#meta 2018-11-23

2018-11-23 UTC
jjuran and eli_oat joined the channel
Just generated the first draft of this week's newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2018-11-23.html I'll generate a draft again tomorrow, so please add to it before then! https://indieweb.org/this-week#How_to
tantek, the_hoomanist, tantek_, jjuran, [tantek], [eddie], swentel, sl007, [grantcodes], jeremych_, [jgmac1106] and petermolnar joined the channel; sl007 and petermolnar left the channel
edited /Mastodon (+120) "/* Tools */ Add instances.social for finding an instance"
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[eddie], [Sim], [Khurt], [kevinmarks], [calumryan] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[cleverdevil], jackjamieson, bradenslen and [tantek] joined the channel
!tell sknebel are we continuing the individual wiki event pages for each HWC location experiment or skipping this week? I noticed that https://indieweb.org/this-week/2018-11-23.html only has our classic old style single HWC event page for a particular date, with all locations on that date. Also it is unclear who is responsible for doing what in the new way (who creates which pages, what does the bot handle semi-automatically etc.)
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
guess we can skip this week. not ideal, but not that much progress yet
sknebel: [tantek] left you a message 1 minute ago: are we continuing the individual wiki event pages for each HWC location experiment or skipping this week? I noticed that https://indieweb.org/this-week/2018-11-23.html only has our classic old style single HWC event page for a particular date, with all locations on that date. Also it is unclear who is responsible for doing what in the new way (who creates which pages, what does the bot handle semi-automatically etc.)
sknebel, I saw the new pages in the "pages created" section of the newsletter, but nothing in the events section: https://indieweb.org/this-week/2018-11-23.html#upcoming-events
so something is incomplete in the new way. This is why I am asking who is responsible for what. If that is unclear then I can guarantee that something will be dropped on the floor and events showing up in the newsletter will fail.
Unless it all falls back to one person (you? aaronpk?) who knows it all in their head and does it all as necessary but then that is no better than the old/current way
I appreciate we are still figuring out the new way (none of this is anti-new-way) so I am only pointing things out explicitly so we can make sure to fix them.
yeah, I made one for vhwc just because, but didn't add it to events. since the rest of the automation isn't there and it's listed on the old-style page we can just use that now
I'm keeping an eye on it so no event gets lost
I think we should only fully switch over once /Events is edited automatically
[eddie] joined the channel
Just generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2018-11-23.html
[davidmead] and eduardm joined the channel
edited /petname (+941) "Add criticism"
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I think "nickname" and "private nickname" work fine currently, don't necessarily need a new term.
edited /Facebook (+1673) "/* Criticism */"
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oops, wrong channel
benwerd joined the channel
Generated the final version of the newsletter! This will be sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2018-11-23.html
[tantek], jackjamieson and benwerd joined the channel