#meta 2019-04-27

2019-04-27 UTC
[jgmac1106] and [kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
edited /events/2019-05-01-homebrew-website-club (-356) "/* Nürnberg */ fix timezone, add Virtual EU as being on Monday"
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created /events/2019-05-02-homebrew-website-club (+3117) "start with copy/pasting from 2019-04-25"
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[chrisaldrich], strugee and sebsel joined the channel
edited /okami (+162) "/* silo UI inspiration */"
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sebsel and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
as an FYI if we wanted to get different color stickers for name tags tfinidng Sticker Mule to be best price could do My URL is or IWC but for photo, no photo
[kimberlyhirsh], ingoogni and [tantek] joined the channel
that's a great idea [jgmac1106] - sounds like all we need is a design then? "My URL is:" With different color "borders/background"? gray perhaps for default, and red for no photo? maybe a deep yellow for "ask"
sebsel and [eddie] joined the channel
Heading down to WordCamp Orange County to see friends, learn, and talk about #WordPress and #IndieWeb. #WCOC https://boffosocko.com/2019/04/27/55750156/
Mt. Solitary IV. Owning cats and Israeli elections. http://mtsolitary.com/journal/iv.html #blog #weblog #indieweb #openweb #writing #cats #owningcats #Israel #israelvotes #webdevelopment #jekyll
Mt. Solitary V. The black hole photo and tracking yourself. http://mtsolitary.com/journal/v.html #blog #weblog #writing #eht #blackhole #science #quantifiedself #qs #selftracking #indieweb #openweb #webdevelopment #jekyll
Mt. Solitary VI. Australian elections and Passover. http://mtsolitary.com/journal/vi.html #blog #weblog #auspol #AusVotes2019 #passover #pesach #indieweb #openweb #webdevelopment #jekyll
tomasparks, eli_oat and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel; eli_oat left the channel