[kevinmarks], jgmac1106, bear, Kongaloosh, [jgarber], Loqi, j12t, AngeloGladding, jeremych_, [Andy], [jgmac1106], [keithjgrant], [deeden], [grantcodes] and jjuran joined the channel; jgmac1106 left the channel
Loqi[grantcodes]: calumryan left you a message on 2018-07-03 at 10:34am UTC: happy to support a Mozfest 2018 session if any of you want to propose and co-organise
jgmac1106woo hoo two more sponsors (I think) for IndieWeb NYC including Leo Laporte and the TWIT network (negotiating), and http://dataintelligencetech.com/ (accepted)
jgmac1106if folks want to give a “wow TWIT support would be awesome!!!” here is the discussion on https://micro.blog/jgmac1106/840295 We should add his last few shows to the silo quit pages since Leo claimed (again…) to finally walk away from Twitter and facebook….been on micro.blog a lot more
Loqi[jgmac1106] Hey @leo sorry for the late response did an unplugged camping trip with the family. $300 for the meet-up, $200 for lunch/dinner, $100 for a breakfast. Be awesome to get some TWIT love for the IndieWeb indieweb.org/2018/NYC
AngeloGladding, jgmac1106, [jgmac1106], [kevinmarks], [grantcodes], [manton], [keithjgrant] and [aaronpk] joined the channel