#meta 2019-04-09

2019-04-09 UTC
dougbeal|mb1 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Working on a website for the Elm City Webmakers https://elmcitywebmakers.com #nhv #IndieWeb as our events @scsu grow in popularity. All ages and all skill levels welcome. No matter where you are we can all push each other a little bit farther #ctedu… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/04/09/working-on-a-website-for-the-elm
[eddie], [dougbeal], [fluffy] and ingoogni joined the channel
Especially for my @indiewebcamp friends attending our @a11yclub meetup in Düsseldorf next month: Here's an #indieweb event page which you can RSVP against: https://jkphl.is/events/accessilbilty-club-8/ Very much looking forward to seeing some of you there!
gRegorLove, ingoogni1, petermolnar, swentel and swentie joined the channel
↩️ @shellen A social reader based on indieweb protocols
swentel, [grantcodes] and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
↩️ Je pense depuis un moment que ce qui manque c'est une surcouche unificatrice (dans le style de ce que fait IndieWeb) pour permettre de suivre et d'interagir avec des blogs disparates (ce qu'offrent les plateformes de blogs en leur sein en fait).
[kevinmarks], [Rose] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
created /ek (+19) "prompted by Zegnat and redirect added by Zegnat"
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ingoogni and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
so a /toolchain is like a blockchain, in that it shows proof of work?
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
https://sadik.goifoundation.org send me the chosen url of the new @goifoundation member and I will record a full video showing you how to launch a new Known install on @reclaimhosting. I posted a tutorial series here: https://indieweb.org/Tutorial_Set_up_an_Indie_Website_using_Known_on_Reclaim_Hosting (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/LIXXr)
[eddie], [Zegnat], [kimberlyhirsh] and [kenbauer] joined the channel
[schmarty] joined the channel
Interesting fun changes #indieweb, control, privacy @t @zeldman @lsanger @ChrisAldrich 3D web @unity3d @unrealengine @decentraland CSSJS Internet audio (details soon) Block/crypto (again) @dragonchaingang eos Darkmode, invert, A11y, CSSJS code-art web @brave, stadia, deepfakes
rMdes joined the channel
[kenbauer] and ingoogni joined the channel
↩️ I've been sporadically trying to get people interested for a decade. No serious nibbles. Lacks a business model or funding mechanism. Saving democracy from insanity: no money in it. I am thinking about building a reputation layer atop #indieweb anyway.
[schmarty] joined the channel
Keine Zeit, damit rumzuspielen gerade, aber wäre das nicht was für OER-Nachnutzungs-Notifications? No time to play with it, but isn't that a system for notifications of reuse of #OER? #Webmentions #OpenWeb #OpenEducation https://indieweb.org/Webmention
whoa is that a dual-language tweet?
Quite a few people do that nowadays
gotta use the extra 140 chars for something i guess
gRegorLove_ and [kim_landwehr] joined the channel
edited /SemPress (+3) "/* ZenPress */ project renamed to autonomie; fixed link"
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[eddie] and [Rose] joined the channel
↩️ Given your focus on federation, interop, make sure you read all the prior art before just inventing your own. Works that supported @t in this http://tantek.com/2013/113/b1/first-federated-indieweb-comment-thread
↩️ @mtobis @EC_Kosters Has there been any efforts at a #indieweb reputation engine before?
[grantcodes] joined the channel
↩️ anyone can give anyone or anything Karma in the #IndieWeb chat other than that having a url is your reputation. You could use number of webmentions as indicators... But reputation engines get icky and gamed quickly. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/6EgKB)
gRegorLove_, [davidmead], ingoogni, [kevinmarks], [aaronpk], [eddie], [Rose] and Johan1 joined the channel
edited /chat-names (+99) "Added my chat name"
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jbove, [schmarty] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
↩️ A relatively straightforward (decentralized) #IndieWeb reputation system would be to find link paths from your site to X's site, and analyze those. Caching can deal with performance. But we don't have enough relevant info attached to links ("smart", "ehtical", "wimp" :-))
[shaners] joined the channel
[aaronpk] If you have a Heroku account and take on the billing, then that is indeed the easiest hand off. Send me your heroku account email (offline/backchannel is fine) and I’ll add you / transfer them to you.
As a separate move, we should transfer the DNS from me to you too.
cool is there a way to move that without even redeploying?
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
No redeploy is necessary at all. I’ll add you as a contributor. Then I’ll transfer ownership. Once you accept that (since they’re non-free apps), they’re yours. The apps just keep running through all of it.
wow cool, sounds good
i think i'm already on there as a contributor actually