#meta 2018-12-12

2018-12-12 UTC
movers come take away our stuff tomorrow and we start the sleeping-on-an-air-mattress part of the move. in theory we should be in NYC with all of our stuff by EOD on Monday Dec 17.
edited /Planning (+206) "/* Summit */ addyourself lines"
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Heads-up <!here> - candidate dates for 2019 Summit are in planning - please add yourselves and your preferences for each weekend! https://indieweb.org/Planning#Summit
wonders how well Slack @-notifications work with this crowd
edited /Planning (+154) "/* Summit */ my availables"
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[tantek] it worked for me!
(as a slack user)
[eddie] joined the channel
tantek I think slack notifications work great for us (as long as you send them from slack, as you did)
[tantek] joined the channel
Do we have something for today's IndieWeb Challenge?
edited /2019-01-01-commitments (+392) "/* Your Name Here */"
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Looks like last year we counted HWCs!
If we counted it last year, it counts this year! 😄
edited /Planning (+19) "/* More Locations */"
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sl007 joined the channel
Yes I think it does. HWCs are definitely a gift that the community benefits from
edited /2018-12-indieweb-challenge (+182) "HWCs this week and last"
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created /Template:zaksharp (+116) "Created page with "<span class="h-card">{{sparkline| https://zaksharp.me/icons/favicon-96x96.png}} [[User:zaksharp.me|zaksharp]]</span>""
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tbbrown and sl007 joined the channel
edited /2018-12-indieweb-challenge (+97) "link to Together keyboard shortcuts issue for now for the 8th, couldn't find the actual commit - perhaps grantcodes can link that"
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Yesssss our indieweb challenge calendar is looking great with no gaps, now!! 👏
sl007 and [tantek] joined the channel
Also if folks have code / features etc. they are shipping today / tomorrow - we definitely want to add them and give them good exposure!
(just like last year, we can have multiple items per day, and good to have complementary things like a HWC *and* code/feature launches)
Our @HWCBaltimore Homebrew Website Club Baltimore meeting notes are now live: https://jonathanprozzi.net/indieweb/hwc-baltimore-2018-12-11-wrap-up/ Thanks everyone for coming!
jjuran, [eddie], [asuh], swentel, swentel_ and jeremych_ joined the channel
↩️ Humbled to be in one line with so many great events. Thanks!
[pfefferle] joined the channel
↩️ Thanks so much! Hope to see you again next year :-)
calumryan joined the channel
[jgmac1106], [pfefferle] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
edited /ZenPress (+43) "add gutenberg notice"
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edited /Template:grantcodes (-14) "Update image"
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edited /Template:grantcodes (+4) "Use smaller image"
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You know, I love to hate @Medium and cheer on the IndieWeb and so on, but their design/typography is just SO good! Look at this thing https://medium.com/s/story/the-seductive-diversion-of-solving-bias-in-artificial-intelligence-890df5e5ef53. So classy, modern, authoritative, I want to frame it!
There are WordPress, Jekyll, and Drupal themes #IndieWeb compatible that take many design cues from @Medium...but I also think , "I would write more if my blog was prettier," is a myth. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/12uo0j)
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
↩️ Well, the thing is that literally *everybody* blogs on Medium, and it has tons of HQ articles (I have even bought a subscription) ... I have not heard about IndieWeb till today.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
#IndieWeb is the web. Join by getting space online, preferably your own Domain. Do not trust @Medium to be around forever, but you can always own your content. Think claim "everybody" blogs on Medium bit off as well. We indiex over 2300 sites, 6 million… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/12/12/indieweb-is-the-web-join-by
[jgmac1106]: are you maybe trying to post replies?
yep forgot to paste in the link...grrr
↩️ There are WordPress, Jekyll, and Drupal themes #IndieWeb compatible that take many design cues from @Medium...but I also think , "I would write more if my blog was prettier," is a myth. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/2234ya)
↩️ #IndieWeb is the web. Join by getting space online, preferably your own Domain. Do not trust @Medium to be around forever, but you can always own your content. Think claim "everybody" blogs on Medium bit off as well. We index over 2300 sites, 6… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/12/12/krnlpnc_-indieweb-is-the-web-join-by
cjwillcock1 joined the channel
↩️ Oh agree 100%. Still an IndieWeb devotee. It's pure jealousy. As a design-challenged dev, I wish I had the chops to come up with smth like that on my own (but not _like_ that, you know? original-but-just-as-great.) I use @gatsbyjs and hope there are more ready-to-use themes soon.
↩️ Here is where I am in my design: https://jgmac1106homepage.glitch.me/ It isn't perfect but I am not using any CSS I don't fully grok, which leads to compromises as I learn CSS Grid, can't copy and paste my way to greatness. #IndieWeb (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1tG3HY)
eduardm joined the channel
But#credweb more than leaving negligent and complicit partners behind. It's about the #IndieWeb and owning your space. Fight Fake News. Give a Kid a Website. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/2bOdhS)
↩️ Something about agentive writing. The sense of real ownership. It changes someone's relationship with data and information. You can not understand how truth is shaped online until you shape your own. #credweb #IndieWeb #literacies #DoOO #DigPed (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/26SRVW)
↩️ That's a great way to learn. I like your design! Also I like that you have tag-specific RSS feeds on your blog. I followed IndieWeb with @feedbro :)
[Marco], tglobe, [eddie], [jgmac1106], [kevinmarks] and eli_oat1 joined the channel
Everybody blogs on medium just like everyone had a geocities website
eli_oat1, [jgmac1106], [tantek] and tantek__ joined the channel
yep...everyone gets onboarded somehow
caitlin1, jgmac1106_ and [eddie] joined the channel
argh, vhwc was on the wiki for the wrong time today, old copy-paste :/
well, nobody asked then so I assume no participants anyways
jgmac1106_ joined the channel
I'm in mumble for a bit now
[kevinmarks], alexmingoia, tbbrown and doubleloop joined the channel
created /interactions_page (+121) "prompted by [eddie] and dfn added by [eddie]"
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#indieweb @kevinmarks: I have a bit of indieweb rot as I chose to use lots of other people's sites and many of them stopped working - http://silo.pub, woodwind, hosted known for POSSE
created /person_tag_page (+143) "prompted by [eddie] and dfn added by [eddie]"
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edited /interactions_page (+39) "[eddie] added "[[person tag page]]" to "See Also""
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edited /person_tag_page (+41) "[eddie] added "[[interactions page]]" to "See Also""
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edited /person_tag_page (+221) "Add Flickr example"
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↩️ #indieweb @voss: I've been using http://curio.io to turn articles into human-read speech instead of text to speech
gRegorLove joined the channel
edited /interactions_page (+907) "Add Facebook Silo example"
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↩️ #indieweb @kevinmarks: I follow a twitter list that I made in aperture/monocle, which was originally people who didn't post often, but it is giving me an unread count of 3000+ in a week.
edited /interactions_page (+257) "/* Facebook */ Add some screenshots"
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↩️ #indieweb @kevinmarks: mastodon's h-feed is mostly nicer than the atom feed, as the atom feed has spurious titles for each note. Except the mastodon h-feed doesn't put the photos in the e-content, or mark them as u-photo.
↩️ #indieweb @kevinmarks: looks like the images are marked as enclosures in mastodon atom feeds, and don't have u-photo on them in the h-feed.
edited /interactions_page (+190) "/* See Also */ Add link to original chat discussion"
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edited /person_tag_page (+190) "/* See Also */ add original chat link"
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edited /person_tag_page (+44) "/* Silo Examples */ Add screenshot"
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[tantek] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
↩️ #indieweb @kevinmarks: I updated unmung to read the avatars that mastodon puts in as link rel="avatar" for post authorship, and the images which show up as enclosures as u-photo - example http://www.unmung.com/feed?feed=https%3A%2F%2Fxoxo.zone%2Fusers%2FKevinMarks.atom&raw=on
↩️ #indieweb @kevinmarks: I should file bugs against mastodon's h-entry, h-feed and atom markup to improve these at source
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
edited /User:Inhji.de () "(-1164)"
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!tell sknebel Sorry but there was absolutely no way for me to join vHWC today at any time.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
tantek, [tantek], [jgmac1106], [eddie] and Anchakor_ joined the channel
jeremycherfas: no problem :)
sknebel: jeremycherfas left you a message 55 minutes ago: Sorry but there was absolutely no way for me to join vHWC today at any time.
grantcodes[m] and klez_ joined the channel
!tell [jgmac1106] any prefs for which 2019 weekend for IWS 2019? https://indieweb.org/Planning#Summit
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
edited /interactions_page (+269) "/* Silo Examples */ added Google+"
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edited /interactions_page (+238) "Add possible social readers note"
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gonna be hard to predict....all dependent on snow days....last year school didn't get out until last weekend....I think I will have to play it by ear
Is school out in Portland by then? Does that matter to people? make childcare harder or easier?....I will go....unless it means missing their last day of school....that is a an ice cream tradition
[schmarty] joined the channel
calumryan++ nice photo!
calumryan has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
[kevinmarks] and tbbrown joined the channel