#meta 2018-09-16

2018-09-16 UTC
DzAirmaX25, Juerd19, Guest98622, [asuh], jeremych_, [kevinmarks], raid7, jmccrory12, [jgmac1106] and coyotegrimm5 joined the channel
edited /User:Christopheducamp.com (+352) "Added indieweb.me : a mastodon instance hosted by masto.host - testing the Admin UI"
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[christophe], hugogameiro, [kevinmarks] and swentel joined the channel
edited /2018/NYC (+1536) "/* Remote Participation */"
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edited /2018/NYC (+32) "/* How to Remote Participate */ fixed times"
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edited /User:Christopheducamp.com (+554) "Add precision arount indieweb.me / mission statement to be written - admin shared w/ Greg - to be written some social pages to welcome users"
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edited /User:Christopheducamp.com (+75) "/* Mastodon experiment */ small refactoring"
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!tell christophe happy to play around and muck about but I am not looking to getting into community moderation on a granular level. Part of the reason I believe in a more decentralized rather than federated approach...I am just lazy
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[jgmac1106]: tantek___ left you a message 1 day, 16 hours ago: should we consider special color lanyards for photo preferences? e.g. I've seen at a few confs now, red lanyard = no photos, yellow lanyard = ask before taking photo
[christophe] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] 👍
[christophe]: [jgmac1106] left you a message 4 minutes ago: happy to play around and muck about but I am not looking to getting into community moderation on a granular level. Part of the reason I believe in a more decentralized rather than federated approach...I am just lazy
I’ve worked with Sunir and really confident in soft security https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soft_security
yes we are thinking about our Code of Conduct and how it can be a glue across different spaces someone may live, meaning possibly holding people accountable or restricting access to our chat if there is persistent, documented, and current complaints of harassment in other spaces
swentel and gRegorLove joined the channel
edited /2018/NYC (+1) "/* Friday lunch ($200) */ fix reclaim hosting logo, link text"
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edited /2018/NYC (+10) "/* Sponsors */ clear before Become a Sponsor"
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edited /2018/NYC (+3) "/* Sponsors */ link text for other sponsors"
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Hayate joined the channel
Is the indieweb github org described in the wiki? The org page itself isn't illuminating
unlink2 joined the channel
dougbeal|imac: don't think so... do you have a specific question about it/what would you like see documented?
sknebel: I think statement of purpose, membership, and maybe a repo or wiki entry when something major changes like repo moving under it
purpose: collect projects that belong ot the community (e.g. micropub moved there because the previous owner of the repo isn't that active with it anymore, and others have taken over). membership: every contributor who asks to be added.
(you're right that this should be documented somewhere more explicit)
What is IndieWeb Github Organization?
It looks like we don't have a page for "IndieWeb Github Organization" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "IndieWeb Github Organization is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
A marauders map only makes sense when you are very nearby. It would work for xoxo, but not when we're in different time zones
[kevinmarks] joined the channel