#meta 2019-01-18

2019-01-18 UTC
tbbrown, benwerd, ichoquo0Aigh9ie, ben_thatmust, klez_, strugee, stevestreza and AngeloGladding joined the channel
created /User:Desmondrivet.com (+79) "My name is Desmond Rivet. I'm a software developer living in Montreal, Canada."
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benwerd and [xavierroy] joined the channel
Just generated the first draft of this week's newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2019-01-18.html I'll generate a draft again tomorrow, so please add to it before then! https://indieweb.org/this-week#How_to
[Rose], [jgmac1106], sl007 and [tantek] joined the channel
good evening indieweb meta
looks like 6/28-29 is the clear leader for IW Summit 2019 - all +1s
so that's good enough to save the date IMO
edited /Planning (+397) "Save Dates"
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edited /2019 (+216) "likely date, venue, previously"
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edited /Events (+483) "save dates for Summit"
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[tantek] joined the channel
Has anyone tried posting an Indie RSVP to the Austin IndieWebCamp registration? https://2019.indieweb.org/austin
[manton] [aaronpk] GWG [gRegorLove] ^^^
swentel, sl007 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
edited /post (+650) "/* Thoughts on why post */ "Learn In Public""
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[voss] and swentel joined the channel
edited /post (+184) "/* Brainstorming */ added community to why post"
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Das Jahr 2019 beginnen wir nächste Woche mit dem HOMEBREW WEBSITE CLUB – #KARLSRUHE Beginn ist um 18:30 Uhr. https://www.nun.cafe/konzerte-lesungen-kabarett-karlsruhe-events/2019/1/23/homebrew-website-club-karlsruhe
jeremych_ joined the channel
IndieWeb is a people-focused alternative to the “corporate web” http://bit.ly/2kdzbsi
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[jgmac1106]: [eddie] left you a message 1 day, 8 hours ago: sounds good!
!tell eddie do you have Monday off? Can we meet for an hour or so to plan IWC/Online?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
"IndieWeb is a people-focused alternative to the corporate web" - I'd still prefer something like "IndieWeb is people with websites" but that sounds a bit too much soylent green
petermolnar: Zegnat left you a message 3 days, 21 hours ago: that feels like something you may have links to add to? ^^^
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
edited /Events (+30) "added new haven"
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Anyone in #ctedu or #nhv we will start up Homebrew Website Club New Haven this Wednesday Jan 23rd 5:30-7:30 Davis Hall, Room 118, Southern Connecticut State University If you have always wanted your own website for yourself or bus…https://lnkd.in/eKRNnRm https://lnkd.in/ebMev6i
swentie, [metbril], [jgmac1106], [Rose] and [kim_landwehr] joined the channel
↩️ Ok—this is done. There is now a German edition at https://indieweb.xyz/de/. The translation files are at https://github.com/kickscondor/indieweb.xyz-lang for anyone who wants to translate the text of the site or add a new language. Thank you for your interest in participating!
edited /Facebook (+1002) "/* Criticism */ adding the fact that facebook calls children who overcharge parent credit cards as "whale""
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One of the scariest criticism's I have had to add yet: https://indieweb.org/Facebook#Criticism h/t to @dhh for the link. Get your friends and families off of facebook. Not to be trusted. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/98O4P)
tbbrown and raretrack joined the channel
edited /okami (+110) "/* silo UI inspiration */"
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edited /okami (+54) "/* silo UI inspiration */"
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edited /okami (+82) "/* silo UI inspiration */"
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[jgmac1106] and benwerd joined the channel
aaronpk: shouldn't it voice people from /chat-names anyways?
[Rose] joined the channel
edited /Grav (+183) "metbril's micropub plugin with basic support for post, reply and bookmark posts"
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chrisaldrich, [metbril], sl007, [cleverdevil] and [tantek] joined the channel
Petermolnar, that tag line for "The IndieWeb is " is not targeted at you or any other gen 1 person
It is targeted as broadly as possible, and frankly, has gotten decent uptake and quoting in the press and blog posts by folks outside the community, some of whom end up joining the community
In general the home page is / should-be more outward facing in that regard
[jgmac1106] odd I don't see your RSVP on https://2019.indieweb.org/austin
ok that preview image has got to go
is that some og: metacrap?
yeah <meta property="og:image" content="https://2017.indieweb.org/assets/2014-indieweb-movement.jpg">
if only the meta crap images didn't work like science to increase engagement
but like the u-featured stuff I saw happening
!tell manton do you have a good photo from the previous IWC Austin that we could use as a featured photo for IWC Austin 2019? Could you link or upload to the wiki and then add it to https://2019.indieweb.org/austin as an actual visible image?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
I will read my code
[jgmac1106] you don't need OG: meta crap if you have sufficiently wide/tall u-featured *visible* image
this is a known thing
[benwerd] was debating stripping the rsvp and events as I think something us wring
this is wrong wrong wrong: "meta crap images didn't work like science to increase engagement"
[schmarty] joined the channel
what about the "official" 2017 Austin photo: https://indieweb.org/File:IndieWebCamp_Austin_2017_3.jpg
it has NOTHING to do with the meta crap / OG: in particular
yes that's where I agree, and I like that readewrs are recognizing it
it has to do with the IMAGE that FB picks up, which is what it does for sufficiently wide / tall images
please don't propagate the deceptive notion that OG: image is necessary. It is NOT>
no I mean I want to be able to POSSE img and iI want that img to be the u-featured on my post
(I was debating stripping RSVP and events because the UI in Known is really bad, and I didn't have the bandwidth to improve it)
benwerd: tantek left you a message on 2018-03-15 at 5:36pm UTC: in case you are interested - add yourself: https://indieweb.org/Planning#Oxford
benwerd: tantek_ left you a message on 2018-04-09 at 6:52pm UTC: Personal Democracy Forum (the good PDF) Open call for Workshop Facilitators: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeNAav46teEr1gktU5gnGGIFCQmnQQ63MIs-kDF3Mwjmk6EyA/viewform?usp=sf_link (this is where I gave that IndieWeb talk in 2014) you should submit a proposal ASAP (due by 2018-04-18)
benwerd: tantek_ left you a message on 2018-04-09 at 6:53pm UTC: LMK if you need topic ideas/suggestions and definitely put me down as a reference (past PDF speaker & panelist)
Wait really
benwerd did you file an issue on why the UI is bad? so that others can help
welcome back benwerd - it's only been almost a year 😂
maybe mixing up, sorry Ben weren't me, you and Marcus debating whether event should be core or stripped?
Ohhhh, core or stripped is a different thing
I do love core as small as possible and a bunch of plug-ins
yeah, it's possible it might not be shipped with the next version (but at this point probably yes)
just it is the only CMS with working RSVP and events,
that makes it more user-unfriendly
plugin configuration / setup is an anathema
seriously major barrier to new users
not if it is a radial button
I like the UI of plugin selection on Known, they all come with the package a user just decides what to turn on
having stuff work "out of the box" is what people want in a solution. whether cars, dishwashers, refrigerators, or a blog 😛
the folks that want to hot rod it with plugins are a *minority*
Yes - the question is always, *which* stuff, and for who
yes and I love the design of the smallest box possible and letting users grow
Agree strongly that plugin configuration is a minority task
so stripping stuff and leaving the rest to "plugins" is a methodological error
because then you make that minority task a burden for the majority
You also don't want to be a swiss army knife with a million tools - I think it's fairly important to be opinionated about who it's fore
benwerd, which stuff is easy. replacement for FB, Twitter, IG. done
you don't have to "enable" events, RSVPs in FB
why is this even a question?
No not stripping, empowering the user to decide what they want, in my opinion for my site I really like it. Still the best UI have found for people who literaqlly never been on the web
I don't want to replace FB, Twitter, IG as tools. What I would like to do is offer an alternative for the underlying needs and behaviors. In this case I agree that events and RSVPs are part of that. But it's not necessarily a feature for feature replacement overall
sure, FB has gone overboard with a bunch of unnecessary crap
I do agree broadly
!tell [aaronpk] do you have to do / include something magical to get the RSVPs to show up on https://2019.indieweb.org/austin? Because [jgmac1106]'s RSVP didn't show up. https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/01/14/yes-just-rsvping-for-indiewebcamp-austin-literacies-lra19-edtechchat-edcamp
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
example of plugin page
yeah that sucks for users
I might seprate in an advanced box so you don't see s3 right away but its a good design
og image metcrap stripped. next time Austin is deployed it should go away
no it's a crap design for typical users
that's the plugin management nonsense we were discussing above.
only a minority of users care and should ever have to deal with it
right now Known doesn't have typical users, nothing you update from GitHub is for typical users
No it should show up pretty much immediately
but I lke what [benwerd] did in desgin there, I like togglining and deciding
try sending the Webmention from the form and see what it says. It should give back debug info
my opinion, like I said I would hide the advanced options those confuse
oh you meant the webmention
okay will try, good idea [aaronpk]
Yes the thing you asked me about :-)
[aaronpk] how about how long it takes a github edit to show up on the live site?
or is that static github caching wooowoo
I haven’t switched that one over to the live updating one yet
it’s not hosted on github
I start3
TBH that 2014 image should not be used ever again
it has people/icons who are no longer with us - and frankly it is distasteful to use them in any kind of promotion like that
please strip that from any templates or any files from the 2019 indieweb pages
I also wonder, when you look at the plugin community around WordPress, which while quite problematic, is huge, offers easy entry points into open source projects
I started moving things over to a new server that has easy to set up github hooks but haven’t finished switching everything over yet
But in the mean time I can easily deploy changes if someone sends a PR to the github repo
[jgmac1106] the typical users does not care about "easy entry points into open source projects" - the typical user these days is just trying to find a way out of the silo dumpster fires
aaronpk I think I committed directly to the 2019.indieweb.org repo
so I should make it a PR instead so that triggers a review or something?
edited /2019/Austin (+11) "RSVP is now open"
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open source projects and open standards supported by folks like you, aaron, and Ben are going to be the only way they can find a way out of the silo dumpster fires
but as users of, not requiring them to contribute or "manage" the open-sourcey-ness
think we will see emergence of new funding patterns, economic arrangements all sorts of things
yes exactly, they don't give a shit
does it work..well I shouldnt say that..it is nt highest priorty
many do have values to taop into but does it work must be answered first
wow github editing JS is crap slow right now
github-- for blocking on editing JS when it could just let me edit the textarea and click a submit button
github has -1 karma in this channel over the last year (-3 in all channels)
screw it I don't have time to wait for bad JS. will try again later. unless someone with a command line check out wants to strip all the 2014 metacrap images from the 2019.indieweb.org repo first
[aaronpk] did I miss it? was there any easier way to get to the form? https://2019.indieweb.org/webmention.php I had to look at source code and find address of the php form
Webmentions are only accepted for current events. The target in your request was not the URL of a current event.
is message I got
misses it too
I had to add /austin
That makes sense, You should be rsvping to the Austin page not /
yeah but can we edit the php template for each city or add a <p>Add /austin to the target url</p>
<p>Add /city to the target url</p> if we want to reduce places people have to touch
Oh in the Webmention form? Yeah that’s not supposed to be a real UI
[tantek] [benwerd] here is my thinking on a better plugin UI page: https://github.com/idno/known/issues/2324
The typical user does not realise there is a dumpster fire in their silo.
[jeremycherfas] disagree, at least here in the US among college students...many are starting to want to step back, even from Instagram, they just don't have any other options, does make funny divides between iOS and Android people as what kids are doing is just relying on SMS groups
Instagram still by far the daily stop of everyone, but young adults are troubled
I actually think businesses / publishers are the canary in the coal mine. When I introduced Known in 2014, there was a collective shrug from that side. Why wouldn't you use Facebook? These days I'm seeing many, many publishers return to the realization that they need to own their own website.
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
Agree. There has been quite a shift, especially as of late.
As most of us have been saying from the beginning: if your reputation or bottom line in any way rests on your online presence, you need to own it. The pendulum is swinging really hard back to that direction, and lots of people are waking up to it.
(Known as a startup was early and a bit mis-pitched. I'm trying to figure out how to get back to a point where I can spend most of my time on it.)
benwerd has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
I will say, its been fun to see Known gain some more traction even just as an open source project lately.
I've had an absolute blast writing plugins, extensions, etc.
[benwerd] fingers crossed I get this grant, should know by August, DOeD not shut down
Nice! I really badly wanted to get v1.0 out before Christmas, but some personal life stuff got in the way
I still want it out soon
Have you seen my summary pages, [benwerd]?
[cleverdevil] if you build they will come (well I will bring them look at Brid.gy traffic)
yeah [benwerd] as soon as that pops back into a one click install it will be my top recommendation
cleverdevil: I don't think I have?
Automatically generated monthly summaries.
but @mapkyca and I wrote the grant so everything goes back to core....what [cleverdevil] did has been amazing...I just had to force myself off my site to write the book...can't wait to mess up trying to copy it
Also added Dark Sky powered weather annotations to all of my posts - https://cleverdevil.io/2019/connected-226-the-instagram-secret-society#comments
(Based upon current location)
[cleverdevil] why are there so many (apparent) dupes in https://cleverdevil.io/summary/2019/01? E.g. two photos the same, many shows the same, etc.
So, there is only one actual dupe, which is a photo.
The shows are different episodes of the same show 🙂
might need to add some de-duping / clustering of related things
I think clustering would be smart, though.
Just haven't gotten to it 🙂
it is after all a *summary* 🙂
see @gwg isn't that sales enough (call back to different channel)
Actually [benwerd] want to really think that through and may biunce ideas off of you, I don't see enough bootstrap companies thinking about the grant funding and partnerships with highered....the review time is long so you better have a year of burn or actual revenue to cover monthly expenses...burn always annoyed me as a who the F wants to burn money
cleverdevil has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (90 in all channels)
summaries are super super cool
and I think we can support #indieweb dev with no formal structure and kind of bring the support of building the web back to public-private partnership of its roots
back to work, when I fall off the no network wagon,...well always had one foot dragging off the tailgate..guess i go hard..and my son has away basketball game tonight so day is cut short
Thanks! I love them. Even have them auto-pushed to my microsub account on the 1st of each month for the prior month.
So honestly, my trick is that my expenses are high because of the San Francisco Bay Area - Known needs to bring in $15-20K per month to cover one person plus overheads. That's difficult to depend on grant funding for
move to portland
If you think that's not hiiiiiiiigh on my list, you are mistaken
That's already been happening for a lot of folks 😉 - SF -> PDX.
...reason I pitched it to Marcus, 80-100k over two years not enough...though my last IES grant we budgeted 500k for dev
There's a reason why VC is so entrenched here. Unless you're already rich, you can't do *anything* with just a bucket of money
(Of course, its driving up prices in PDX)
I meant more the indie dev or future dev co-ops rather than an entity
* without just a bucket of money
Do you have any idea what the total install base is of Known?
Any way to tell?
do I count as one or 43?
actaully its currently 13
(For me its two)
but three are my kids, one is my nephew and one is a failed family attempt
I actually removed the ping we used to have which counted site installs. It was a 5 figure number. Likely a 4 figure number now. Maybe even 3 given the stagnant last few years.
I've got two personal actives myself
an IES SBIR level one grant is 300K with 75% to biz>then 1.4>then 3-5 million
That would definitely be interesting to explore further [jgmac1106]
sl007 joined the channel
My mistake they cap at at 1.2 mill total 200k, then 900k, but I mean supporting Open Source in General through IES grants those get into 5 mil, DOD and DOE trainign grants HUUGE but may not align to your values
the IES SBIR grants come out 1/31....you could take 45 days and try to write up a proposal for a protoype for a Known reboot, maybe with integrated reader finished....you have to spend 50% of your time on project, set up as a side gig, and 25% goes to university research partner...but if you could live on 75-80K a year with some client work to make up other 30k...who knows...
work in the blockchain payment thing you are doing as a subaward for micropayments to course instructors rather than leting teachable and folks get there cut
[kevinmarks], [manton] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
> One of the core principles of the IndieWeb is that people should own their own content. Controlling how and where they publish makes users more independent from big content silos. https://mxb.at/blog/syndicating-content-to-twitter-with-netlify-functions/
css: > One of the core principles of the IndieWeb is that people should own their own content. Controlling how and where they publish makes users more independent from big content silos. https://mxb.at/blog/syndicating-content-to-twitter-with-netlify-functions/
css: > One of the core principles of the IndieWeb is that people should own their own content. Controlling how and where they publish makes users more independent from big content silos. https://mxb.at/blog/syndicating-content-to-twitter-with-netlify-functions/
css: > One of the core principles of the IndieWeb is that people should own their own content. Controlling how and where they publish makes users more independent from big content silos. https://mxb.at/blog/syndicating-content-to-twitter-with-netlify-functions/
css: > One of the core principles of the IndieWeb is that people should own their own content. Controlling how and where they publish makes users more independent from big content silos. https://mxb.at/blog/syndicating-content-to-twitter-with-netlify-functions/
css: > One of the core principles of the IndieWeb is that people should own their own content. Controlling how and where they publish makes users more independent from big content silos. https://mxb.at/blog/syndicating-content-to-twitter-with-netlify-functions/
[schmarty] joined the channel
ugh duplicate tweets
css: > One of the core principles of the IndieWeb is that people should own their own content. Controlling how and where they publish makes users more independent from big content silos. https://mxb.at/blog/syndicating-content-to-twitter-with-netlify-functions/
!block Controlling how and where they publish makes users more independent from big content silos
Okay, I blocked "Controlling how and where they publish makes users more independent from big content silos" from all IndieWeb Twitter searches
I think strings work for block right?
zegnat has 32 karma in this channel over the last year (163 in all channels)
That sentence feels unique enough to stop the specific quote for now. These tweet bots can be a tad annothing
> One of the core principles of the IndieWeb is that people should own their own content. Controlling how and where they publish makes users more independent from big content silos. https://mxb.at/blog/syndicating-content-to-twitter-with-netlify-functions/
apparently I can’t block sentences :(
!mute Controlling how and where they publish makes users more independent from big content silos
was it that?
apparently not
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Just generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2019-01-18.html
[tantek] joined the channel
@robiriondo: > One of the core principles of the IndieWeb is that people should own their own content. Controlling how and where they publish makes users more independent from big content silos. https://mxb.at/blog/syndicating-content-to-twitter-with-netlify-functions/
[nick] joined the channel
checks the newsletter to see if any related pages can be improved
Zegnat, aaronpk, apparently those are retweets! When you do a search only 3 actual tweets come up: https://twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q=%22IndieWeb%20is%20that%20people%20should%20own%20their%20own%20content.%22
in fact, of a blog article that accepts webmentions and is hooked up via bridgy!
I think search just isn't finding them
Doesn’t look to have any markers of a retweet when I go to one, e.g.: https://twitter.com/giglobus/status/1086366213591236609
css: > One of the core principles of the IndieWeb is that people should own their own content. Controlling how and where they publish makes users more independent from big content silos. https://mxb.at/blog/syndicating-content-to-twitter-with-netlify-functions/
they look like individual tweets
Not sure why Loqi found it but it wouldn’t be in a regular search though
lol "you are rare limited" when I click one in mobile twitter web
twitter search isn't consistent
their search api and streaming search are completely different systems
uh maybe? I see the exact same three tweets when I do a search, AND in the webmentions that make that quote on the post!
so Bridgy is seeing the exact same three tweets that I see from the Twitter Web search UI
So just the Titter stream that picked up more? I don’t actually know what Bridgy uses to spot tweets
yeah i don't think bridgy uses the streaming api
it did in the past, but hasn't for a while
goes back to reviewing the newsletter
what are posts about indieweb
It looks like we don't have a page for "posts about indieweb" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "posts about indieweb is ____", a sentence describing the term)
oo yes
posts about indieweb are /posts_about
created /posts_about_indieweb (+24) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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darn that doesn't collapse redirects
done, hopefully newsletter catches it in time
posts about << 2019-01-06 [https://mxb.at/blog/syndicating-content-to-twitter-with-netlify-functions Static Indieweb pt1: Syndicating Content]
still got about 50 seconds
new page definitions are good enough
Generated the final version of the newsletter! This will be sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2019-01-18.html
opened up a few to tweak but nothing urgent to fix before newsletter
aaronpk++ nice work, made it in
aaronpk has 45 karma in this channel over the last year (258 in all channels)
created /method (+298) "prompted by [tantek] and dfn added by [tantek]"
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created /aggregate (+227) "prompted by [tantek] and dfn added by [tantek]"
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edited /method (+39) "[tantek] added "[[Category:jargon]]" to "See Also""
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edited /aggregate (+39) "[tantek] added "[[Category:jargon]]" to "See Also""
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edited /directory (-71) "simplify dfn, use simpler words"
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I sometimes post on instagram. And with the help of #indieweb blogging software @withknown and @kylewmahan my photos appear on my homepage via POSSE. But meanwhile I received requests from two persons who liked my pictures on Instagram. But they do not… https://www.petersell.com/2019/i-sometimes-post-on-instagram-and-with-the-help-of
edited /Client-Side_Rendering (+218) "scope as web dev, call out problems in the dfn, jargon, see alsos"
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[jgmac1106], [eddie] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel