#meta 2019-02-14

2019-02-14 UTC
↩️ @pleia2 You could turn on some IndieWeb plugins and have comments from here on your blog via http://brid.gy
[grantcodes], [tantek] and [xavierroy] joined the channel
Today is the one year anniversary of the closure of the W3C Social Web WG: https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg
Speaking of Jitsi, I was thinking about buying a domain to be able to point at an amazon ec2 instance of Jitsi. Should we just use an indieweb subdomain, like meet.indieweb.org or do a new domain? I was looking at indieweb.social or indieweb.party
Sixth Social Web F2F meeting
LOL Loqi
would be a good day for anyone even remotely / partially involved with the W3C Social Web WG to write a blog post reflecting on their experiences
here's an example - by cwebber (of ActivityPub), posted last year just as the group was closing: http://dustycloud.org/blog/on-standards-divisions-collaboration/
I'd like to work on a post later tonight, but wanted give folks (especially in other timezones) a heads-up in case they want to publish something quickly
[eddie]: I was eyeing .live the other day
but cheaper to use a sub domain
Ohhh yeah I did see indieweb.live as well
It also feels more official if people are logging on for IWC/HWCs if it’s the same root domain
[schmarty] joined the channel
My goal this week is to get a test instance of Jitsi on ec2 so it can be launched on demand, so that we can use that for the Virtual Americas Meetup next week
If it works well it could also potentially be used for Austin
On demand ends up being pretty cheap. You just pay storage while it's off which is pennies
Exactly, that’s the thought.
And we could even do something longer term where if an event on the wiki has a link to the Jitsi Server url, it could auto-launch the instance. Essentially have a lambda function occasionally check and then lunch the ec2 server for the duration of the event
But for now it’s pretty easy to just log in and launch and shut down
tantek and yoshi5551 joined the channel
edited /Planning (+158) "/* New Locations */ - Add Vienna with possible date, and location"
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[Rose] joined the channel
As my boss said he thought work might work out location wise..!
[pfefferle] joined the channel
Aaah, another event to add to the Zegnat Community Plannend Itinerary page?
[Rose] joined the channel
Of course!
@EddieHinkle Hi Eddie, just letting you know I found you on http://indieweb.org. Thinking about renewing effort on my https://www.indiescripter.com website so it piqued my interest to find that your abode backend is written in TypeScript as well!
GWG, [Rose], [jgmac1106] and [Vincent] joined the channel
edited /Planning (+20) "/* Vienna */ Expressing interest"
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I realise I may seem to be spreading myself a bit thin. In the end I will have to choose one, maybe two.
Mid-August is far enough from the other events that I could do it without droping another.
[schmarty] and [Rose] joined the channel
Be aware, those dates are Friday/Saturday
But at least here the Thursday is a holiday
www.zylstra.org blog
edited /Planning (+11) "/* Vienna */"
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But with 2 people officially interested in attending I think I can get the ball rolling further :D
edited /Planning (+22) "/* Vienna */"
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You beat me to adding the days Sknebel :)
swentel, [jgmac1106], [grantcodes], [deeden], [schmarty], swentie, [davidmead], [eddie], tantek, [cleverdevil], [pt], [Rose], chrisaldrich and [tantek] joined the channel
just saw https://principles.design/examples/microformats-princples go by in #microformats, and of course I checked...
https://principles.design/examples/indieweb-princples is a 404 - WHICH IS OK, it gives us a chance to do this first:
1. Finish the updates to /principles that we discussed during /2018/Organizers, and
2. Hopefully replace "selfdogfood" per https://indieweb.org/selfdogfood#Brainstorming
edited /monthly_recap (+856) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ +me"
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↩️ In my opinion more of us should move to POSSE: https://indieweb.org/POSSE In other words: Move our primary business elsewhere, but still maintain connections with people still on here And opt for such truly independent profiles/sites for ourselves + eg combine with @BeakerBrowser
voxpelli has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (5 in all channels)
re: replacing "selfdogfood" - apparently I *did* replace principle 4. "Eat your own dogfood" with "Use what you make" back in 2017: https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?title=principles&type=revision&diff=40823&oldid=29323 - which makes sense as a principle. I still think "eat what you cook" is a good analogy that may resonate more broadly.
[jgmac1106] you had also suggested a while ago that we reconsider/replace "Scratch your own itch" and frankly your suggestion has grown on me the more I think about it (especially relating to its possible Cathedral & Bazaar origins)
edited /scratch_your_own_itch (+157) "stub Brainstorming, potential replacements"
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Yeah, I think the principle is better to be clear like "use what you make"
But as an analogy to use when talking casually I think I like eat what you cook as well
!tell [jgmac1106] you had previously pointed out issues with "Scratch your own itch". Could you perhaps document them, even as "Criticism" on https://indieweb.org/scratch_your_own_itch and perhaps add any potential replacements to https://indieweb.org/scratch_your_own_itch#Brainstorming ? I want to make sure we capture these kinds of concerns and have an active discussion going
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
That's a broad invitation BTW
For anyone who wants to suggest more broadly appealing replacment(s) to https://indieweb.org/scratch_your_own_itch#Brainstorming
[grantcodes], [schmarty] and TimB joined the channel
chrisaldrich, [eddie] and tantek joined the channel
Glad it has helped you, Björn! Great to see your love of #indieweb and #decentralized. @withknown is looking great, too!
[tantek] joined the channel
i suspect he never looked at the comment there and just saw that it had been removed
↩️ Wow I same thing! Did not know about @wpstatic just threw my site on subdomain and learned how to write a redirect (kind of wors 70% of the time). Join us on #knownchat on IRC or @IndieWebCamp Slack. Huge in flux of open source developers… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/02/14/egoexpress-wow-i-same-thing-did-not
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
!tell tantek will do after I run the oldest to Ball practice. Though been trying not to force my opinions on the community, but I guess noting in criticism isn't shouting "Don't do this"
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Not just community and bazaar its like this you shared: https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/02/13/how-men-and-women-approach-open-source-differently---the while "self dogfood" "scratch your own itch" so historically successful I just think they also reflect historic bias we have built into defining "what works"
[Greg McVerry] Link
[jgmac1106] I appreciate "not to force my opinions on the community", however it is helpful to capture new / minority opinions, because often those turn into (sometimes long term) opportunities to learn and improve
[tantek]: [jgmac1106] left you a message 2 minutes ago: will do after I run the oldest to Ball practice. Though been trying not to force my opinions on the community, but I guess noting in criticism isn't shouting "Don't do this"
okay will add tonight when I get back from ball
I am also confused about sl007's comment about the podcast. cwebber had only good things to say about the event in his podcast episode.
↩️ Been a huge influx of library and education academics involved with #IndieWeb (which uses microformats as our community glue) bunch of @IndieWebCamps coming up Austin, Online, New Haven. Both should join us and add yourselves to … https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/02/14/edsu-been-a-huge-influx-of-library
mblaney joined the channel
edited /Events (-498) "/* July */ -OSCON, no indieweb specific involvement, sessions, participants etc. Please restore if you know of any, along with citations of indieweb specific things that happened there."
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cwebber has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)