#meta 2018-09-20

2018-09-20 UTC
rmacd__ joined the channel
BigJono29 joined the channel
edited /2018/NYC (+914) "hotels"
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edited /User:Stevestreza.com (+73) "Added photo post via micropub itch"
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hotels are up, I am at the Millennium, Thursday meet up added, no sponsore, going to make last ditch effort r-f to find some sponsors
[jgmac1106]++ awesome!!!
[jgmac1106] has 21 karma in this channel over the last year (51 in all channels)
still needs to book his hotel
but first, HWC SF!
thanks for the heads-up on that phishing email - I haven't seen that one yet
tantek__ and tantek joined the channel
edited /events/2018-09-19-homebrew-website-club (+111) "/* Photos */ Seattle HWC photo"
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Did I do that right?
Looks good
saho23, Padawan-20 and Tiedemann10 joined the channel
tantek, dougbeal|mb1, tantek__, petermolnar, [arnefismen], aadz17, bmbouter17 and martijnvdven joined the channel
edited /User:Stevestreza.com (+4) "Complete the photo post itch"
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fide and Jazzdude4 joined the channel
swentel, jeremych_, heyoni11, [jgmac1106], [kevinmarks] and fluidcode joined the channel
If I were to make a tutorial on the wiki for adding rel=me to your mastodon account where would it live /mastodon?
could do, or could be a standalone page that you link from both mastodon and rel-me
.....would Mastodon fil under silo details? Is a federated silo a silo? Are there any "political" consideradtions with labeling Mastodon in the silo category or does it simply fit the definition so that is where it goes?
I don't think it meets any of the silo criteria
The software itself anyway
a particular instance has some properties of a silo but even that is a stretch I'd say
okay will make new heading Fediverse details
[manton] joined the channel
just want to be careful with words we have built in the system with strong negative connotations
I don't think the term "silo" is really a simple true/false designation anymore. I wouldn't consider Mastodon a silo, but an account on an instance like Mastodon.social with 100k+ people has many of the same drawbacks of a traditional silo.
is there a word for networks like micro.blog and mastodon instances that are IndieWeb friendly and not labeled as "
perfect timing [manton]
Figured I could add a section about rel=me on the About Me pages of micro.blog at same time
Guest62482 joined the channel
going with open networks for now, feel free to revise when I am done
Cool, thanks! I think in terms of rel=me, Mastodon and Micro.blog have the same approach.
yeah figured knock them out at the same time
I just read through /silo again. I think it could be iterated on to better reflect 2018 platforms and IndieWeb principles.
I'm not the best person to suggest changes since I'm biased. Perhaps would make a good session at IndieWebCamp.
what is microblog?
It looks like we don't have a page for "microblog" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "microblog is ____", a sentence describing the term)
what is mircodotblog?
It looks like we don't have a page for "mircodotblog" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "mircodotblog is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[manton] is there a wiki page for micro.blog?
what is micro.blog?
Micro.blog is a microblogging service started by Manton Reece, which natively supports IndieWeb standards microformats2, Webmention, and Micropub https://indieweb.org/Micro.blog
can anyone check this out before I broadcast the link? https://indieweb.org/rel-me#Open-Networks
I did have trouble linking to the micro.blog page
strolls in
Micro.blog now links correctly
Maybe include preview screenshots? So people see what it looks like when the link is rel-me verified?
I was thinking about but I then I worry about screen readers and screenshots and having to update screenshots as UI change
I just linked instead
anyone can feel free to add them
[pfefferle], swentel, isaque, jackjamieson and [AkyRhO] joined the channel
open networks isn't the best term open, unless simply defined as any platform committed to open standards
jackjamieson joined the channel
[tantek] I am not goign to bug her (too much) but I would like to see us work with Jess Klein to get webmentions working with Wikipedia....be cool to publish a record of edits from my website
[tantek] joined the channel
That would be amazing. Also to get IndieAuth working with Wikipedia so we can sign in with our domain names!
[jgmac1106] screenshots are great!
Don’t worry about having to update them - instead put the date in the file name - every iteration of such UIs are useful to capture!
And re: screen readers, as long as you start with text description first (which you did), you’re fine.
In short, yes, add a screenshot, even if it’s just a snapshot of what exists now
plaxx21 joined the channel
edited /events/2018-10-03-homebrew-website-club (-7) "/* Baltimore */ RSVP links"
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okay will do and thanks for best practice, we are discussing accessibility and alt text in #unboundeq right now
edited /events/2018-10-16-homebrew-website-club (-6) "/* Where */ add RSVP links"
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benwerd joined the channel
In tech speak: treat the screenshot as a progressive enhancement for visual user agents ;)
pisculichi16, tantek, benwerd, stef20427, [jgmac1106], kitties19, [kevinmarks], jackjamieson, jjuran, [schmarty], dougbeal|mb1, Guest55375, [manton], g11, ahammond4, martingale, FedoraUser6 and Zen24 joined the channel