#meta 2019-07-23

2019-07-23 UTC
[asuh] joined the channel
missed the HWC Nürnberg photo from two weeks ago! https://twitter.com/jkphl/status/1149027971707154432
edited /events/2019-07-10-homebrew-website-club (+253) "/* Photos */ Nürnberg"
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events/2019-07-10-homebrew-website-club << https://twitter.com/jkphl/status/1149027971707154432
ok, I added "https://twitter.com/jkphl/status/1149027971707154432" to a new "See Also" section of /events/2019-07-10-homebrew-website-club https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=63826&oldid=63825
edited /events/2019-07-10-homebrew-website-club (+192) "[tantek] added "https://twitter.com/jkphl/status/1149027971707154432" to "See Also""
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when is IWC NYC?
IndieWebCamp NYC 2017 was on 2017-09-30 at Dalberg Global Development Advisors NYC https://indieweb.org/IWC_NYC
edited /IWC_NYC (+0) "2019"
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!schmarty any updates on https://indieweb.org/Planning#NYC ? Any narrowing of date choices? Or venue choices? we're potentially ~2 months out so that starts to get critical for saving on booking flights, hotels etc.
!tell [schmarty] any recent info to add to https://indieweb.org/Planning#NYC ? Any narrowing of date choices? Or venue choices? we're potentially ~2 months out so that starts to get critical for saving on booking flights, hotels etc. Thanks!
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
chrisaldrich joined the channel
tantek, yes WC Rochester talk is the same person (and talk title) as the recent WCBOS one.
edited /Planning (-149) "/* NYC */ not able to make it :( remove my preferences"
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[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Tantek finalizing dates with Pace tomorrow
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
Will indie social media save us? The New Yorker took a look at the IndieWeb could help democratize, decentralize and diversify the internet better. #socialmedia #indie #BetterInternet #BlockchainSummit https://buff.ly/30qy7pg
gRegorLove, [David_Bryant] and jolvera joined the channel
edited /h-feed (+230) "/* How to markup */"
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edited /h-feed (+54) "/* How to markup */"
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edited /h-feed (-50) "/* How to markup */"
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edited /h-feed (+305) "/* Tantek */"
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edited /h-feed (+83) "/* Shane Becker */"
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edited /h-feed (+10) "/* Tantek */"
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edited /h-feed (+41) "/* Tantek */"
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edited /h-feed (+32) "/* Shane Becker */"
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edited /h-feed (+110) "/* Will Norris */"
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edited /h-feed (+103) "/* Kevin Marks */"
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edited /h-feed (+94) "/* Barnaby Walters */"
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edited /h-feed (+106) "/* Jeena */"
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edited /h-feed (+72) "/* Jeena */"
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edited /h-feed (+84) "/* Tom Morris */"
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edited /h-feed (+66) "/* Bear */"
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edited /h-feed (+91) "/* Pelle Wessman */"
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edited /h-feed (+105) "/* gRegor Morrill */"
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edited /h-feed (+129) "/* Ben Roberts */"
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edited /h-feed (+66) "/* rhiaro */"
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edited /h-feed (+165) "/* Jonny Barnes */"
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edited /h-feed (+229) "/* Eddie Hinkle */"
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edited /h-feed (+56) "/* Gokberk Yaltirakli */"
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edited /h-feed (+180) "/* Vincent Pickering */"
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edited /h-feed (+27) "/* Piper McCorkle */"
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edited /h-feed (+74) "/* rel feed */"
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Turtle1331[m] joined the channel
edited /h-feed (+400) "/* Zegnat proposal 2018 */"
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edited /h-feed (+147) "/* How to markup */"
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New post set sail: Hello #IndieWeb https://trxtp.com/5u #ownyourcontent
edited /h-feed (+161) "/* How to markup */"
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[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
edited /h-feed (+303) "/* Brainstorming */"
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gRegorLove and [asuh] joined the channel
edited /h-feed (+273) "/* Brainstorming */"
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edited /why (+108) "Why I Have a Website and You Should Too by Jamie Tanna"
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[tantek] joined the channel
Homebrew Website Club, our first @indiewebcamp meetup! Do join me, @prtksxna & @abyshakes tomorrow :) RSVP: https://www.meetup.com/WordPressGoa/events/263240820/ #indiewebcamp #wordpress #wpgoa
happy to officially “launch” my indieweb presence as of tonight. Now to actually content create in various ways 😄
[xavierroy] joined the channel
[Michael_Beckwith] you can look at setting up an IFTTT to post your Fitbit data automatically.
ooh. will explore that route
otherwise probably just scratch the webdeveloper itch in me and set up an api plugin/cron job
[Michael_Beckwith] there is a WP plugin called Keyring Social Importers that can offer more options.
exciting! definitely announce your "launch" in #indieweb !
[xavierroy] can you link to anything you know about IFTTT and Fitbit on the page? https://indieweb.org/FitBit
pocket bookmarked so i don’t forget
ichoquo0Aigh9ie joined the channel
edited /why (+109) "/* Why have your own website */"
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[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
[xavierroy] and MrKapowski joined the channel
jjuran, jeremych_, [jgmac1106], [Rose], [grantcodes] and [eddie] joined the channel
https://indieweb.org/snitch_tagging Folks - It's generally considered poor form to tag in the subject of a post when said subject was not included by the original tweeter. Many of us have experienced pile-ons. They're not pleasant. And snitch-tagging makes them more frequent. Please Don't
[tantek] joined the channel
Into the Personal-Website-Verse · Matthias Ott: Whenever you stumble upon an interesting thought on another site, write about it and link to it. I stumbled across this article, and I liked it. It outlines why the IndieWeb should really just be the ... https://blog.andrewcanion.com/2019/07/23/into-the-personalwebsiteverse.html
Have we as a culture decided what it means when we see these ideograms on the side of a vehicle? Should I touch this truck? Does it symbolize “we exist, and the internet does, too”? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EAKZiCxXkAEezxd.jpg
farrah joined the channel
O thank you, thank you @jsnell of @_upgradefm for so clearly explaining why exclusive audio content (aka a show you can only play in Spotify, or Apple Podcasts, or whatever) is *not* a podcast! #OpenWeb #IndieWeb
!tell tantek, schmarty, [tmiller] gwg meeting with Pace is tomorrow not today, going with the final +1 on the site.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
↩️ Sorry, sehe Deine Antwort eben erst. Hier findest Du grundsätzliche Infos: https://indieweb.org/Homebrew_Website_Club – das nächste Treffen in Karlsruhe ist am 7. August im NUN Kulturraum. Weitere Infos folgen.
gregjeanmart[m] and [schmarty] joined the channel
What do you mean by final +1?
edited /Planning (+62) "/* NYC */ adding more +1"
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as in if you need to make any changes do so before tomorrow at 12 edt, hoping to get one the most people can attend but venue will be first priority
The +1s on dates?
[tantek]: [jgmac1106] left you a message 14 minutes ago: gwg meeting with Pace is tomorrow not today, going with the final +1 on the site.
Maybe ask more people here? And reach out to past IWC NYC participants?
what would be the best way to ping past attendees? We said we don't want to use unsolicited @ mentions and we do not use the email addresses for ti.to. Will send a webmention to those that I can on the past NYC pages
i've been pinging past organizers by name here about once every week or two for the last couple of months. i am okay with our list of +/0/- at this point.
jolvera, [manton], [grantcodes], [miklb] and [tonz] joined the channel
Some notes on mobile blogging the past weeks, partly using Indigenous https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2019/07/on-mobile-blogging/
gRegorLove joined the channel
I’ve gone ahead and made to switch from WordPress to http://micro.blog. WordPress for #indieweb wasn’t cutting it for me. Too many hoops to jump through to just get me to be happy with it. Maybe later in the future, I will get back into it.
[tantek] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] going to keep saying this (have repeated it here multiple times and in-person at Organizers Summit) until it sticks. Direct messaging. Direct. Messaging. Txt. IM. However you are connected with them. 1:1. No mass emails, or public @-callouts.
Serialmailer is a useful tool for personalised mass mail, from your own account. Use it for my interaction with invitees and participants of my unconferences. Does mean you need to keep a csv or spreadsheet of relevant contacts
[davidmead] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
ok, I added "https://twitter.com/siddharthashok/status/1153547859024683008" to a new "See Also" section of /events/2019-07-24-homebrew-website-club https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=63873&oldid=63804
edited /events/2019-07-24-homebrew-website-club (+348) "[tantek] added "https://twitter.com/siddharthashok/status/1153547859024683008" to "See Also""
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created /User:Metafluff.com (+242) "Created page with "<div class="p-summary"> {{Infobox person |name = Dietrich Ayala |url = https://metafluff.com |photo_url = https://en.gravatar.com/userimage/267418/ebd6335310d59344c92b7702fa74...""
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www.zylstra.org blog
edited /short-domains (+313) "/* Easier to use */ added slide deck use case, memorable url like domain.tld/eventhashtag"
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[schmarty] joined the channel
ah! Jenn from Glitch got back to me! she put me in touch with their media partnerships manager Zainab.
so, kinda sorta progress. seems like Pace is still the place.
i am hoping we can have an IndieWeb NYC <=> Glitch relationship for more events in the future.
[grantcodes], [KevinMarks] and [snarfed] joined the channel
↩️ @cleasto Yeah. The Indieweb community seems pretty great, too. Let me know when you hop aboard:)
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
↩️ @simondlr RSS +1 also, indieweb readers (indigenous, monocle, together, etc) can like or reply to posts that support webmention
[fluffy] and [eddie] joined the channel
edited /short-domains (+67) "/* Domains */ IndieWeb folks using .eu short URLs - tonz"
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releasetheghosts and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] joined the channel; Vermillion6861[m left the channel
edited /URL_design (+470) "/* How */ added example of BuzzFeed author name in url"
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phynite[m]1 joined the channel