#meta 2018-08-11

2018-08-11 UTC
jjuran_, tantek__ and rdococ14 joined the channel
Twitter << 2018-08-10 Andy Baio thread reminiscing on joining Twitter in 2006, comparing to Mastodon 2017 https://twitter.com/waxpancake/status/1027793044500668418 (see thread top for start)
It happened before, it can happen again.
ok, I added "2018-08-10 Andy Baio thread reminiscing on joining Twitter in 2006, comparing to Mastodon 2017 https://twitter.com/waxpancake/status/1027793044500668418 (see thread top for start)" to the "See Also" section of /Twitter https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=50835&oldid=50813
Code_Red12, Shrooms25, stoner1914, bs23, C0c0dril029, iooner3, Rune_K, kamkran, Raccoon, kunwon12, sockspls10, siinus`13, sins-, [kevinmarks], Dwarf0, [jgmac1106], Cool_Fire18, Victorsueca2, wizonesolutions2, Dave19, jgmac1106, circle, ATDT911, raretrack, dmytrish, [stefp], ramsey23, [chrisaldrich], Ceber, enchi, timvisher24, Loqi, wfranken, anderson13, [pfefferle], sirnaysayer, olspookishmagus7, Iota8, [kiai] and Bogus1 joined the channel