktQI0sC6Lzrbt8eBuLt8yk/edit?usp=sharing
Is there a plain text version available somewhere? ;)
one sec..on a call
jjuran joined the channel
@zegnat here..but it is unfinished and probably makes little sense without all the sidebar comments
eli_oat, GTAXL13 and supercool24 joined the channel
Robert accidantally editted your age and then reversed it again, seems like
jmac joined the channel
No, he accidentally reverted an edit you did to your user page, and then undid his revert xD
eli_oat joined the channel
edited /User:Petermolnar.net () "(-1546) pointing reasonings to my canonical entries on the topic instead of having a summary-copy in the indieweb wiki"
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Loki7, tantek__, jjuran, l2y, [kellan], gsdg, AC`97_, eli_oat1, eli_oat, [kevinmarks], jackjamieson, niek, Xoc22, [jgmac1106], [pfefferle], [cleverdevil], [eddie] and [shaners] joined the channel
ok, I added "http://inessential.com/2018/08/08/the_public_square" to the "See Also" section of /silo-quits https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=50789&oldid=50760
I mean…
ok, I added "http://inessential.com/2018/08/08/the_public_square" to the "See Also" section of /silo-quits https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=50790&oldid=50789
ok, I added "https://a.wholelottanothing.org/2018/08/08/im-done-with-twitter/" to the "See Also" section of /silo-quits https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=50791&oldid=50790
[tantek] joined the channel
I think this is Tristan’s dweb day 1 courtyard closing talk https://archive.org/details/decentralizedwebsummitmedia-2018-courtyard
Take a look
how did that end up going btw
anything interesting come out of it?
jjuran, [jgmac1106], jackjamieson, [pfefferle], [grantcodes], Hoosilon12, [kiai], j12t, benwerd, benwerd_, [quinnvinlove], ketralnis, fossxplorer25, thomasb9511, Guest81029, quicksilver19, j12t_, [eddie], [cleverdevil], dp324, [dgold], metax, ecrist1 and [tantek] joined the channel