#meta 2018-12-06

2018-12-06 UTC
sl007, [grantcodes] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
what is account migration
account migration (AKA account portability, or the ability to move your account) is a specific kind of migration when a user switches from using one account on a particular server to using another account on another server, typically when both servers host multiple accounts, and has the common problem of losing followers https://indieweb.org/account_migration
lol single poinit of gargon
jgmac1106 joined the channel
[jgmac1106] how should we contribute to https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/webmentions ?
and WDYT of adding h-feed support to like Special:RecentChanges ?
just add your name and thoughts all you have to do, I know you had specific workflow ideas and can say it better than me
these are all non binding proposals being collected during work week
[jgmac1106] where do I put my Wikipedia username?
gosh darnit shift-option-C causes the Etherpad on wikimedia to open the chat window when it should make a Ç
as usual, back to copy paste 🙄
aaronpk: lol
sl007 joined the channel
notification of citation is brilliant use case!
great! thanks - it was the simplest one I could think of
it's what lobste.rs does already I think
next would be adding h-cite markup to every citation in a wikipedia article
so that the receiver of the webmention could identify the link to their target as a citation
[jgmac1106] can "add h-cite markup to citations" be part of the webmention proposal, or does it have to be separate?
it can be same proposal
we can put it under how
that adds some technial complexity..would want it added behind the scene and follow their style guide for citations…..i just can’t escape h-cites and citations,,,,
ok I added it
[jgmac1106] did you consider use-cases for micropub or websub?
e.g. RecentChanges should have both h-feed and support WebSub
so you could get realtime updates
similarly the History page of every wikipedia page should have h-feed markup and support WebSub so you could get realtime notifications of when specific pages are edited
no as we were already submitting two other proposals one on badges (hopefully webmentions) and another on IndieAuth
what would be the beachead?
I can't even tell you how much I would enjoy that
edited /authorship (+400) "/* Name avatar display in comments */"
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I'm polling the RSS feed of a few wikipedia page histories right now
[jgmac1106] it should be relatively easy to add h-feed to the RecentChanges, History, TalkHistory pages, and also fairly straightforward to then add WebSub
I take it anyone is allowed to use the pad to make proposals. let me ask Jess if there has to be a foundation sponsor
it would/could reduce the need to poll wikipedia pages/feeds
that is a very sellable point in terms of reducing bandwidth
what is mediawiki
MediaWiki is open source server wiki-project written in PHP that is used by Wikipedia and IndieWeb.org https://indieweb.org/MediaWiki
I'm probably already polling way more often than they want me to because i want quick notifications when it changes
I will make a pad and see what she says, its their work week two…
sl007 joined the channel
i could stop polling if I could subscribe via websub
edited /authorship (+653) "/* Issues */"
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edited /MediaWiki (+335) "Building Block Proposals / need links from jgmac1106"
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I assume these are all proposals to land in MediaWiki core for Wikipedia use
yeah I will
awesome [jgmac1106]
edited /MediaWiki (+76) "/* Building Block Proposals */"
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today was last day of classes so I can’t hack on the pages now
no worries
sl007 joined the channel
thanks for creating & driving!
jgmac1106 has 36 karma in this channel over the last year (83 in all channels)
TBH I think launching these proposals is something the community can contribute to as a whole and benefit from
if we don't have any other like code launches for today, we may want to consider getting these proposals into a good enough shape to list for today's indieweb challenge
does anyone have something for today (the 5th) for the indieweb challenge?
sl007 joined the channel
aaronpk, I added a bit to https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/h-feed - feel free to add more to describe consuming use-case with reader examples etc.
okay testing out the Zooms new group platform….of we can upgrade from hangouts….it is awesome
Ooh I haven't heard about that yet
sl007 joined the channel
called breakouts
sl007 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
host has to assign people to rooms you can't just room hop in breakouts...bummer..i mean it means host my get msg say move me to mf2 room I don't want microsub room
but would have been nice if guests could move between breakout rooms without host..still we had ten people across four rooms and bandwidth to spare
edited /scrobble (+1439) "Section on silos; last.fm, shazam, this is my jam, soundhound"
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sl0071 joined the channel
edited /jam (+574) "/* Silo Examples */ Last.fm obsessions"
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edited /expiring_content (+396) "Silo Example: Last.fm current obsession"
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chrisaldrich, tbbrown, [tantek] and sl007 joined the channel
swentel, [grantcodes], sl007, [kevinmarks], [jgmac1106], jgmac1106, [Khurt] and jeremych_ joined the channel; petermolnar left the channel
edited /authorship (+134) "/* Minimal H-Card Does Not Include Photo Property */ clarify WP scenario"
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edited /authorship (+585) "/* Minimal H-Card Does Not Include Photo Property */ some ideas"
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Tincho1, [jgmac1106] and [tantek] joined the channel
that's a very long heading 😂
edited /scraping (+39) "[tantek] added "[[Category:jargon]]" to "See Also""
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created /scrape (+21) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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created /og: (+16) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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edited /og: (+20) "r--"
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created /meta_tag (+17) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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edited /meta (+39) "[tantek] added "[[Category:jargon]]" to "See Also""
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tantek__ joined the channel
edited /authorship (+1236) "start resolved and FAQ sections, move an issue there accordingly, avoid meta author"
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sl007, tantek__ and tbbrown joined the channel
edited /authorship (+4) "/* What about meta author */ linky"
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what is the challenge
Was there anything else shipping/launched yesterday for the challenge?
challenge is an event-like post which serves as a (typically open) invitation for people to post achievements towards some goal, like running a total distance, or posting photos at some frequency (every day), supported by silos like Strava and micro.blog https://indieweb.org/challenge
challenge << indieweb challenge
indieweb challenge << challenge
I think the launch of the Wikipedia IndieWeb building blocks project is worthy of it, since it is something the broader community can contribute to - even though there is no direct tangible community benefit - or maybe there is and I'm missing something? [jgmac1106] thoughts?
!tell manton any photos from IWC Austin this week? https://indieweb.org/events/2018-12-05-homebrew-website-club#Photos
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
I would agree. Have to start advocating somewhere…hope it isn’t borderline pie in the sky…also want be cognizant of Jess and her time and goals as both a person and employee of wikimedia foundation
why I love contributing to IndieWeb…no bosses….open source is harder when you worry about your friends day jobs
but she said she is happy to share the proposals with the team for discussionas any contributor can make them
would it be too hard to build proof of concepts on indieweb.org or are most already done?
we should link to examples of the building blocks already in our forked version
I agree
great analysis and next-steps [jgmac1106]
If we can demonstrate these technologies working with either plugins or patches on indieweb.org, that may help demonstrate feasibility / value to MediaWiki as a whole
I know there was a pubsubhubbub plugin (if I remember right, a few friends build that years ago as a school project with wikimedia berlin), we could try if that still works and what it covers
edited /authorship (+284) "simply dfn, current algorithm is only single author based, multi-author is an issue awaiting real world examples, need formal spec and issues"
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jackjamieson joined the channel
edited /rel-feed (+352) "/* How */"
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edited /rel-feed (+163) "/* Consuming */"
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swentel, tbbrown, eduardm, jackjamieson, sl007, jgmac1106 and mblaney joined the channel