#meta 2019-07-25

2019-07-25 UTC
GWG and [tantek] joined the channel
Reminder! Mozfest 2019 proposals https://mzl.la/proposals2019 are due August 1!
7 days until Mozfest 2019 proposals are due by TOMORROW August 1st! https://mzl.la/proposals2019 Submit yours ASAP!
I added a countdown scheduled for 2019-07-31 5:18pm PDT (#6623)
edited /events/2019-07-24-homebrew-website-club (-13) "/* San Francisco */ shortening since no other RSVPs"
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created /disclosure. (+24) "because either Slack or Loqi got the / redirect auto-linking wrong and included a trailing period"
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[Michael_Beckwit, gRegorLove, eddiehinkle and [eddie] joined the channel
Pictures from our @indiewebcamp meet-up yesterday. #indiewebcamp #wordpress #wpgoa #indieweb https://t.co/vokKo2PIlY
jeremych_ and [Rose] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] and jeremych_ joined the channel
↩️ You most probably want to start here: https://indieweb.org/WordPress/Plugins Alternatively, come and join the indieweb-wordpress chat at https://chat.indieweb.org/wordpress/ There are certainly people there who can give good guidance on the topic.
[Rose] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[grantcodes], [KevinMarks] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
!tell [tantek] The Goa meetup went well :) I've added photos and a blog post to the wiki
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
that's an awesome photo!
Back in round one of identity wars, this was called the “NASCAR problem” - so many logos to choose from. https://indieweb.org/NASCAR_problem
ingoogni and [grantcodes] joined the channel
[eddie] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
The #WordPress Goa group hosted its first #HomebrewWebsiteClub yesterday. Here is what we talked about https://prtksxna.com/2019/07/25/goa-homebrew-website-club-1/ #indieweb
eli_oat joined the channel
Mmm this is poignant: "Is it no longer possible to express a thought or contribute to the world’s knowledge without also training a TensorFlow model somewhere?" - from the writings of @tmcw https://macwright.org/2017/12/11/indieweb-reading.html
edited /license (+613) "adding Creative Commons example"
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edited /events/2019-07-24-homebrew-website-club (+2) "/* Photos */ put Goa first in timezone and # of people"
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chrisaldrich and [tantek] joined the channel
prtksxna++ yay! looks like a great meetup and thank you for the write-up!!!
prtksxna has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
gRegorLove, [snarfed], [schmarty] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
edited /podcasts_about_the_indieweb (+240) "Episode 361 of WP Tavern's WordPress Weekly featured {{GWG}} on "The IndieWeb""
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vivus joined the channel; vivus left the channel
We’ve got the soundtrack from the Apollo 11 documentary on in the background at Homebrew Website Club Brighton. Blogging has never felt more dramatic! https://adactio.com/notes/15558
[fluffy] and [Jamey_Sharp] joined the channel
↩️ Doesn't have to be crypto (although that's fine too) - eg, ActivityPub or Indieweb networks have the same properties. Developer access was one of the underlying driving forces for building them.
↩️ That is super-interesting! Completely makes sense. Blockchain does solve that problem. I think there are communities - eg federated systems like Mastodon / ActivityPub - where that seems important. In P2P environments like indieweb, less so. So maybe a mix of approaches?
I’ve decided to recycle http://indieweb.social as a Hubzilla instance because it’s something that I can host and update myself with my existing resources and knowledge. I’ve got federation working for the most part. I’ve been able to look up and add ... https://jeannie.digital/181/
jjuran and [tantek] joined the channel
WPWeekly Episode 361 – Introduction to the IndieWeb With David Shanske - http://zpr.io/g49u3 #wordpress
Finding myself wondering what an IndieWeb “Patreon for one” CMS would look like if it were built from scratch (rather than assembled from WordPress plugins).
WPWeekly Episode 361 – Introduction to the IndieWeb With David Shanske http://bit.ly/2JQ3e7s
WPWeekly Episode 361 – Introduction to the IndieWeb With David Shanske https://ift.tt/2YhZSy3 https://ift.tt/eA8V8J #WordPress
WPWeekly Episode 361 – Introduction to the IndieWeb With David Shanske: https://ift.tt/2YhZSy3
[grantcodes] joined the channel
WPWeekly Episode 361 – Introduction to the IndieWeb With David Shanske #wordpress #wp #themes https://wptavern.com/wpweekly-episode-361-introduction-to-the-indieweb-with-david-shanske
WPWeekly Episode 361 – Introduction to the IndieWeb With David Shanske https://ift.tt/2YhZSy3 #wordpress
Live from the Tavern: WPWeekly Episode 361 – Introduction to the IndieWeb With David Shanske http://bit.ly/2GuvfPE #WPShoutOut #WordPress
WPWeekly Episode 361 – Introduction to the IndieWeb With David Shanske https://ift.tt/2YhZSy3 #WordPress
WPWeekly Episode 361 – Introduction to the IndieWeb With David Shanske #WordPress #WordPressNews http://zpr.io/g49u3
WPWeekly Episode 361 – Introduction to the IndieWeb With David Shanske https://pxlbx.at/2Yi9Jnq
DavidShanske++ is apparently the man! 😄
DavidShanske has 1 karma over the last year
WPWeekly Episode 361 – Introduction to the IndieWeb With David Shanske (Source: WP Tavern) https://nutsbolts.co/2SCYLrB #dailybolt
WPWeekly Episode 361 – Introduction to the IndieWeb With David Shanske http://dlvr.it/R95Knv
Oh hey, an agency in Madrid!
WPTavern: WPWeekly Episode 361 – Introduction to the IndieWeb With David Shanske http://dlvr.it/R95M2g
WPTavern: WPWeekly Episode 361 – Introduction to the IndieWeb With David Shanske http://dlvr.it/R95MNv
vivus joined the channel
WPWeekly Episode 361 – Introduction to the IndieWeb With David Shanske http://dlvr.it/R95Rsc
WPWeekly Episode 361 – Introduction to the IndieWeb With David Shanske http://dlvr.it/R95Rsj
[snarfed] joined the channel; vivus left the channel
WPWeekly Episode 361 – Introduction to the IndieWeb With David Shanske http://dlvr.it/R95SDP
WPWeekly Episode 361 – Introduction to the IndieWeb With David Shanske http://dlvr.it/R95TpN
So, I hope someone listens to that podcast and tells me how I can do better next time
WPWeekly Episode 361 – Introduction to the IndieWeb With David Shanske http://bit.ly/2Zc3bYV #wordpress
jjuran joined the channel
edited /podcasts_about_the_indieweb (+74) "/* WordPress Weekly */ link to episode with audio file of GWG interview"
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