#meta 2018-12-18

2018-12-18 UTC
[manton], jgmac1106 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
tantek: whatever happened to customer support via 800 number? Wasn't that easy ... thanks for forwarding!
franciscms - An IndieWeb-friendly content management system built with Ruby on Rails. https://github.com/jgarber623/franciscms
↩️ Getting started on 2020..as soon as I finish I am sure I will want to redo it all. #newwwyear challenge an #IndieWeb end of year to finish stuff on your site before 1/1/2019 we are doing 24 gifts as well (build for others) … https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/12/18/ajpodchaski-getting-started-on-2020as-soon-as
I guess for me and my teaching it would be @wordpress @glitch @mozilla @inoreader and of course all things #indieweb #edtechchat (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1hflHc)
↩️ I did see @eddiehinkle organizing an @IndieWebCamp-Online (history note @t an #indieweb founder also started barcamps..which as we know became #edcamps) I think all of us #edtechchat folks should go. Hit me up for deets Our model of… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/12/18/ajpodchaski-i-did-see-eddiehinkle-organizing-an
[manton] joined the channel
edited /Facebook (+375) "/* Attacks and spoiling campaigns to discredit critics */ added section on minority voter suppression and NCAAP call for boycott"
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jjuran joined the channel
edited /User:Jgregorymcverry.com (+1292) "updated my page dropped the Pie in the Sky moniker as the IndieWeb learning environment gets closer to reality"
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[jgmac1106] joined the channel
edited /planet (+138) "/* Examples */"
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[tantek] joined the channel
jgmac1106++ those are some amazing citations
jgmac1106 has 39 karma in this channel over the last year (93 in all channels)
Ot of parallels in this piece by @smashingmag to resentment of academic conferences. We might be non-profit but we give away our labor. Also can't help think about @IndieWebCamp running free events globally these past eight years. Community conferences… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/12/18/ot-of-parallels-in-this-piece-by
[tantek] joined the channel
edited /social_media (+67) "finish the quote"
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metbril joined the channel
[jgmac1106] wow that's a good article too on conferences and lots to keep in mind to recognize and keep all the positives of IndieWebCamps
[kevinmarks], gRegorLove and sl007 joined the channel
swentel, [Marco], [kevinmarks] and lucasp joined the channel
created /User:Cowglow.com (+66) "Created page with "New to the INDIEWEB community! Talk to me on Twitter or via Email""
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[jgmac1106] joined the channel
@cowglow, welcome to the #IndieWeb community. I believe I remember you from IWC-Berlin or Nurermberg...I was remote at both. Great job getting on the wiki. We do need to touch up you h-card on the wiki, stop by chat anytime. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/zjK6z)
edited /User:Jgregorymcverry.com (+266) "/* Developing IndieWeb Learning Tools */ added the APA citation tool as a must have"
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[Marco] joined the channel
@iamjessklein still need to figure blogging solutions...given how often you write may want to fork: https://jgmac1106homepage.glitch.me @glitch has one button Ghost blog ( folks need to add IndieWeb love) @scottgruber encourages me to connect to… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/12/18/iamjessklein-still-need-to-figure-blogging-solutionsgiven
swentel_ joined the channel; mblaney left the channel
jgmac1106_ joined the channel
cowglow++ for that user page!
cowglow has 1 karma over the last year
[Marco] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Why do i keep chasing my tail on citations..I can't give up. I want to #IndieWeb citations. @martijnvdven will build plumbing if I built html input forms and map microforamts onto citations. @sknebel shared zoterobib from @zotero...this looks interesting (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/18g8Xe)
deathrow1 joined the channel
edited /site-deaths (+567) "/* 2018 */"
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[jgmac1106], [Marco], jackjamieson and deathrow1 joined the channel
↩️ Wanna let me #indieweb your #digcit curriculum...my guess you already have them blogging that add some tools so students can #BeYourOwnSocialNetwork (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1Znbsf)
sl007 and swentel joined the channel
edited /Twitter (+239) "/* Criticism */ female journalists and politicians face abuse on Twitter every 30 seconds."
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Prediction: as many leave social FAANGs, Many #IndieWeb, niche #curated and #openweb movements will bloom in 2019
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
↩️ Here are the parts I am building for #IndieWeb classes: https://glitch.com/@jgmac1106/indie-web-learning-networks and we could use this class as intro modify it for middle school audience:https://edu-522.glitch.me/ Really tempted since h-feed is easy to try and get a minimal student… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/12/18/here-are-the-parts-i-am-building
This ep. has a discussion about YouTube Content ID that touches on the ideas of #journalism & #IndieWeb. Leo's not beholden to YouTube because he streams/hosts his content on his own website and only utilizes silos for ancillary distribution. [more...] https://boffosocko.com/2018/12/17/this-week-in-google-481-stoned-on-cheese-twig-tv/
Check these reflections out from my students this semester: https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/12/11/some-quick-quotes-on-edu106-and-the-power-of-indieweb Its the power of the domain and getting your place online We could even just give kids website with homepage, feed, photo, reply, note, article, with minimal style (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1euBMZ)
↩️ Those who gravitate to these projects can throw themselves into learning HTML/CSS or even coding languages if they want to build advanced features. microformats and h-feed make basic plumbing stupid simple. Can use #IndieWeb third-party solutions for… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/12/18/those-who-gravitate-to-these-projects-can
edited /silo-quits (+505) "/* Silo quitters 2018 */ Walt Mossberg quitting Facebook, Facebook messenger, and Instagram"
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chrisaldrich joined the channel
↩️ Yes! This! https://twitter.com/amoration/status/1075083758401925124 #Indieweb will succeed bc we aren't trying to build facebook replacement. Instead values of plurality and protections against monoculture mean we want to empower you to #BeYourOwnSocialNetwork. Let the web… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/12/18/yes-this-amorationstatus1075083758401925124-indieweb-will-succeed
[eddie] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Is the next step after site-deaths going to be cite deaths?
swentel, [adamprocter] and [tantek] joined the channel
Thanks! We need one more person to confirm the retweet!
jjuran and [schmarty] joined the channel
oh, probably waited way too long.
a-ha! not too long after all.
↩️ Strongly agree! We just need more people interested in building these places for people to bring parity to the experiences they've become used to. There's a #IndieWeb group at https://indieweb.org working on this!
Walt Mossberg quitting Facebook is a HUGE silo quit! There are few who watch the technology sector so closely as Mossberg has for the past several decades. #siloquits #IndieWeb https://boffosocko.com/2018/12/18/walt-mossberg-veteran-technology-journalist-quits-facebook-the-new-york-times/
[eddie] joined the channel
What's FAANG in that earlier tweet?
Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google
or just shorthand for "that kind of tech company"
Worth documenting?
(afaik it initially was for younger hot tech stocks, which is why e.g. Microsoft isn't in there despite fitting in many ways, and Netflix is in there despite being a bit different)
Similarly, I see GAFA and GAFAM used pretty often
FAANG sounds better. I think I remember seeing that in a blog post in the last year or two
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
or at least catchier, heh
[adamprocter] joined the channel
Getting closer to #IndieWeb I want. Believe if we had webrings that also had an embeddable chat that was a micropub client and connected to a websub enabled Microsub server we could make instantaneous chat. Design a widget that includes chat and webring… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/12/18/getting-closer-to-indieweb-i-want-believe
I had a blast exploring how to build #openweb media networks @indiewebcamp - highly recommend
↩️ With #IndieWeb work being done on private and semi-private posting using tokens generated through IndieAuth we can take back the web. Don't even store the data. Let chat be ephemeral...it has work for, let's see....all of human history. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/2e2qru)
↩️ You then include a community-based search engine that is opt-in through IndieAuth, user gets to decide what content gets crawled, only available to others in the ring, you then add the micropub and microsub chat client (member only). #IndieWeb (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/25hVLs)
↩️ So why the #IndieWeb web community looks at 2004 as the beginning of the end for us it was more a new beginning. We could get kids online in a way parents would allow. This was a game changer. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/2h3Ya1)
Gregorlove, any news on Austin?
Not yet. Life has been a bit hectic. I'm sure I'm going, just need to book the flights.
Oh, also I wanted to know if there's an Organizers Meetup so I know whether to show up Thu or Fri.
[matpacker] joined the channel
Okay. I am already booked for Friday morning
I arrive 12:47pm
quarky joined the channel