#meta 2019-04-05

2019-04-05 UTC
↩️ Sorry for the jargon. Planets are just aggregated RSS feeds of multiple sources. https://indieweb.org/planet I build them for my classes. Yes http://unicylic.com is a social reader, RSS on roids, even better with blogs set uo for modern social… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/04/05/dogtrax-sorry-for-the-jargon-planets-are
[fluffy], eli_oat and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Just generated the first draft of this week's newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2019-04-05.html I'll generate a draft again tomorrow, so please add to it before then! https://indieweb.org/this-week#How_to
gRegorLove__, ingoogni, GWG, Salt[m], jamietanna[m], voss[m], grantcodes[m], jgmac1106[m] and swentel joined the channel
Salt[m], jamietanna[m], voss[m], jgmac1106[m] and grantcodes[m] joined the channel; ancarda left the channel
↩️ Email me the OPML file and will get us started with a #clmooc planet, will make a private @hypothes_is group... Over time we can try http://unicyclic.com. Like always here to help folks if want to add #IndieWeb stuff for the modern socual… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/04/05/dogtrax-email-me-the-opml-file-and
↩️ I wanted to figure out how to address that, and didn't. Thank you. The faculty development problem is how you have multiple threads running so that nobody feels like the answer is "LMS or goodbye and good luck" (or "if you really cared about your students you'd go indieweb").
[eddie] and [schmarty] joined the channel
This is never going to stop being evergreen content. The death of GPlus earlier this week is just yet one more example of why you should follow this advice. #indieweb http://adrianroselli.com/2016/07/stop-throwing-away-your-content.html
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
How long until Newlestter goes out?
edited /events/2019-04-03-homebrew-website-club (+55) "/* Accra */ added attendance"
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edited /events/2019-04-03-homebrew-website-club (+351) "/* Photos */ added Accra, Brighton, and New Haven"
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[kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
edited /events/2019-04-03-homebrew-website-club (+193) "/* Notes */ added Accra and Guadalajara"
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[eddie] joined the channel
Loqi << Add the ability to provide the duration until no changes will be captured in the next newsletter when someone asks something like "When or how long until" "newsletter"
ok, I added "Add the ability to provide the duration until no changes will be captured in the next newsletter when someone asks something like "When or how long until" "newsletter"" to the "See Also" section of /Loqi https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=59069&oldid=58363
says << add the ability to provide the duration until no changes will be captured in the next newsletter when someone asks something like "when
Loqi, you crack me up
What is TWITIW?
This Week in the IndieWeb is a weekly digest of activities of the IndieWeb community https://indieweb.org/TWITIW
swentel and [kenbauer] joined the channel
edited /2019/New_Haven (+715) "/* Photos */ added photos"
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edited /2019/New_Haven (+116) "added blog post section and one post"
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eddie, gRegorLove I hope the HWC page and the IWC New Haven page are proper for the newsletter
[jgmac1106], photo properties parse for /2019/New_Haven, so those should show up
the HWC page looks good too
edited /Indieweb_for_Education (+208) "/* Related Conferences */ added related conferences"
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[kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
So @kimberlyhirsh asked in our #indieweb slack about #OpenEd19 and @jgmac1106 and myself jumped in on the conversation. Has anyone presented about IndieWeb at an OpenEd? Would people be interested in a panel, workshop, session. Any advice @opencontent ?
[shaners] joined the channel
Hi yall. Long time.
Frankly, I’m super burnt out on all things tech and programming. I’ve shifted my energy toward writing, (table top) game development, and the goal of opening a brick and mortar comic shop (more on that later).
I am no longer really involved in IW/MF communities anymore. Not for any technical or social issue. It’s just me and my focus and priorities these days.
With that in mind, I’m not the right person to be the steward of the microformats site that I created. `https://microformats.io`.
I need to find it (them, really… 5 language parser subdomains) a new owner.
- Currently hosted on Heroku
- But doesn’t have to be
- Each app is $7/month (so that it can have HTTPS)
- The top level site is a little Rails app, but doesn’t have to be
created /User:Vuild.com (+39) "Created page with "Hello World. [https://vuild.com Vuild]""
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[schmarty] joined the channel
shaners++ thank you for setting these up and maintaining them so long!
shaners has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
since they cost money it might make sense for aaronpk to look at taking them over, since he can directly pay for them with IndieWeb opencollective (and other granted) money.
i'm happy to help w/ management tasks, tho', to mitigate SPOA issues.
Just generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2019-04-05.html
[tantek] joined the channel
[schmarty] can you sort the HWC city photos by # of people?
Let’s make sure the cities that are getting the most critical mass get up there
Was going to say for also the first four to make it to the tweet but not sure if the account is unlocked yet or not :(
edited /events/2019-04-03-homebrew-website-club (+0) "/* Photos */ reorder by number of visible attendees"
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[schmarty] joined the channel
tantek: reordered
schmarty has 31 karma in this channel over the last year (71 in all channels)
gRegorLove_, ichoquo0Aigh9ie, petermolnar_, strugee_ and gRegorLove__ joined the channel
Generated the final version of the newsletter! This will be sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2019-04-12.html
DST has -1 karma over the last year
[tantek] joined the channel
Oh no what happened
The newsletter is off by a week!
It looks ok to me? "March 29 through April 5, 2019"
When are you, [tantek]? :)
ohh, the URL
And thus that last regen didn’t actually regen this week (missing [schmarty]’s update), it generated next week
Since DST changeover happened a while ago I wonder if this is now a persistent bug, the “final version” regen isn’t
Gregorlove I’m currently at UTC-10:00
Oh, yeah my DST comment was just about Loqi's message coming at 4
I think you’re right though, whatever triggers that last regen is not DST aware, thus it happens an hour late, yet the code to produce the newsletter is correct, so it makes next week’s, since it’s already passed time to make this week’s.
Trying to decide: syndicate to mastodon using... something, or just expose ActivityPub direct from content in some way (e.g. http://fed.brid.gy or some other on-site impementation)? Definite pros and cons to each... #indieweb #fediverse #meta #posse
↩️ I'm also trying to decide which of my content I've been working on takes the feel of a blog post vs more of a 'wiki page' on my site. Obvs either way it supports #indieweb integration and #webmentions
Good questions to consider